Thursday, December 6, 2012

We Are Girls Who Love to Run Book Review & Giveaway

A few years ago, I worked with Brianna Grant, to review her book, "We are Girls Who Love to Run".  You can visit the website (HERE) and the book is available on  Two years late, I'm sharing it with you again.

We Are Girls Who Love to Run uses running to inspire girls to build healthy habits and achieve goals. Vibrant watercolor illustrations celebrate real girls with different body styles who find satisfaction in daily life experiences. The characters display their inner strengths as they make simple healthy choices and interact with family and friends.

A sports book specifically designed for girls, We Are Girls Who Love to Run speaks to girls of all fitness levels, from the curious observer-turned-participant to the driven competitor. It celebrates the multiple elements of girlhood that connect to form the whole girl: family life, friendships, emotions, fitness, goal-setting, relaxation, and curiosity. It acknowledges girls’ spirits and applauds their fortitude in believing in themselves.

Well, last week - I was the Myster Guest at Little Diva's school.  I had to talk about something that made our family different that others or family traditions.  I chose to talk about how my family got rid of cable tv last year - and the other activities that we do together instead.  I spoke about visiting the library every Friday afternoon after school, our annual state park pass, geocaching and treasure hunting - and of course, running!  I shared Little Diva's recent Girls on the Run medal, when she finished her 5K.  And, then I had to read the class a book, related to my topic.  I chose "We are Girls Who Love to Run" - because it encompasses it all - and just like her classmates noted, the girls in the book ARE Little Diva.  Her sparkly, outgoing personality, her imagination, her willingness to help others, her determination and commitment to her activities.  I really enjoyed sharing the book with her classmates.

Brianna wants you to share this book with your school, you child's classmates, your favorite charity or organization.  Who do you want to share a whole case of this book with?  A local children's hospital??  Your son/daughter's school library??  Your local Girls on the Run program??  Please share.

Don't forget to order your signed copy for the holidays!!!  These would make great gifts for your daughter.  Visit the website (HERE) for more information. 


One lucky winner will win a case of books
We Are Girls Who Love to Run
to give to their favorite organization/school/charity


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the We Are Girls Who Love to Run website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of We Are Girls Who Love to Run on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Thursday, December 13.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

[These opinions are all my own. I received the products/samples for free and was not compensated for this review.]


  1. Went to their website, ... with 3 girls of my own, and my own running passion, Girls who love to Run sounds great!

  2. Posted on their page that you sent me!!

  3. I folllow your blog on Google Reader.

    Amy Lauren

  4. Also, I'm a facebook fan.

    Amy Lauren

  5. I think this book is fabulous because I coach Cross Country for youth girls (ages 6-16), and books like this are so important so that girls understand why running is fun and not get driven into intense competition too young or toward eating disorders.

    Amy Lauren

  6. Love to see what Brianna is up to on the WAWLTR website.

  7. Liked them on FB. I wold love to donate the books to the 5 elementary schools in my district and my public library. The message in the book that running is for everyone is crucial to young girls' self-esteem. Childhood obesity is an epidemic in our country and if we can instill a love of physical activity in our girls' hearts BEFORE they have a weight issue their adult lives will be so much easier and more importantly HAPPIER and HEALTHIER!

  8. Sounds like a great book for my girls to read

  9. I'm a follower!

  10. I would love to share this book with our school library AND our local public library. Looks awesome!

  11. You should know that a case is 24 copies of the book! Think BIG with your ideas for sharing it! :) - Brianna (the author)

  12. I followed the book on Facebook and told them you sent me! :)

  13. I love the entire tab of Pass The Torch on their website! Such cute ideas! :)
