Sunday, November 6, 2011

Artic Ease Product Review & Giveaway

I was contacted by Arctic Ease (HERE) sometime ago to review samples of their Cryotherapy Wrap. I had it sitting in my "running bin", waiting for the time to use it. I have had ocassional aches and pains here and there through my training ... but have been fortunate enough not to need too much icing.

Last week, I rocked my marathon on minimal training. But, a couple of days later (after not having too much discomfort) I needed to do something about my ankle. It was bothering me when walking and a little bit when I ran. I was in pain and I had a half marathon scheduled again in a few days. I needed to do something. So, I pulled out the Arctic Ease. I wasn't sure what to expect.

Why mess with ice bags that melt and leak? Or frozen ice and gel packs that don’t conform to the injury? Until now, you had no choice; there was no better way. But Arctic Ease has changed all that.

Cryotherapy (cold therapy) works in three major ways:

It reduces inflammation by causing a slowed metabolic state. This reduces the amount of cellular damage to injured tissue and decreases edema (swelling).

It decreases hematoma formation. Hematoma is bleeding under the skin, which is what results in bruising. Constricting blood vessels through the use of cold decreases blood flow and therefore reduces bruising.

It induces numbness. Cryotherapy reduces the firing of inflamed nerves and reduces swelling which decreases painful muscle spasms.

The benefits of using frozen gel or ice packs end when the temperature of the tissue being treated drops below 59°F (15°C). If your skin gets colder than that, it can cause lymph tubes to flow backwards toward the injured area, actually increasing the swelling and pain. It also increases the risk of frostbite and peripheral nerve palsy.

With my ankle injury the last few weeks, I had been wearing a cheap ice pack inside my compression socks. It was not only extremely bulky and uncomfortable, but it also wasn't functional. It moved. The freezing temps burned and it was so frozen that it wouldn't fold to the shape of my foot, leg and ankle. Also, once it thawed out, it was no longer cool. Therefore, if I wore it around a few hours, or to bed, it wasn't doing much of anything after awhile.

Arctic Ease is easy to use. Simply open the resealable package and apply. Arctic Ease will stay comfortably cool for hours, with no fear of damage to muscles or tissues. It’s completely reusable – just add 2 tablespoons of water, seal it up and it will recharge (rehydrate) and be ready to go when you need it.

I opened the package and the wrap just kept unrolling. There was a gel-like substance on the outside of the package the product was still moist and cool after months and months of sitting in my "runners bin". I was skeptical, but wrapped the super long wrap around my ugly runner's foot and swollen ankle. It wasn't bulking; was cool and was really comfortable. I slid a sock on over the top and was able to go about my day as normal. It really eased the pain. I've also been wearing it to bed. By the time I wake up, isn't as cool and has hardned to the shape of my foot almost. I simply wet it, cool it in the refrigerator and re-wrap it. It works perfectly!

This works great for endurance athletes as well as for your children with any sports injury. I would highly suggest investing in one or two wraps. Refrigeration isn't necessary, so it would be great to keep in your gym bag or your kid's sports bag. The reusable wraps retail for $13.49 and the pads retail for $8.99. These wraps are an AWESOME investment.

I have two. I am now keeping one (when I'm not wearing one!) in my gym bag and one in my refrigerator for reuse. And, did I mention they are odorless? The wraps, not necessarily the runner's feet! ...


One lucky winner will win

2 Arctic Ease Wraps


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Arctic Ease website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of Arctic Ease on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Monday, November 14.
Winner will be announced on Tuesday.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom,
please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]


  1. I follow your blog

  2. I follow you on FB

  3. I love that they are actuarial wraps and I'm not restricted to sitting in one place while I ice my knees. I can stay mobile and still get the icing benefits. Genius!!

  4. I love the idea of the wrap. I've had ankle issues this week and it would have come in very handy to have.

  5. I liked Arctic Ease on FB

  6. I also follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook!

  7. I LOVE their cryotherapy wraps!

  8. I would love to try them for the convenience. How nice to have on hand just in case and the fact that you don't need to freeze them is a real bonus!

  9. I linked you on my blog side bar.

  10. I really like the idea that they're wraps - gives you so much more flexibility in how to use them!

  11. ~K~
    i'm a follower! runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  12. ~K~
    i like ya on fb [username karen r m] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  13. ~K~
    i think it's fabulous that they make a wrap that stays cool and isn't so bulky like a bag of frozen peas! runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  14. ~K~
    I liked 'em on fb and said ya sent me [username karen r m] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  15. I have not tried these but would like to and like that they are re-useable.

  16. I'm a follower of your blog..

  17. I'm a follower! My flat feet often leave me with a swollen right ankle on longer runs. This wrap looks like the perfect treatment for that.

  18. i like them on FB and told them you sent me!

  19. i think it is awesome that they have their mission statement listed before their product listing...

  20. Their website is really helpful

  21. I love the wraps - perfect not just for me but for my hubby's aches and pains and the kids sports injuries!

  22. I need the Artic Ease wrap in my damn life NOW! I want that product!

  23. I like Arctic Ease on Facebook, too! (I just realized I spelled "Arctic" wrong on my previous comment!)

  24. These look awesome! Always dealing with ice packs on the shins and calves...these would be ideal!

  25. This is for me! I have no feezer when we live on the boat and this would be so convenient! Awesome.

  26. I'm a follower :)

  27. I think the COOLEST (no pun intended) thing about this product is that it sounds PERFECT for packing and taking with me to destination races (when it's just not convenient to find the dang ice machine and have a way to make an ice pack for the various body parts that are hurting). I am interested in both the pad and the wrap - they all sound wonderful . .. I have a LOT of pain after runs!!!

  28. This is posted on my blog's side bar under "win this".

  29. I love this product - the fact it doesn't need refrigeration, the fact that it won't burn the skin, that it sticks to itself rather then using clips etc, and that it is reusable and safe to wear while training!

  30. Blog stalker..I mean follower

  31. Liked Arctic ease on facebook

  32. Visited the website. Loved that it needs no freezer.
