Friday, February 17, 2012

Fitting it all in

The other day, I had an evening full of commitments and errands to run. Of course, I wanted to fit a few miles in, too. I took off of work early to register the Little Dude for 4K, had coaching commitments, taxes to get done, things to buy, items to return, and projects to work on.

When I left work, the sun was shining and the temperature on the Marathon Mommy Minivan read 45 degrees. I had to take off my winter coat and roll down my windows. SWEET!

I had about 45 mins before I had to be at Little Dude's school, changed into my running gear and started my busy afternoon and evening. I parked the Marathon Mommy Minivan at a local park and ran one of my favorite 3 mile routes. I only had 25 mins to run. So, I picked up the pace (hence the heavy breathing!), sloshed around in the melting snow and headed back to the van in a sweaty mess. Completed 4K registration. Headed to the gym to tan and for another couple of miles on the treadmill. Headed into town to coach my 50 and over ladies 5k training group during their third session (3 min/2 min intervals!!!) for another 1.5 miles. Ran some errands. Got my taxes done. Rans some more errands.

By 9pm, I was still in my running gear, needed a shower, and exhausted. On the bright side, I had checked everything off of my to do list, including 3 runs and a total of six-and-a-half miles for the evening.

How's that for fitting it all in????


  1. I needed to read this... I have stopped all sorts of working out and jogging...thanks! Back at it today after work! lol

  2. That's what mommies do! Way to go!

  3. Now that's the way to get it done!

  4. You are the poster girl for efficient time management.

  5. A running mom is nothing to mess with! Yesterday I was off work. I helped a friend out by watching her little one during the day, went grocery shopping, cleaned the floors, made dinner, homework and reading with the 5year old,bath for the baby, bedtime stuff.... then had me time and got 4 miles in before making lunches for school and stuff ready for work today. Tough being a mom!

  6. Awesome job fitting it all in. That was quite an accomplishment!
