Friday, January 6, 2012

Running Errands (Literally)

The weather in southern Wisconsin has been absolutely crazy, and nothing but amazing the past couple of weeks. Temperatures have been "soaring" into the mid-40's and it's been beautiful ... especially when the sun decides to show itself.

I've been doing some running outside with friends and running groups and have been grateful that it hasn't been a struggle, and nothing but a pleasure. There is no snow on the ground, the ice has melted and the pavement it pretty much clear (even in the dark).

This morning, when I had the day alone with Little Dude, he asked to go to the neighborhood park. Normally this is NOT an option in January in our neck-of-the-woods. So, SURE!! We bundled up (minimally) and headed out on a quick trek to the park.

Little Dude & his mowhawk hat.

Ugly brown grass.
We then decided to run some errands (literally) on foot. We headed back home for the Little Red car. The local pharmacy is about two miles by foot. We decided to pick up some photos, grab a snack and rent some movies. And, I can't think of a better way to do it all, then running with Little Dude in that Little Red Car ....

He's grown quite a bit since our summertime runs. His legs are getting long and he doesn't sit comfortably, so he gladly just places them on the "dashboard" and cruises along. I had to laugh when we go to the pharmacy, because he told me how tired he was from running and need to take some deep breaths ....

We rented some movies from our favorite Redbox (OMG -- I love that thing!) and got the rest of our errands run and headed back home for the full four mile loop. A nice, mid-winter treat.


  1. Sounds like a great and productive day! My birthday bear got here yesterday (thank you!) and I know of a munchkin who will LOVE it! :)

  2. The weather in Maine has been incredible too!!! I can only hope it continues (while deep down inside I know it won't, bummer). I received my Gracie's Gift today! My daughter loves it. Thanks!

  3. The warm temp's and no snow or ice have certainly made winter running much more enjoyable this year! But I would like a little snow. ;-)

  4. super cute! love the cup... and the weather!

  5. Sounds like a really great day! I received my socks yesterday, I'll post pics of them and link back this afternnon.

  6. Sounds like a wonderful day. It makes me happy that your kids want to be outside instead of staying home to play computer games. And it makes me happy that you always gladly take them out.
    Love the Little Red Car and boy! He has grown quite a bit hasn't he?
    You may need to buy him a bicycle in the future so he can ride while you run! :)

    Lastly, Love Redbox! I actually used it for my first time last night and liked it a lot. Got the movie and played it while running on my treadmill.

  7. I was just thinking about how incredibly mild our weather has been here this winter in Michigan, and my daughter LOVED her little red car when she was smaller! Now we need to find an option for her at 5 to run with mama, she can last a mile or two but then she's done.
    Also email me (iamloved22 @ I have some redbox codes for free rentals sitting on my desk that I don't plan to use, I would be happy to pass them along to you.

  8. Love you glass and yes, we are in love with Redbox too. Watching one right now with darling daughter!

  9. This weather is nuts - enjoy it while it lasts... I'm sure it'll be blizzarding in June! :)

  10. You need to get a company to give you a jogger to review. You would put it to great use and your little one would give it a through review!

  11. I LOVE running errands on foot! My neighborhood lends itself well to that, and I cherish that about where we live. Plus, it saves gas!

  12. Ok, reading this post has motivated me to get out there and do a quick jog and even take the kids out to the park in this weather. I have 3 girls and my youngest always wants to walk to the busstop to get her sisters from school, but I say it's too cold. I guess kids don't mind that chill.
