Monday, May 28, 2012

10Ks Rock!

In case you didnt' know ... Couch to 5K runners are fabulous!

And, this group of ladies is even more awesome,
because their determined booties are now working their way
to a

This group ran their first 5K last November and eagerly waited all winter to start training for a 10K this spring.  We started our 10K training sessions with a thirty minute baseline.  Now, they are currently training for one hour.  Yes, running consecutively for one hour!!  They amaze me every single week.  Their race is scheduled for the end of June.  But, we wanted to see where they are at with pace and endurance.  So, we scheduled a practice 10K session last Saturday. 

The weather was hot and humid (of course)!  They were equipped with handheld water bottles, but we ran out of water by the end of the training run.  Kind of scary in such heat.  But, they were smart.  They paced themselves and walked when they need to.  And, you know what?!?!  They all finished.

It's amazing how they all support eachother and keep eachother motivated.  There was about a 45 minute difference from the first runner to the last.  And, they all stuck around.  They came back out on the path to finish the last bit of her journey with her.

They are amazing!
Ladies, you rock!


  1. Awesome job to all!!!

  2. That's awesome! Wishing them luck in their upcoming race!
