Thursday, June 21, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1:  I was PSYCHED to find this fabulously large can of Diet Dew at a Racine gas station, during our recent Ragnar Relay journey.  Since I snagged the can, several of my peeps have contacted me to tell me they've seen them too!  It doesn't take much to make me happy.  It was the perfect way to keep me going, after fourty hours without sleep and 22 miles under my belt!

2:  My current excitement ......

Yes, yours truly will be inteviewed by BRAVA Magazine, a local magazine for Madison-area women.  We will chat about the benefits of running and how to fit marathon training into your life.  Coolest thing is she will be interviewing me, while we run together for one hour and will follow up with a photo shoot.  Check out the August issue at your local doctor's office (where I usually snag a copy) or Brava Magazine online (HERE).

3:  This weekend, I get to run with the latest Couch to 5K ladies in their first race!  I will also be running with last fall's Couch to 5K group in their first 10K!  More shout
Are you interested in running your first 5K?  RDM has several coaching sessions starting soon. 
NEW! Catalyst Ladies Couch to 5K Summer Session Starts July 18 (HERE)

NEW! Date Night/Couples Couch to 5K Session Starts July 31 (HERE)

Interested in other days/times or want an individual session?  Just need some help getting started?  RDM also offers virtual coaching and training programs for all distances! 

Email me at runningdivamom at yahoo dot come for rates and availability.


  1. You look great! Not a Mt Dew fan...unless I'm running a race then anything goes!

    Congrats on your brush with fame. You are setting a great example and helping other lead active healthier lives!

  2. Congrats on being featured in the magazine!

  3. Hate Mt Dew, but the BRAVA opportunity would have me pi$$ing my pants too. GL

  4. I follow you on FB and here.
