Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Half Marathon #8 of 2011 Run Report

Tonight was one beautiful Tuesday evening! After four days of treadmill running with the kids, I was sadly kid-free this evening. With no one to come home to, and a looong holiday weekend ahead of me without the kids ... I decided to put off my chores and errands for the evening and head out for a long-ish run tonight.

I did my new 10K route around my neighborhood and the surrounding area. I was feeing great, the weather was PERFECT, and I knew I had about 15 miles I needed to fit in the next three days, in order to reach my 100 mile goal for the moonth. So, I kept going. I decided I was gonna run half marathon #8 for the year! Yeah .... just like that! It's so awesome just being able to do that spontaneously. I remember when I use to have to TRAIN for this stuff!

I then headed towards my old neighorhood and did my old 10K route (which is much hillier than the new one). It brought back fond memories of my former life, and my late-night 9 pm outdoor runs in the evening after the kids were in bed, or my 4 am runs when my X was training for Ironman two years ago. There is no longer a need for such runs since I am on my own so often and the only time I do late-night runs now are after the kids are in bed, and then I'm forced to put in miles on the treadmill.

As I headed back home, I was thinking about my old route and my new route ... the path that I am on. So similar to my life ... different routes ... different places ... but the same journey ... intertwined ...

I returned home, the dishwasher was full (surprising no one emptied it for me), toys were still scattered over the living room from my fun weekend with the munchkins, and it was 9:30 and I still hadn't put my work things away or gotten ready for the next day. But, I didn't care. I took some quiet time (alone) for myself ... on the pavement ... alone with my thoughts ... and got 13.1 miles in, in the process!

Half Marathon #8 of 2011

D-O-N-E ...

4 to go ...


  1. Awesome job getting those miles in! You're doing great.

  2. Great job, Jamie! Cute pictures, too. :) Have a great day!

  3. Wow, that is really great, well done! Lots of time to do the other 4, keep it going!

  4. Great job Jamie!! Very impressive!!

  5. Good job getting in some alone time for yourself!

  6. Great job! You are impressive and I am so glad you are getting out there and running when the little ones are away. It would be exactly what I would need to do!

  7. Way to go Jamie! I love how a random run can suddenly turn into more when you are feeling so great! Don't worry about the rest of the stuff in life, just run! :)
