Sunday, October 20, 2013

2013 Fall 15K Race Report

This morning, we ran the Fall 15K at Warner Park in Madison, Wisconsin.  I had twelve miles on tap for my Sunday morning, but figured at $15 we couldn't pass up this low-cost long-distance race.  And, the speed of "racing" a course would give me an extra boost of confidence for next week's marathon.  All in all - I figured it would be pretty equivelant to my 12 mile, slower training run.  I've ran the event previously and was familiar with the course.  After a night out with friends, and being the DD in Wisconsin Dells, I turned the alarm off a few times this morning.  I eventually rolled out of bed around 7:15 am, had some coffee, some yogurt with honey and granola and an english muffin.  We were out the door shortly after 8am and on our way.  I love running races, when there is no pressure and I haven't really put much thought into it.  I also love it when the course is less than a thirty minute drive from my garage.  So low-key.  So stress-free. 
The majority of the race proceeds will be donated to the Madison Chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society

We showed up and used the restrooms - I also love it when there are indoor restrooms available - and when there is only ONE woman in front of me online.  It's' the little things that makes this runner's day!  We picked up our bibs and timing chip.  We didn't receive a 15K headband, because I think you needed to be one of the first runners to register to receive it.  No biggie.  We headed back to the car to put our bibs on and walked hand-in-hand to the startline with everyone else (Did I mention, how much I LOVE this?  The startline and my man?).  There weren't too many folks running, but soon we were off rather informally by a vocal "Start!".
The race was a bit different, since the Warner Park path was closed for reconstruction.  Last year, we started across the wet grass.  And, I was glad to avoide that this year.  We headed out on the sidewalk and the wound around the park into the neighborhood.  My hubby was struggling with a foot injury and said he would run more my pace this morning.  I was feeling great and full of energy and got in the zone with my new running tunes on my ipod.  I broke away in the first couple of miles.  He said I had a great bounce in my step this morning.  We headed down the huge hill, that I recalled I would need to hike back up during the last two miles of the race.  I was no longer getting passed by folks behind me, I was passing people up the next hill and through the tree covered neighborhood. 
I could see the first relay transition point and welcomed the folks cheering on.  I crossed the mile 3 marker at 26 mins and 3.1 and 26:50.
We headed up a couple more hills near the Mendota Mental Health Facility.  I grabbed a cup of Gatorade and took a couple of sips and tossed the cup.  I then started passing people that passed me earlier and continued to sling-shot the next several miles with two of the women.  They were great motivation for me to push myself and pass them again, when I felt that my body would let me.
Today, I know that I was really inconsistent with my pace.  But, I just went with it.  It works for me.  I let gravity take me down hill and try to take short, choppy steps up hill.  I slow, I go fast, I fly, and then I slow down again, but then I always get another burst of energy and just let me running shoes and my tunes carry me.
I sipped on a gel from miles 4-6 and headed up some more hills during that time.  I continued to sip out of my handheld water bottle as I retraced mysteps backwards along the course.  I loved the scenic cover of the orange and red trees and the leaves under my feet.  I passed the last relay transition point and kept on along the lake and then up that mongo hill again.   We wound around through a neighborhood and I felt awesome.  I enjoyed smiling at volunteer I saw at each twist and turn.  Then my hubby came out of the corner of  my eye.  He looked like he was feeling better and had ran hard to catch up to me.  I had slowed down, but not all that much.  Very very cool that we were going to finish this thing together.  We ran together up another small incline and back around the park.
We ended up crossing the finishline together in about


  1. Great job! and talk about a great value for a race!

  2. Congrats! I love your smile in the picture! It is so obviously that you have found your true love and share your passion for fitness with him!!

  3. Just catching up on my blog reading. Congrats on a great race!
