Thursday, April 5, 2012

Three Things Thursday

1)  Last weekend I purchased our 2012 State Park Pass.  I think that this might just be the best $25 I've ever spent.  I was astounded when I looked through the brochure and saw the parks scattered all over the state.  So many near and far.  I'm still going to try to make as many trips to Wisconsin state parks and trails this year to make the most of the pass ... and have some new experiences in the outdoors.  The kids had fun doing our own version of "geocaching", where we hid some treasures and McDonald's toys in plastic containers and they had to find them in the woods. We enjoyed a picnic in the park, did a 1.8 mile nature hike and learned about the plants and effigy mounds. 

2)  This week was Little Diva's spring break.  I took two days off of work to spend some alone time with her (more on the week's events later).  We've been out of our normal routine and having a lot of fun.  We even tackled some of the items on her her tee's to do list the other day (purchased at Justice).  We've mixed some pampering, relaxation, errands and several active outings.  It's been a blast and she's been a riot.

3)  While I was in Florida last month, I missed a gathering of several bloggers from the midwest.  The twelve of us have formed a fabulous team to run Ragnar Relay (HERE) from Madison to Chicago in June.  We are definitely going to have the most fun ever, during our 200 mile journey ... in two vans ... with 12 sweaty ladies ... without any sleep ... navigating overnight in the Marathon Mommy Minivan ... decked out in our panties and our Pirate-themed ensemble.  Yes, we are the Panty Raiders!!  And, we rock.  THEY rock.  I received this awesome group shot from their team run in Madison last month.  Can't wait to reunite with some of them in June and meet many more of them for the first time as we begin our journey.


  1. I am running Ragnar Chicago too with Team "It's Just a Flesh Wound" Would love to meet you if we all get time!

  2. I love that you took time off to spend with your little one. I often think about doing that. Can't wait to see what you did.

    The Ragnar relay sounds like a lot of fun. Down here in southern Illinois we have the River to River relay. Maybe we should try to get a team together for that. Its a ton of fun and in such beautiful surroundings.

  3. I'm so glad you had a fun spring break with your daughter! We sure missed you at the team get together, but June will be even more fun!

  4. I would LOVE to run ragnar. Please keep me in mind when you form next year's team!

  5. Sounds like you had a great spring break!
