Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday

I'm reminded every day

from the moment I wake up ...

'til the moment I go to sleep ...

exactly WHO I AM ....

What's on your
bedside table???


  1. Perfect!!! I have about 4 running books, The Help, and a wedding picture....oh and my retainer cause I'm dorky like that!

  2. My table has my alarm clock .... which I set every night, so I can wake up before the kids to fit in some miles. :)

  3. I'm buying those books as Christmas gifts!

  4. I'm reading "You are an Ironman" right now. Half way through. Very inspiring.

  5. I have my alarm clock, nook, and iPad.

  6. Awesome. I have a huge stack of books, mostly running and historical nonfiction, and a picture of my husband holding my twins when they were a couple of weeks old.

  7. Alarm clock and two books. Extreme Running and Ultra Distance Running. I suppose I dream to be an extreme ultra distance runner...

  8. sometimes i wish blogger had a "like" button because I would like this post.

    my bedside table: my alarm clock. the current book i am reading. 89074 hair ties and bobby pins. my vitamins. and a glass of water. oh and of course the handy "roll tide" houndstooth gameday button!

  9. Cool. I only have my alarm clock and my work phone...Hmm, that's pretty boring now that I think about it :)

  10. New follower! Going to add those books to my Kindle now. My nightstand has a clock, telephone, water bottle and my Kindle.

  11. I'm terrible. I almost never read for fun. Isn't that awful?!
