Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Mother's Day Fun Run 2012

Time is going by so quickly ... Is next week really the first of June?!?!?
I even haven't had a chance to update you on my Mother's Day.  I hope that you had a good one.

Last year, on Mother's Day, Little Dude, Little Diva and I finished the day with a fun run around our new neighborhood.  The kids had a blast, we got some great pictures, and we got in some exercise.  Trying to make it an annual tradition for us, I asked them if they'd like to participate again this year.  They agreed. 

Little Diva and I put on our Bondi Bands and Little Dude sported his Run Mommy Run shirt.  Little Dude was excited to join us ... but was not to thrilled about posing for some photos.  Big surprise. 

I loaded up the Marathon Mommy Minivan with a cooler of cold drinks, some snacks, The Little Red Car and Little Diva's scooter and helmet.  We headed to our favorite park, where we parked the van.  It was hot and there wasn't a cloud in the sky ... a perfect day.  We ran a 2.5 route on a favorite path and returned to the park for some fun on the playground.  We also had the opportunity to try out our new tennis rackets at the park's tennis court. 

After cleaning ourselves up, we got dressed up for the Mother's Day festivities.  Someday, they are going to hate me for dressing them alike.  But, I couldn't resist.  They looked too darn cute.

I hope that you all had a fabulous
Mother's Day!!


  1. Cute! Love fun Mother's Day activities.

  2. They are so adorable!!! Love your tradition!!

  3. How cute! Looks like you had a great day, mama!

  4. Looks like you all had a great Mother's Day!
