Friday, April 29, 2011

Bondi Band Winners ...

I was recently given the opportunity to giveaway three of my beloved Bondi Bands for reaching over 500 posts on RDM!! You can read all about my fabulous experience HERE.

Please visit Bondi Band online HERE and start shopping.

There were 190 entries in my recent giveaway. Three winners were chosen at random to receive a Bondi Band. chose ……..

Andrea from Runner Mama (HERE)
Julie from Scrapping 4 Twins (
Fancy Nancy from Living the Dream (

Congratulations, !!! Please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) with your name, email and mailing address. And, I will get you your prize!

Thank you for following my journey!!

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Wright Socks Winners ....

I was recently given the opportunity to review several pairs of Wright Socks. You can read all about my fabulous experience HERE.

Please visit Wright Socks online HERE and start shopping.

There were 134 entries in my recent giveaway. Four winners were chosen at random to receive a pair of Wright Socks. chose ……..

Bobbie from Journey in Running (HERE)
Christy J from Another Mile Down (
Megan from Fit Crafty English Teacher (
Eep (

Congratulations!!! Please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) with your name, email and mailing address. And, I will get you your prize!

Thank you for following my journey!!

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Monday, April 25, 2011

Five Miles is Tiring for Both of Us

I'm never quite sure if I should feel like a good mama or a bad mama when this happens. Little Dude enjoys our runs in the Little Red Car sooo much that he gets super relaxed and falls asleep 99.9% of the time. Unfortunately, there is no place for his head to rest and his head bobs to the left, to the right and up and down. It does help me get in my speed work, though. Because, I try to rush home frantically, after he zonks out.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Half Marathon #4 of 2011 Race Report

I completed my fourth 13.1 mile journey of the year yesterday, with the lovely Linda from Mom Running from Cancer (HERE). It was one year ago, when Linda and I had our first bloggy meet up at the Crazylegs Classic 8K last April. We've had so many great times on our journey since then.

Linda and I met up on Madison's south side and headed out on the Capital City Trail for a 13.1 mile out and back loop. The forcast was for the mid-50's. The clouds rolled in as I entered the parking log. We headed out with our handheld water bottles, shorts/skirts and layered on top.

About three miles in, we stopped at the campground so that I could use the restroom. I had drank an entire 32 oz bottle of G2 that morning. I woke up with Charlie Horses all night long. I feared I was overly dehydrated.

We ran about an hour straight into the wind and dark clouds. There was no rain in the forcast though. At an hour we had a gel stop and walked a bit, and then ran a little further to our turnaround point ... a sign we pointed out on the trail just past the 6.5 mile mark. As we turned around, we expected the wind to be at our backs, but it really wasn't for much of our journey back to our vehicles. Not quite sure how that works, but only made us stronger! The sun did come our for much of our second half and it really warmed us up. We continued running, with a few boughts of walking and returned safely to our cars in just over 2:10 ... a nice, easy, FUN pace! We cheered and hugged as we approached the parking lot. We passed some TNT members coming from the opposite direction that cheered for us too. They were headed out for a twenty miler. It's always a nice run with Linda.

Half Marathon #4 is in the books!

4 down -- 8 to go! ....

Friday, April 22, 2011

AIR Sports Watch Product Review & Giveaway

Have you seen the AIR Sports Watch (HERE)???? They claim that they are improving your game with ionic technology.

The AIR Sports Watch Product Specifications:

- ultra-lightweight at only 10 grams
- made of medical grade silicone
- LCD screen displays Hour / Minutes / Month / Day
- over 25 colors to choose from in sizes XXS, XS, S, M, L & XL
- water resistant and shock proof
- All with a 1 year warranty

The AIR Sports Watch contains germanium and tourmaline which work to:
- emit negative icons and far infrared (FIR)
- improve circulation and mental alertness
- strengthen immune system while reducing stress
- speed up post-recovery time

I cannot say that I necessarily experienced any of the above advantages above, but I will definitely be using it on my outdoor runs this summer to see if I see some improvement in circulation. It would be great if this mama's immune system was strengthened, too, as the little ones bring bugs home from school constantly. I can't have my training schedule being interrupted any further, can I?!?! I'd be curious to hear what others of you have experienced with these watches as far as your circulation and recovery time.

I love the fun, bright colors! They have tons of girly colors and non-gender specific colors as well. But, you know that I'm lovin the pink and purple varieties that they sent me!! They even have zebra print, camo, and a red, white and blue combination for those July 4th races coming up! They even offer a glow in the dark watch, to keep you visible during those after dark runs.

I loved how light-weight my watch was and fuss-free at that. I hate nothing more than having my running gear rubbing, bouncing or impairing me from movement. These watches are thin and light and perfect for anyone on the move.

I found it east to set the time and date. Heck the step-by-step instructions are right on the back of the packaging!

