Thursday, October 27, 2011

Full Marathon on Saturday

Well, I've been signed up for Saturday's Full Marathon for almost a full year. I ran the half marathon at Haunted Hustle, at last year's innaugural event. I had a great experience, a great time, and met some great new running friends out on a great course!! When I purchased some shoes at Endurance House last fall, they gave me a free entry into the half or the full for 2011 ... it was my choice ... and I chose the full. Hmmmm ....

After all of the curve balls life has thrown at me this year, and the blessings and distractions that have come into my life, I am not prepared and not in full marathon training mode. The time that I've spent coaching and focusing on helping others achieve their goals has not allowed me to get my long runs in. And, I'm FINE with that. It's been a very rewarding experience. I realize that I haven't MADE the time for my long runs. I made choices to LIVE LIFE this summer, but running has still been a part of who I am (a BIG part). Along with my 14 half marathons this year, I've gotten in an 18 miler and a 20 miler over the past two months. And, I already have three full marathons under my belt. So, I'm wondering if I'll have enough to keep me mentally prepared for going 26.2 miles on Saturday morning???

I debated and I debated switching to the half marathon. I even emailed the race director a couple of months back to switch events, and then he gave me the "out" by saying that I had to switch races in person, at packet pick-up. Geesh!

Oh, and I will be running this Halloween-themed marathon as Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Too bad Brooks doesn't make Adrenalines with ruby red glitter! ....

When I finally decided that I was going to run this thing with my sweet friend who is running her first, I looked up my race bib # on the event's website. I am listed as #131 ... so my mind automatically goes to 13.1 ... err, half marathon. Have I made a mistake to run a marathon FOR FUN with a friend with minimal training??

I'm trying not to have time goals set for myself. My marathons have ranged from 4:02-4:37 and I'd be completely fine with being beyond that ... as long as my friend and I both finish (she is siginificantly faster than I am).

I have several other seasoned, runner friends that will also be running this event. One running buddy has given me a little pep talk to convince me that I CAN COMPLETE THIS 26.2 MILE JOURNEY ON SATURDAY ...........

Either that or you are the 131st person in alphabetical order in the full marathon. Stop trying to find reasons why you should NOT run the full and start looking at all the reasons you SHOULD be running the full.

1. You are ready for a full
2. You have run enough halfs this year, time for a full
3. The weather will be perfect for a full
4. Dorothy doesn’t go half way (just to Oz, she comes back to Kansas)
5. I am doing the full and you want to be like me (ok, maybe a lame excuse there)
6. The full is twice as awesome as the half
7. You feel more proud of the medal you get (as small as it may be)
8. If you ran from your home to the start line, it is over half marathon so why not run it too.
9. You are going to look great in your Dorothy costume so why not get to wear it longer while running.
10. Bragging Rights
11. Hauntings are better the longer they go.
12. Suzy Favor Hamilton would be proud of you.
13. I will get to see you after your race instead of you just taking off and going home.
14. You don’t get to run the hills of Pheasant Branch Road and High Road in the half.
15. Let’s just be honest, full marathons are just way cooler than half marathons.
16. You get to be a stud for the rest of the week instead of only half of the week
17. I’ll give you a running buddy hug after the race
18. You paid for it (well, actually you got it FREE with a running shoe purchase, but whatever)
19. You have other friends doing the full so why not join them.
20. Technically, if you really wanted to, you could count it as 2 half marathons on the same day.
21. My hugs to marathoners are much better than for the half marathoners.
22. What is 26.2 miles between friends anyways?
23. You get to go an extra 0.2 at the end instead of only an extra 0.1.
24. You race report will be twice as cool.
25. You will feel so much better as you cross the finish line of the full!
26. You will be one tough chick!
26.2 I am very proud of you!!!


  1. Do the Full! You won't regret it!!

  2. No doubt, you can do the full!

  3. Go for it!! You've done a 18 and 20 and done full before and you know what it takes! You've done far tougher things this year! You'll do awesome!

  4. Go for it!!!! Dorothy deserves a full!!!

  5. Good for you Jamie! I am also signed up for the full but am pretty sure I am switching to the 1/2. Work travel has kicked my butt lately and I am stressing too much about not being prepared for the marathon. You totally can do it - the longest run for the Endurance House training group was 20 miles so you are all good!
    Hope you see you out there - I'll be a punk rock girl courtesy of!

  6. I'm having the same crisis this weekend. I signed up for MCM, had less than stellar training, but am doing it anyway. I did to fulls back to back earlier this year so I'm just going to go for it. I'm just going to keep it easy and enjoy DC. And the Marines. Can't forget the Marines. (I married a Marine, I have a fondness for them)

  7. You ran a 20 mile training run and got an age group award the next day - you can do a full! All the extra running with clients has built strength and endurance, you can do a full.

    Seriously, I have no doubt that you can do the full, but go with your gut and do what feels right, but no regrets no matter which distance you choose!

  8. You should finish your journey and complete the full 26.2 mile marathon. Trust me when I tell you there is no greater feeling! As when you run across that finish line. Run it and enjoy me you'll be glad you did.

  9. Hope you have a great time whatever you decide.

  10. You'll do great. I remember the feeling after my first full. You never feel like you've prepared enough. Life will cotinue to through curveballs at you (bad and good ones) so now's the time.

    You're more ready than you know. Good Luck!

  11. you will do great on the full, i know it. this one might even be a little more special than the other fulls given everything that you've been through. rock it with your usual big smile!

  12. I bet you'll surprise yourself with how well you do. I heard from a guy running one of the water stops that there are only 300 people signed up for the full so there will be plenty of personal attention of all the marathoners.
