Thursday, May 10, 2012

Three Things Thursday

This morning, I posted my May training plan over on the RDM Facebook page (HERE).  189 miles?!?  I decided to go back to my old habits and post my training program right on my refrigerator. It has held me accountable in the past, ramped up my mileage and has helped me get leaner and stronger. And guess what?!?! It’s working! Even when I haven’t been able to fit in the entire mileage in one session, I’ve made it up later, or done a double workout.

This training program isn’t your typical training plan. I plan all of my longer runs when I am not scheduled to have Little Diva and Little Dude. Pink denotes days/evening when the kids are with me. I even scheduled a day off of work next week to get my last long run in (and some extra time with the kids later in the day).

The placement and timing of the long runs are probably not the smartest or safest idea on the planet. But, it’s working for me right now. I am not planning on getting injured. Nope.

My coaching commitments are taken into account. Some of the daily mileage is wrapped up into two or three sessions. It’s called multi-tasking, people! It works.

I live by structure. I live by a plan. I strive to make the most out of every single day. I am busy … yes. But, I am happy … and so are my kids.

Think you can’t fit it all in?? Think again.

A Single Mommy's Training Plan

After several recommendations from friends and clients, I've decided to try Kettlebells.  It was also suggested to me that Bob Harper has one intense program.  So, I stopped by Target yesterday and picked up a set for $30.  I've been wanting to work on my upper body for a long time now and haven't had the time haven't made the time to focus on it.  I spend so much time running ... doing what I enjoy most ... and doing the same motions and working the same areas over-and-over again.  It's time to add something different into my routine.  I look forward to seeing a difference.

Do you have an experence with Kettlebells that you would like to share?
Do you have a program or DVD that you think has worked really well for you?
Gonna Finally Work the Upper Body

The Little Dude and I had a Day Date last week and spent much of the day visiting garage sales.  I was in the market for some gently used clothes for the kids for next year, a mountain bike for the boyfriend and a fondue pot.  I found it all!  I love garage sales and thrift store shopping.  I love deals!

I am so excited to try this fondue pot out with the kids some night and make a big event of it.  It was a steal for ten bucks and I know we are going to get a lot of enjoyment and quality time together because of it.

Do you have a favorite fondue recipe?

Fondue Pot Steal ...
and a Stockpile of Diet Mtn Dew


  1. I'm like you and have to have the training plan posted somewhere that I can always see it and be reminded of what is coming up for the week. Looks like you have a lot of miles coming up this month!!!

    Also, like you, I'm a queen of fitting it all in. Some of my friends are exhausted just looking at my schedule, but I wouldn't have it any other way. :)

  2. Love the fridge as the training plan holding place. Also, you kick serious butt. You are an inspiration for all moms, single or not!

  3. LOVE fondue!

    I like cheese fondue...found a recipe online and it combined cheddar and some exotic swiss cheese, mustard powder, minced garlic, and beer...YUM...fave dippers for that for me are cauliflower, apple, bread, and carrots.

    For chocolate fondue, get a good brand (like ghiradelli) and I like the milk chocolate (though the dark is good too - but for this idea the milk is best) and add a heaping tablespoon of crunch peanut butter. Gives it that extra kick. Fave dippers for that are bananas, marshmallows, brownie, strawberries, pound cake, and cheesecake.


  4. I've never made fondue but I have had it on a few occasions and the cheese and chocolate sauces are the best, in my opinion.

    I'd love to know what you think about the Bob Harper kettlebell workout!

  5. I keep a continous calender for my workouts and aklready have it written out through Dec, I feel if I write it down and keep it out where I can see it I will be less likely to skip. I tried the kettlebell not a big fan, strted Chalean and LOVE it, have really seen a difference in my arms especially

  6. Good for you...having a plan and sticking to it can be tough...ask me I know :).

    Sounds like you've got a good handle on things right now though.