Since they are water-resistent, they are good for swimming, triathlon, surfing, wakeboarding, boating and so many other fun summer activities that you will be enjoying soon.

At $19.95 they are a cheap investment. Have a few running buddies that want to try one out? Use promo code "3for50" to get three watches for $50!! Order now (HERE)!!!


One lucky winner will win a PINK
Air Sports Watch


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Air Sports Watch website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of Air Sports Watch on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Sunday, May 1.
Winner will be announced on Monday.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

PacificHealth Labs Product Review & Giveaway

Tara from PacificHealth Labs (HERE) shipped a very generous assortment of sports nutrition products to me a couple of months ago. The huge box of goodies included sports drinks, gels, recovery drinks and nutrition bars. An endurance athlete's dream!!!!

About Pacific Health Labs:

PacificHealth Laboratories, founded in 1996 by two prominent scientists, started with a unique mission – to develop innovative nutritional products based on cutting-edge research. PHLI developed a working collaboration with some of the world’s top nutritionists, biochemists and sports scientists. The discoveries that have resulted from this partnership have reshaped sports nutrition. Athletes at all levels incorporate PHLI’s discoveries and products into their daily training and race regimens. PacificHealth Laboratories is a company driven by science.

About Accelerade Sports Drink:

When introduced in 2003, Accelerade, with its patented 4:1 ratio of carb to protein, represented a dramatic departure from conventional carb-only sports drinks. Accelerade also demolished the conventional dogma regarding the importance of protein to help fuel muscle cells and improve rehydration, the two essential criteria for a sports drink. Study after study has confirmed the superiority of protein-powered Accelerade in terms of increase endurance, reduction in muscle damage and more effective hydration. To date there have been over 15 peer-reviewed studies on the benefits of the 4:1 ratio.

These studies show compared to a conventional sports drink, Accelerade:

Increased endurance by 29%
Decreases muscle damage by 83%
Increased rehydration by 29%
Increases endurance in a subsequent workout by 40%

One of the remarkable findings in these studies is that athletes consuming Accelerade has a lower level of perceived exertion. Perceived exertion is a measurement of how hard it seems to exercise at the pace you want to go. Perceived exertion is always highest right before you bonk. Accelerade has been shown to not only lower the level of perceived exertion, but this was associated with a lower heart rate. This means that your heart is not working as hard with the same level of exertion. New findings explain why. The latest research on fatigue indicates that during intense exercise the level of branched-chain amino acids in the blood falls. This drop in BCAA's sets off a cascade effect in the brain causing the release of a "fatigue" signal. Accelerade, because it is enriched with BCAA maintains BCAA levels thereby minimizing the build up and release of the fatigue signal. The result – Accelerade enables you to train harder and suffer less.

Accelerade is available in Fruit Punch, Lemon Lime, Lemonade, Mountain Berry, and Orange Flavors.

About Accel Gel:

Accel Gel is the first energy gel specifically designed to deliver rapid energy to working muscles. What makes Accel Gel unique is that it is the only gel that contains the patented 4:1 ratio of carb to protein and it uses a combination of three carbohydrates to maximize transport and uptake into muscle cells. This novel combination guaranties instant energy when you need it. The superiority of Accel Gel was shown in a study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research. James Madison University researchers found that Accel Gel offers significant advantages of GU, a leading carbohydrate gel, both during and after exercise.

Researchers found that cyclists using Accel Gel had:
13% More Endurance
50% Less Muscle Damage

Accel Gel is available in Chocolate w/caffeine, Citrus Orange,
Key Lime, Raspberry Cream w/caffeine, Strawberry Kiwi,
and Vanilla flavors.

About Forze GPS Bars:

Forze GPS is the first weight management tool designed specifically for athletes. Forze GPS uses a patented blend of healthy fats, protein and calcium, plus added fiber to activate the body’s natural appetite control signal. Forze GPS is designed to be taken between meals, as a snack replacement and to leave you feeling satisfied longer. Forze GPS helps control your hunger so you achieve your performance goals.

Running Diva Mom Tried it All!!

  • I had tried Accelerade at a destination half marathon last year. It was August, it was hot, and I felt pretty bad the second half of the race. I had hydrated with water the first half, but was losing energy fast and decided to switch to the sports drink they offered, which was Accelerade. What do they say?!?! NEVER try something new on race day .... never. Well, I did. And I regretted it. I blamed it on the Accelerade, but I should've blamed myself. My tummy was not happy the second half of the race because it was trying out something new. And, I also don't like lemon-lime flavored drinks AT ALL! I retried Accelerade over several training runs the past couple of months. I REALLY enjoyed the orange flavor (naturally flavored, BTW) and fruit punch as well. I found that it really did extend my endurance over long runs. It tasted refreshing. One packet mixed with 12 oz of water contains only 120 calories and reduced muscle damage up to 83%.

