Thursday, December 20, 2012

Happy Birthday, Little Diva!

Nine years ago today, I became a mother. 
At 23 years old, I don't think I really had any clue what that meant.  I understood the responsibility, the exhaustion and the fun of having a baby.  But, I don't know if I really understood everything that would come with motherhood - down the road.
Little Diva has taught me so many wonderful things about life.  Unconditional love.  That love expands and multiplies.  Patience.  The need for unselfishness at times.  The need for selfishness at times.  Her love for reading has even given me the desire to indulge in a good book.
Thank you for nine years of pure joy and happiness.  For your understanding, mature attitude, motherly nature and abililty to adjust to everything that life throws at you.
I love you.