Thursday, March 28, 2013

Running Buddy, Jr.

Little Diva and I will be coaching together this spring.  I'm excited that she will be helping me coach a mommy-and-me group - ten moms with their sons and daughters.  The class sold out in just a few days.  I'm looking forward to seeing her develop some leadership skills, continuing the active lifestyle, and spending some quality time together - doing something a little bit different from the norm.  She's already talking about all of the advice that she is going to give the moms and their youngsters.
I mentioned recently that she's been enjoying the ocassional mile run on the ol' treadmill in our basement.  But, now that the weather is getting a little bit nicer and the roads are getting clearer - we started heading outdoors.  The other night we ran two miles together around our new neighborhood.  We put on our winter running gear and charged up our ipods.  We cranked the tunes and also snuck in a couple of good conversations.  It's amazing how the dinner conversation of "I did nothing today" can turn into "I did this and that" while running together.  I love our little running chats and am looking forward to many more.  I love the look of pride on her face, the sweat on her brow, and the hug and high five I get at the end of our runs together.


  1. How cute!! Love it! So nice you have a coaching buddy along with you!

  2. Very cool that you can share that special mom and me time!

  3. So great! I'm glad you are starting with her at such as a young age! I hope to do the same:)
