Friday, November 8, 2013

Me Time Becomes Family Time

I recently contributed the following article to the Bani Bands blog (HERE).  If you are trying to figure out how to "fit it all in" or involve your family in your running program, this article should give you a few creative ideas how to get your next run in.

Me Time Becomes Family Time
By:  Jamie Adcock (

We all struggle with “mom guilt” and breaking away from family time for some me time.  It may just go hand-in-hand with giving birth.  But, time for yourself is just as important as the time with the kiddos and the hubs.  But, sometimes it just isn’t in the cards – the to-do list is too long or your partner is out of town.  Even if you can’t get away for a solo workout, you can still incorporate your family into your fitness routine and family’s busy schedule.

Run Circles Around Them

While your child is at soccer practice, work on speed work.  Run laps around the field or around the block.  Use your stop watch to time each lap and work on your speed.  Keep your eye on the game or practice and get sweaty in the process.

Just Push It

If you have an infant or toddler, invest in a jogging stroller and push the munchkin on a sidewalk or trail.  You’ll both get a change of scenery and most likely, your munchkin will be just as content.  Load the stroller with books, healthy snacks, and a sippy cup.  You’ll also get an upper body workout, while you are pounding the pavement.  Talk about multi-tasking!  Checkout this guideto investing in a jogging stroller.

Hit the Trails

For a safe family activity with older kids, visit a local bike trail.  Bike trails tend to have less traffic and distractions for kids, than the road.  Have your little one bike alongside you while you log a few miles.  Visit a few parks along the way to make it just as fun for them.  You can even do some cross training on the playground equipment, in between runs.

Set a Running Date

If your child is interested in running, ask them to join you on a short run around the block.  They may find that it’s also an outlet for them.  Keep the tunes off and have a great after-school chat.  Ask your child random “what if” questions, to spark some really good conversation.   You will be surprised how they open up and what you might learn. 

Invite your child’s friend and their mother to join you on a weekly basis for a short jog around your neighborhood.  Schedule a playdate afterwards at a park or your home.  The kids will look forward to their time together, and the moms are guaranteed a nice workout – and maybe a new friend themselves.

Register Together

When you have your next race, ask your child if they would like to participate in the kids run event.  Many of these events are only a few dollars – or free – and require no training.  Most often the kids will run around the block or across the soccer field, to be rewarded with ribbons and loaded up with goodies post-run.

Ask your daughter if she would like to sign up for one of these 5K events like mommy does.  Their elementary school may offer a Girls on the Run program, whose curriculum focuses on body image and self-esteem, while the group of girls trains together for a local 5K.  Train for the event with her and cross the finish line together.

Get the whole family involved in a fun run.  Many of these races are non-competitive, themed events - and a really good time.  Your kids will get a kick out of becoming a tie-dyed version of themselves at The Color Run or glowing like a firefly at The Glow Run.  You can run/walk with your child as they complete the 3.1 mile distance.


  1. My son loves the Turkey Trots and Ugly Sweater 5k runs. Cute kids! Hope they had fun.

  2. My daughter wants to join track (with a friend's persuasion, of course)! That makes me so happy!
