Friday, June 13, 2014

Giveaway Winners ....

I was recently given the opportunity to review several products for active families.  You can read all about my fabulous experiences at the link below.  Please visit their websites below and start shopping.

One winner was chose at random to receive the following items. chose ……..

On the Road to Find Out Book
RDM Review: 
Company Website:  HERE
Winner:  Jennifer at Diaper Derby Adventures HERE

SewKrazy Running Skirts
RDM Review:  HERE
Company Website:  HERE
Winner:  Jessica @ Four Princesses in Training! HERE


Congratulations!!!  Please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) with your name, email and mailing address.  And, I will get you your prize!

Thank you for following my journey!!

[If you would like YOUR product, event or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

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