Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Tide Plus Febreze Freshness Sport Detergent Review

I'm just like any other mom ... almost every single day includes some laundry.  One load, two loads, three loads, four.  And being an active family, we tend to have more laundry than some.  Our laundry baskets tend to be filled with lots of running shorts, sweaty socks and Bondi Bands.  So, when I was contacted by Tide (HERE) to test out their new sports detergent, Tide plus Febreze Freshness Sport (HERE), I wanted to give it a test in the next wash cycle.
Tide plus Febreze Freshness Sport is specially designed for sports apparel and is formulated to help eliminate odor and leave your activewear clean and fresh. It contains Renewing Freshness technology that deep cleans fabrics to help remove tough stains like grass, dirt, clay, and blood, so clothes stay fresh.
If you are like me, you have some workout gear that still smells like you've just been to the gym - even after it's been washed several time.  I'm a huge sweater and struggle with this all of the time.  Tide Plus Febreze Sport smelt amazing and got all of the stink and sweat out of my clothes.  It fights the source of the odors, all the way down to the individual fibers in the fabric - amazing.  Available in April Fresh and Victory Fresh scents.


1 comment:

  1. Sounds good to me. I could use that after my long runs.

    P.S. I am hosting a Pro Compression giveaway @ wp.me/p4fmQC-68
