Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Couch to 5K Program Participants ...

Dear Couch to 5K Program Participants:

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I hope that you will find some useful tips here to help get you started on your own running journey and discover some really fantastic products, gear and nutrition to help you along the way.

I feel so honored to have been given the opportunity by the Rec Program to help see all twenty seven of you off on your own journey. You received so much information at our first meeting to get you started. But, the training and stretching is just the beginning ....

Over these next nine weeks, you are going to discover so many new and wonderful things about yourselves as you pound the pavement. You are going to find that you are mentally tougher and physically stronger than you ever thought you were. There are going to be times of struggle, times of fear, and times of exhaustion. But, there are also going to be many triumphs, many realizations, many laughs, and many friendships experienced along the way.

Whether you have signed up for this program to lose weight, to give up a bad habit, to honor someone, or just to prove to yourself that you can cross that finish line, please enjoy the journey. YOUR journey!!!

Thanks for letting me be a part of it!!


If you want to make your
dreams come true,
the first thing you have
to do is wake up.
~J.M. Power

Though no one can go back and
make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and
make a brand new ending.
~Author Unknown


  1. Jamie,
    I think it's awesome that you are coaching that many new runners! I know that you'll be an inspiration to all of them. :) Here's another quote to add for them (ripped off from Tall Mom): "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do." This has been on my fridge for a year and I love it!

  2. that you are coaching/inspiting others.

    You are such an inspiration and I think it just so awesome that you are going to do this.

  4. Awesome! How great that you have this opportunity to reach out and touch more runners at all stages of their journey. :)

  5. Very nice - glad to hear you're doing some coaching. It should be a very rewarding experience!
