Thursday, May 17, 2012

Three Things Thursday

Yesterday was one fab day filled with running-related dates and runs all over the place.
It was fabulous.  It is my life.

1)  I had the opportunity to run three miles with Rachel from Running in Real Life (HERE).  She is the captain of our Ragnar Relay team and we both had items we had to give each other, prior to the race.  What a great opportunity to also fit in a run …. and dress really cute!  We ended up meeting up after work at Catalyst Active Store (HERE), where I coach.  My former Couch to 5K participants meet there weekly for a thirty minute run, so this was also a great opportunity to catch up with them over a run.  It was great to see them still keeping at it and that it’s become a part of their lifestyle.  It was also great getting to know Rachel better and our conversation got me all psyched up for Ragnar!  It’s going to be one fab time.  After the three-ish miler, I also met up with the BF at his softball game and we ran an additional three miles together on the commuter path.  I had to get in six miles for the evening, and he was such a sport to catch up on our day over a run (even though he was supposedly taking the night off).

2)  While I was at Catalyst (HERE), I purchased these awesome running/hiking shoes.  I am enjoying hiking and using our state park pass.  I just don’t have the right shoes and didn’t want to use my pricey running shoes for making the treks.  Jim at Catalyst helped me find this fab pair of Adidas shoes.  They are comfy, they are cute, and they were affordable at 50% off.

3)      I spent my lunch hour yesterday, meeting up with two sweet bloggers, Chelsea and Kerri (who no longer blogs … lol).  We met two years ago through our blogs and found out we work across the street from each other.  Kerri has made tutus in the past and was sweet enough to make me this awesome white tutu for the Color Run this Saturday evening.  The idea is to be dressed all in white at the start and be covered in a rainbow of colors at the end of three miles.  And how better, than in a tutu?!?  Totally gonna embarrass the BF.


  1. Oh Have FUN at the color run. I am going to travel to one either this yr or next! SO FUN! Love the tutu!!

  2. Love all of this! And miss Kerri's blogs! I purchased a tutu from her for my first half marathon. She was a really nice person. Will you please tell her she is missed :)

  3. Yay! It was so nice running with you and the ladies from your group. Let's do it again soon.

    Have a great time at the color run. The tutu is a wonderful idea!

  4. Awww, you guys are so cute!! I can't wait to hear about the Color Run - sounds so fun!

  5. The tutu will be great! I saw a few people (yes, guys and girls!) wearing tutus at the Seattle Color Run and it was so cute. Have fun! Oh, and don't expect to really run or race it. At least here each color station was fairly backed up and you had to pretty much stand there to get color thrown on you. Still super fun, but definitely not a run for speed! I have a recap on my blog if you want to check it out :)

  6. Oh I LOVE the tutu - you are going to haves blast!

    I hope I can meet up for one of your evening runs sometime!
