Thursday, October 20, 2011

FuelBelt Sprint 10 oz Palm Holder Review & Giveaway

I've loved working with FuelBelt (HERE) in the past. We all love their products, don't we?! We see their brightly colored and FUNCTIONAL waist packs and handheld water bottles out on every marathon and half marathon course. Even thought the events provide endurance drinks and gels, it's always comforting to have your own gear with you; the things that your body is used to be fueled with. And, when you are out on a training run, their products are a fantastic way to make sure you are safe, hydrated and energized.

This time, I was sent the Sprint 10 oz Palm Holder (HERE). We all know I ADORE my handheld water bottles and I've gotten other runners hooked, too. Several of the ladies in my Couch to 5K program picked up these fab bottles at our shoe fitting clinic in several fun colors. They bring them to every training run and now love them as much as I do. I was ecstatic when I was given the opportunity to try this baby out myself.

I LOVED this bottle and the holder itself. This is the most comfortable handheld I've tried. There is something about the adjustable strap. It's super cushioned and super soft. The bottle didn't leak at all. And I can't say enough about the size. My other handhelds looks so much larger next to it. This thing now feels like nothing when I'm running with it. I love it to pieces!

The zipper pocket is perfect for a gel or key. It's not large enough for a phone however.

It's no wonder The Sprint is FuelBelt's most popular palm holder. Dede Griesbauer used the Sprint on her way to 9th place at the 2009 Hawaii Ironman, so it’s proven and tested! If you’re looking for a super comfortable way to carry 10oz with you, this is the way to go. Hand strap is fully adjustable, pocket is great for small items and 10oz bottle has an excellent feel in your hand because of its unique shape.

It's available in black, wild berry, arctic blue, hibiscus pink, kiwi green, surf blue, tangerine.

The Spring Palm Holder retails for just $11.95. Quite a small investment for an easy way to hydrate and store some items on your run. Investing in my handhelds is one of the BEST running investments I've made.

If you are looking for something smaller, FuelBelt sells a 7 oz version (HERE) and a 20 oz handheld water bottle (HERE). The 20 oz handheld is similar to what I typically use out on my runs. Check out all of the FuelBelt handheld bottles and really cool, handy-dandy accessories (HERE).


One lucky winner will win a

FuelBelt Spring Palm Holder

(color of their choice)


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the FuelBelt website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of FuelBelt on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Wednesday, November 2.
Winner will be announced on Thursday.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom,
please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]


  1. i really like the basic sprint palm holder. it seems like the perfect size.

  2. visited there website, I actually like the one you are offering for the giveaway. Great size.

  3. Post on my blog side bar -

  4. This product looks great but I've always wondered about their classic belts and have never tried one - those interest me on their website.

  5. Love the size of the hand-help, plus the fact that you can put your gel in there too. That's a definite plus. I posted this giveaway on my blog at Happy Friday!!!

  6. I am a follower of your blog already! :)

  7. I also subscribe to your e-mail content! :)

  8. I follow you on FB as well! :)

  9. I visited their website and LOVE the size of the 7-oz Dash holder - perfect size for a 5K!

  10. Now a fan of FuelBelt on FB and let them know you sent me! :)

  11. Posted about your giveaway on my FB page as well! :)

  12. I follow you on facebook. But, I am having to enter as anonymous again. Sarah is my name and is my email.

  13. liked them on facebook told them u sent me

  14. I'm a follower already!

    k.mugharbel (at) hotmail (dot) com

  15. I'm a facebook follower too! k.mugharbel (at) hotmail (dot) com

  16. I checked out Fuelbelt's website and I love so many of their products! I would love to have one of their handhelds!

  17. I'm a fan of Fuelbelt on FB.

  18. My fave item is the Sprint palm holder in surf blue, i'm running my first half soon and this is exactly what i've been looking for! k.mugharbel (at) hotmail (dot) com

  19. I'm a follower. I love that outfit and band!!!

  20. I like FuelBelt on FB and told them you sent me by.

    shelly cable in real life

  21. I like their 10-K two bottle belt

  22. i like you on fb. [username karen r m] runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  23. i think the sahara 22 oz palm holder looks great! runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  24. i liked 'em on fb [username karen r m] and said ya sent me over. runner_girl5k at yahoo dot com

  25. I think I would like to try the 10oz one. I have a 20 oz hand held and it does seem heavy sometimes

  26. Recently discovered your blog and am inspired!

  27. It's so little and cute :)...I have several 20 ounce handheldbottles and I love them!

  28. I love their "crush" waist pack

  29. I just purchased my first fuel belt in with hot pink accents~~ LOVE it, but this single would be great for smaller in between runs!

  30. I am a fan of Fuelbelt on facebook!

  31. I went to their website. Another cool thing they have is the race number waistband. No more saftey pins.

  32. I loved Fuelbelt's reflective accessories!

  33. Shared the giveaway on my FB =)

  34. I like FuelBelt on FB & I left a comment =)

  35. I really like this 7 oz bottle. I have a few of the bigger ones and I think this would be perfect for shorter runs.

  36. I think 10 oz or 20 oz hand held would be wonderful as I have never tried a handheld.

  37. Linkiing your post to my blog sidebar.

  38. I didn't know they made a handheld that small!

    I'm a blog follower.

  39. Follow your blog! (~Erica)

  40. Like you on FB! (~Erica)

  41. Love the handheld bottle that's the size of a bike water bottle...perfect for running and biking! (~Erica)

  42. "liked" Fuelbelt on facebook and left a message!

  43. I went to fulebelt's website and I have to say, I just love the SHAPE of the 7oz. and 10oz. bottles! They fit so comfortably in your hand while you're running.

  44. I like Fuel Belt on Facebook!

  45. Checked out the Fuel Belt site - love that they have so many options to choose from. And the high visibility stuff is great this time of year.

  46. Posted a link on my Facebook page:

  47. I have been wanting this exact 10oz. bottle from FuelBelt for a while!

  48. I like the FuelBelt page on FB!

  49. I like the high visibility products....especially this time of year in the northeast where daylight hours are precious!

  50. I follow you! This handheld might make a me a beliver.

  51. I follow your blog

  52. I follow you on FB

  53. I don't even know where to start! I love the fuel belts, palm holders and their reflective gear

  54. I like FuelBelt on FB

  55. I think the 22oz holder is fab. I want to try a larger handheld for my long runs

  56. I love their Revenge Series Fuel Belts--the colors are so fun!

  57. I like the sprint palm holder. Might have to add that to my Christmas list.
