Thursday, November 7, 2013

Another Mother Runner Feature: Follow This Mother

Today, I am proudly featured on Another Mother Runner, an extremely popular social outlet for running moms.  If you already aren't (who isn't?!), you should be subscribing to their newsletter and Facebook and Twitter feeds.  Another Mother Runner calls themselves a "virtual aid station".  The authors of the popular books Run Like a Mother and Train Like a Mother, Dimity McDowell and Sarah Bowen Shea, are an AMAZING asset to the women's running community.  Their books are humorous and resourceful and their online community is extremely knowledgeable and supportive - and growing tremendously.  Please take a moment to check out the Another Mother Runner website and subscribe to their other social media outlets.

You can read my Another Mother Runner feature (HERE).

Follow This Mother!

6th November 2013, By: Heather D., Tags: ,

 Jamie, rockin’ a color run with her two kids.
Mother runner Jamie Adcock, 33, is a newlywed—she and her husband Joel were married this September—and she’s happy to say her groom is a runner, too. “I really am grateful that my husband took up running when I met him—and that we can knock off miles together. These are great mini-dates and a fantastic way to chat about our day.” Jamie and Joel live in Sun Prairie, Wis. with her kiddos Paige, 9, and Jackson, 5.

Best recent run: I needed to get a confidence-building run in me prior to my recent marathon. My husband and I headed to one of our favorite trails to meet friends for most of the miles. We alternated conversation and listening to running tunes. The weather was great for running, and the mixture of conversation and solitude made time pass quickly. And then the two of us headed out for additional miles together. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we ended up finishing 22 miles, instead of 20. I love how running can both be a social outlet for me, as well as time alone with my thoughts and my tunes.

What I thought about on today’s run: My kids, my to-do list, my recent marathon experience.

Wine or Beer: Neither – Diet Mountain Dew (post-run).

Chocolate or ice cream: Ice Cream

Lunges or squats: Lunges

Girl (and tutu) power!

Best mile(s) ever: Finishing my daughter’s Girls on the Run 5K with her. And, mile 25-26 of the 2013 Med City Marathon. Finishing my husband’s first marathon with him—in the cold and rain.

Worst running injury and how I dealt with it: I encountered shin splints after the birth of my second child. I was way too eager to lose the baby weight and started half-marathon training shortly after giving birth. I visited a sports medicine doctor and took one month off of running (almost more difficult than giving birth without pain medication!). I got my workouts in with a stationary bike and walking the mall with my son in the stroller. After a month of forced-rest, my shins were healed and I was ready to gradually integrate running into my workouts again.

Love the shoes, Jamie! This is how a mother runner gets hitched.
What I’m running toward: A life of running that I passionately share with others. After I was divorced a few years ago, I used running as a social outlet and an extra source of income. I started coaching couch-to-5K programs through local recreation programs and running stores. It has become a great way for me to occupy my time when I cannot be with my children. It also has been a flexible and enjoyable way to supplement my income, and running has kept me social. Having started more than 400 people on their journey in 2 ½ years, I have been blessed to have so many people enter my life through the sport of running. It has been very rewarding to share my passion with others and to see them push themselves and transform their body, mind and personalities.

My running, in three words: Complete. Happy. Blessed.

Follow This Mother on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and on her blog Running Diva Mom.


  1. LOVE Sarah and Dimity!!! Congrats!

  2. Congrats! This is how I found you. Love Diet Mt. Dew too :) Happy Running #MotherRunner!

  3. p.s LOVE your outfit with your daughter for her 5K above too. LOVE!

  4. read the email first thing this morning, congrats!!