  • I tried the FORZE GPS bars in chocolate peanut butter as well as cranberry flavors. I liked both flavors, but since I'm a choco-holic lately, I really enjoyed the chocolate PB. The kids both enjoyed a few bites, too. At 160 calories per bar, they are a great way to fuel up before a run (in between work and the gym) or for a mid-morning or afternoon snack in between meals. These naturally flavored bars (that don't tast "too natural" if you know what I mean!!) are delicous and have added fiber to help tie you over in between meals. Something I constantly struggle with. Great to keep in your gym bag, vehicle or desk drawer. They are a nice "light weight" snack that won't drag you down during a workout.

  • I sampled three Accel Gel flavors before and during workouts of 6-13 miles. I LOVED the chocolate and vanilla flavors. Who doesn't want dessert during your workouts?!?! I also am a big fan of orange flavored anything (sports drinks, yogurt, ice cream, etc.) so I loved that they offer an orange flavored gel. YUMMY! I took them before I started losing endurance and kept up my stamina during the entire workout. The chocolate flavor even has 20mg of caffeine -- rock on! The 1.3 oz packets were easy to open (always good when on the go ... literally!) and contain only 100 calories to fuel you during your workout.

  • Accelerade Hydro is their sports drink with 30% less calories and 55% less sugar. I'm usually a big fan of Powerade Zero or G2, so I really liked the light-tasting lemonade (yummy for summer!) and fruit punch. At only 60 calories per serving, they are a great way to fuel your workout, without consuming a lot of calories to get you through it.

  • Endurox R4 Recovery Drinks were equally as tasting. I usually don't mess with recovery drinks and cannot confirm if I'm really benefiting from them. But they tasted refreshing after a workout in orange (again, yum!) and fruit punch. I'm not sure if I would typically purchase these though, because consuming 270 calories after a workout just isn't appealing to mee. But if the muscle recovery really does happen and you put in a ton of miles every week, then it's probably worth it. I just haven't experimented with recovery drinks enough myself to know.

Interested in placing an order?!?!? Use promo code "SAMPLE" for 10% off your next order at PacifcHealth Labs (HERE).


Two lucky winners will win a
gift pack of
PacificHealth Labs products

(pictured above)


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the PacificHealth Labs website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of PacificHealth Labs on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Sunday, May 1.
Winner will be announced on Monday.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Post #521 Bondi Band Giveaway

I mentioned recently that I had celebrated my 500th post. 500 posts about running. 500 posts about being a multi-taskin' mama. 500 posts about fantastic running products. Well, it's already post #521 and we are finally celebrating!!

I asked Rebecca over at Bondi Band (HERE) .... my absolute FAVORITE piece of running gear .... if she'd help me host another giveaway. And, being as fabulous as she always is, she's offering three of you one of these beauties ...

Haven't tried a Bondi Band? You should. You will LOVE them. I wear them on every-single-run. They are perfect for keeping your hair back (fantastic for short hair). Keeping the sweat out of your eyes. Keeping you cute and comfortable. Helping you further coordinate your adorable running outfit. There are tons of fun sayings to make other runners laugh.

Already love Bondi Bands?! Then, why not grab another. Or grab five! Use discount code "FIVE" at checkout to receive five Bondi Bands for only $25 (originally they are $8/each).


Three lucky winners will receive one of the
Bondi Bands pictured above


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT

2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

3 – Visit the Bondi Band website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT

4 – Become a fan of Bondi Band on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT

5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Thursday, April 28.
Winner will be announced on Friday.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Monday, April 18, 2011

Dear Couch to 5K Program Participants ...

Dear Couch to 5K Program Participants:

Thanks for stopping by my blog!! I hope that you will find some useful tips here to help get you started on your own running journey and discover some really fantastic products, gear and nutrition to help you along the way.

I feel so honored to have been given the opportunity by the Rec Program to help see all twenty seven of you off on your own journey. You received so much information at our first meeting to get you started. But, the training and stretching is just the beginning ....

Over these next nine weeks, you are going to discover so many new and wonderful things about yourselves as you pound the pavement. You are going to find that you are mentally tougher and physically stronger than you ever thought you were. There are going to be times of struggle, times of fear, and times of exhaustion. But, there are also going to be many triumphs, many realizations, many laughs, and many friendships experienced along the way.

Whether you have signed up for this program to lose weight, to give up a bad habit, to honor someone, or just to prove to yourself that you can cross that finish line, please enjoy the journey. YOUR journey!!!

Thanks for letting me be a part of it!!


