Friday, August 29, 2014

Little Diva's Dash Fundraiser - a Huge Success!

Little Diva, Little Dude and I had made a summer bucket list.  We've enjoyed pulling slips of paper out of the sand bucket throughout the past couple of months.  Some things were new experiences for ourselves, some were places to visit, some were free activities and some would require some planning.  But, one item in the bucket wasn't for us - it was for others.  Little Diva stated that she wanted to donate or fundraise for an organization of her choice.

We chose two organizations together - Girls on the Run of Dane County and the American Family Children's Hospital.  I suggested that I could help her coordinate a family fun run/walk at the end of the summer.  She loves organizing and planning things - just like her mother - so we quickly started working on the details and putting together a Facebook event page.
We called the event Little Diva's Dash and chose to host it at Orfan Park in Sun Prairie on Sunday, August 17.  This is our favorite park to run an play.
We suggested a $10 donation for adult participants and encouraged them to bring their children along for free.  We were amazed by all of the cars coming from near and far that morning.  She was ecstatic for the fourty-or-so adults and children that came out for her event.  She accepted their donations at the park shelter (she received many mail in donations as well) and offered raffle tickets to each of the participants. 
After her effortless speech I teared-up with pride.  We then headed out for an out and back route - some ran, some walked, but all had fun.  It was awesome seeing  so many friends, family, clients - and even strangers - come together to support my Little Diva.

When we returned back to the shelter, we stretched and enjoyed cupcakes that were purchased by her stepdad.  We also raffled off three prizes.  We would love to make this an annual event, because it was such a positive experience for our family.

Little Diva's goal was to raise $75 for each organization - $150 total.  She ended up raising a total of $400 after the event and was so proud to deliver these donations in person. 
A few days later, we visited the Girls on the Run of Dane County headquarters to deliver $200 to Sara, the Executive Director.  Sara mentioned that one or two girls would be able to participate in the program this fall because of Little Diva.  Girls on the Run guides girls through a running program, as they train their body for a local GOTR 5K.  They also share a curriculum with these elementary-aged girls that focuses on social issues, such as:  body image, self-esteem, bullying, and many other topics that I wish I would have had an outlet for years ago.  Little Diva went through the program two years ago herself.
Little Diva was so excited to receive a beautiful thank you note from the GOTR organization as well as a GOTR t-shirt.  She has been wearing it with pride!
 We then traveled over to the University of Wisconsin Campus to deliver her donation to the American Family Children's Hospital.  She received an overview of what kind of patients stay at the hospital, how long their stay may be, how it effects their school work, their family life and so much more.  We received a tour of the charming, main level of the children's hospital.  We learned that the children's hospital has several teachers employed full time to help long-term patients stay current with their school work.  Little Diva asked a few questions and gave an overview of the event she had organized.  And then she handed over her donation.
 I am so proud of my little girl and her fundraising and organizational efforts this summer.  We want to thank everyone that attended, donated or expressed an interest in her fundraising efforts.


  1. Hi! I decided to come de-lurk just to say that Your little Diva has a heart of gold!!!!!!
    I know you have to be so proud of the strong, confident young lady she is becoming! and btw,You are doing a wonderful job leading by example for your children!
    hope yall have a great weekend!

  2. Way to go Little Diva! Just curious, how old are you? I have two little divas and a little dude of my own. The girls are 13 & almost 8, my dude is 11. All are in scout programs, and tend to be shy. I am proud of you for planning this event and going through with it. Congrats and good luck next year!
