Thursday, June 23, 2011

Happiness is a journey. Not a destination.

Life has been full of changes lately. Mostly good. Lots of positive things happening in my life. Newly single. New place to live. New neighbors. New relationships. New routines. New opportunities.

The constants in my life have been .... my kids. my career. my running.

An assortment of cards that were mailed to me, left on my desk at the office or presented to me at the celebration of my new beginning over the past six months are so comforting. I keep them visible as a constant reminder that there are people that care about me ... even when I am alone, without the kids.

One of my favorites is the one that talks about how happiness is a journey. Not a destination. It reminds me that as I continue to think positive and am much happier than I once was ...... True happiness will not happen for awhile. Just as my running is a journey from one milestone to another .... true happiness will happen in increments along the way. One positive experience will lead to another. One opportunity will bring many others.

I think that I believed that once I started my new life that that questions would be answered and my "forever" was going to begin. I'm not going to find my new life overnight and it's the experienes, decisions and obstacles that I encounter along the way that are going to help me learn and grow. Again, just like my running. I don't need immediate answers right now, regarding what my future holds. But I do know that the kids and I will be happy.

Life has been busy between being a single parent half of the time, working 10-12 hours at the office, coaching 2-3 sessions in the evenings, juggling friends, family and relationships, training & racing, and doing the day-to-day household responsiblities & errands alone .... but, all of these things are blessings in my life. And, I can't imagine my life without every element of my life. And I'm juggling it all on my own ... or at least trying.

I'm finally realizing that I also need time for ME. I'm running, running, running (for exercise AND just to get from one element to the next) and I just need to slow down and perhaps even SCHEDULE some time for myself. So, I decided to set aside a day next month to use some gift cards that have been sitting in my purse : as I will be going to the spa next month, going shopping for some new clothes and may even enjoy a meal by myself at one of my favorite restaurants. Who knows.

As I continue my journey .... I will hold on tight to those close to me, continue to learn about myself, stay true to who I am, and discover what I want in life ....

.... and yes,
I will keep smilin'! :)


  1. love your positive attitude

  2. Couldn't agree more with "Happiness is a journey. Not a destination." Enjoy the journey!

  3. Hang in there divamom... You're gonna be just fine. You are an inspiration to many...just take it one day and one mile at the time. Prayers and hugs to you :)

  4. It sounds like you are on a great path in life :) Stay positive and always take some time for yourself.

  5. You are doing great! Keep up the positive attitude! It will do wonders for you and your kids.

  6. Thank you! I needed that today.

    Happiness truly is an unending journey!

    Every so often I still find myself working towards it as if it was a destination, but it's not. Trying to hold onto it tighter just means you will lose it faster.

    Thank you for that reminder.

  7. Hang in there - you have a great attitude and it will serve both you and your kids well. I think taking that day for yourself is a great idea - enjoy!

  8. I totally agree with you about the journey thing. It's the same with running: it's not so much about the destination but about the journey. Why else would you keep running the same journey.

  9. Hang in, girl. You are handling this transition well, and have so many people out there who support you. Taking time for yourself IS a great idea. I know you will find a way to work it in. :)

  10. Nice post. I always used to think when X happened (I lost weight or got the job etc) then I'd be happy. Then a few years back I had an epiphany that I was delaying happiness. You have to be happy in the here and now and if you're not you have to change things up. Making time for you is so important.

  11. Very true. I'm definitely in a weird "in between" part of my life right now, but I need to remember that it is still my life. My life doesn't start when event X happens.

  12. Staying so positive can only bring good things!! You're a strong woman - so just keep it up!!

  13. I absloutely love this post and your amazing positive attitude!!

  14. Glad to hear that you're keeping things in perspective and learning about yourself and what you need to get where you want to be!

  15. That's have such an awesome positive attitude! Makes a world of difference!! :0)