If you want to make your
dreams come true,
the first thing you have
to do is wake up.
~J.M. Power

Though no one can go back and
make a brand new start,
anyone can start from now and
make a brand new ending.
~Author Unknown

WrightSocks Product Review & Giveaway

Over the past several months, I was given the opportunity to try four different pairs of socks from WrightSocks (HERE). All four were different styles.

Coolmesh II (HERE)
Running II (HERE)

There are a variety of plain and fun styles (argyle included!), cuts, cushioning, and colors (pink included!) on the WrightSocks website. Prices are affordable, as each pair sells for right around $10. These socks are breathable, will keep your feet cool and dry and blister-free. Buy a few pairs to circulate during your workouts during the week, and they are a pretty small investment to keep your feet pain-free and in good condition for your next run. For the newbie runner, it may seem like sticker-shock. But, try a pair with the Coolmesh design and you won't be disappointed. You'll never wear your old cotton socks again.

About the WrightSock Double Layer Anti-Blister System:

WRIGHTSOCK™ patented Double Layer® construction coupled with the most technically advanced fibers, delivers the blister protection that you need. WRIGHTSOCK™ Double Layer® provides year round comfort and performance with no blisters - guaranteed. Double Layer® delivers the no blister promise through a three part system:

1. Moisture Management
2. Temperature Regulation
3. Friction Reduction

Outer Layer:
Outer Layer is constructed of performance fibers specific to each activity. Interaction between layers absorbs friction- prevents blisters. Two layers trap air for effective insulation from heat and cold.

Inner Layer:
Smooth, undyed, hydrphobic Dri-Wright™ wicks moisture away for cool, dry feet.
Patented 3rd attachment keeps socks properly aligned.

About WrightOnes:

- Seam Free technology ensures smooth comfortable toes area.
- Y-heel promotes anatomically correct fit.
- Stabilizer Zone™ in the arch enhances performance fit.
- Dri-WRIGHT II™ polyester keeps your feet cooler and drier in all rigorous activities.
- Lightweight to Cushioned - WRIGHTONES™ meet your needs.

I wear a women's size ten shoe and opted to try a size Large (fits womens size 9.5-11 or mens size 8.5-11.5). The size Large fit comfortably, but there was plenty of room and I probably could have sported a size Medium comfortably as well.

I really enjoyed the SLX design the most. I prefer a slightly thicker and more cushioned sock, without being bulky. These did the trick for me. They state that they have a moderately cushioned footbed which provides exceptional comfort and shock absorption. I agree. They were perfect for me. They are also seam free, which makes them comfortable, especially in the toe box (something that I often am annoyed by).

I also wore the Double Layer Running II socks on a 10 miler and can attest that they kept my feet blister-free, as advertised. The outer layer of the sock has fibers that allows for rapid moisture movement away from the foot. The inner layer is smooth, undyed, hydrophobic and wicks moisture away for cool, dry feet.


will win a pair of Wright Socks


1 – Become a follower of my blog or already are?! LEAVE ME A COMMENT
2 – Follow Running Diva Mom on Facebook HERE. LEAVE ME A COMMENT
3 – Visit the WrightSocks website HERE and tell me what you think is fabulous. LEAVE ME A COMMENT
4 – Become a fan of WrightSocks on Facebook HERE (and let them know Running Diva Mom sent you!). LEAVE ME A COMMENT
5 – Post about this giveaway on your blog, Facebook or Twitter account. LEAVE ME A COMMENT FOR EACH.

Enter now though Thursday, April 28.
Winner will be announced on Friday.

[If you would like YOUR product or website featured on Running Diva Mom, please email me at ( runningdivamom at yahoo dot com ) ]

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A new place to call home (and to blog!)

Only ten days ago, did I get the keys to my new place and begin this next chapter of my life. Though the divorce is not final until next month we were finally able to move into a home of our own. As I mentioned, it has only been ten days. But, it already feel so much like home. It's because I made it that way. It is a rental, but I personalized it, did what I wanted with it and did what I could with it to make it feel like it was ours.

I love my little blogging corner of the world ....

On my new budget, I was only able to afford to rent a two bedroom condo (thought it is an enormous 1,900 sq feet!). So, Little Diva and Little Dude are sharing a bedroom, which scared me a little at first. But, it has really been going great. We purchased some bunkbeds and coordinated their bunks and private bathroom. And, bedtime has actually been going better than I ever thought it could.

We also stopped by the pet store to add some goldfish to the mix. They named them Uno and Dos. Though, Uno and Dos have since passed and I believe we now have Tres and Quatro living with us!

We even have a finished basement, which we are able to use as a combined home gym and playroom. It has been working out perfectly this week. It was a little too windy for me to run outside and I had the kids this weekend. So, they were able to play and do craft projects while I ran in place! So, yes .... I've still been running 25-30 miles a week.

Thanks, as always, for joining me on my journey! The journey only continues .....

What have you been up to on YOUR journey?!?