Saturday, March 12, 2011

Too early for shorts

Yesterday, it was in the mid-40's for much of the day. The sun was shining. The snow was melting. The streets were clear. And, I was stuck to my treadmill. I had the Little Dude with me all day and he played alongside me, as I ran a quick 5K.

Today, I was planning to run outside, after I dropped off the kids and had a nice outfit planned .... for YESTERDAY ....

... TODAY, the sun wasn't shining and it was windy and cold. Brrrr ....

I dropped off Little Dude and Little Diva and said my good-byes for the weekend and headed over to a meet-up point for a run.

I met a woman named Linda recently, at a meeting at Magic 98, with morning personality, Lanette Hansen (HERE). She and some of the other women were signing up for the Madison Marathon's Quarter Marathon over Memorial Day weekend. They wanted to get into running and get moving. I think it's fabulous that they signed up for a race to motivate them to strive towards their goals ... and I also think it's great that Madison Festivals offers a quarter marathon, so that everyone can participate.

Linda and I planned to meet up at 10:00 this morning. She and the other ladies had worked up to one mile at this point. I planned a quick one mile loop around a neighborhood path. We met up and we were off. Linda was dressed appropriately in winter running gear. I, on the other hand, was not. I was dressed for YESTERDAY'S weather. I was freezing from the start and my thighs were burning. We dodged some icy and snowy patches along the wooded/shaded section of the path, but the rest was clear. I ran/walked with her and we finished back up at our cars.

I always enjoy meeting other runners ... seasoned and new. Everyone is so excited to talk about where they are and where they want to be. I look forward to meeting up with Linda again. We talked about adding more distance each week and shaving off a few seconds with each training run. It's also encouraging that if we meet weekly, that there should be less and less snow on the frozen ground! I look forward to many more runs with Linda and the other ladies that are training for their first race! It should also be a blast meeting up with them race day morning.

After I ran with Linda, I headed to the WARM gym to finish off a slow and steady 5K. I have a race tomorrow ... my first 10K!

Please tell me that Spring is almost here!!
What is the weather like
where you are running?


  1. So nice to meet up with new friends. The outfit was pretty at least if not so conditions apporopriate.

  2. It was mid 40's and sunny for my race this morning (on LI, NY) and I wore a long sleeve and shorts comfortably. I'm really hoping it stays like this!! Tomorrow is supposed to be 51! :D

  3. You're crazy in shorts out there! I did 13 on the trail today... and actually passed an old guy in shorts. It was mid-30's and super windy. He looked so cold! Kudos for new running friends! I'm always excited to meet people who run!

  4. I also wore the wrong outfit today. I heard it was supposed to get into the upper 50s so I dressed based on that. And eventually it did, but not when I was out running!

    Good luck with the 10k tomorrow!

  5. It has been great here in Anchorage! It has been in the low 30's but the sun has been shining all week making it seem a lot warmer!!!

  6. Your outfit lookded great. I wished it had been warmer for you. Here it is in the 30's with a strong wind. Have fun tomorrow running your race.

  7. It was 50-60 degrees and sunny here today, but I was in long pants and a long tee - I am always cold! Sending warm thoughts your way!

  8. it is still cold here in NH...not so great. can't wait to wear my skirts.

  9. We are having the same lovely cold weather here! By the way, Kaelynn has the exact same shirt as Paige in the photo of you two above! She loves it! Hope all is well and best of luck with the 10K!

  10. It was gorgeous this morning. I could run without gloves and an ear cover! :) Spring is coming!

  11. you are brave, girl! :)

    weather was fairly warm today, but windy...can't wait until spring weather is here!

  12. Good luck on your race! The weather here is about 90 degrees, with intense sun.

  13. Good luck on your 10K!!!
    Home is about 80s today, but currently visiting family who live where it's been in the 60s.

  14. Good luck and enjoy your 10k!
    We've had a cold front come through South Florida, so it's "only" 56 degrees right now. 96% humidity. We will be back to 80 degrees by mid-week. Your snow scares me!

  15. Wow - shorts, you are brave!

    Here in AZ it is in the 80's and will be up to the 90's by mid week...No, I'm not looking forward to it. It's already too warm for my poor dogs to go out in the sun and it means I'll have to start carrying water even for the short distances...but at least I don't have to shovel sunshine so I can't complain too much.

    Hope your 10K went well. That's a goal distance for me this year as I've never done a 10K race :)!

  16. Ack! That looks I sure hope spring comes early this year. I'm so sick of the snow. :(

  17. It was beautiful for my run yesterday. In the 50's and sunny enough for me to get a farmer's tan from my capris. Put in a nice 18 before calling it quits.

  18. There are some runners who believe it is never too cold for shorts. I'm not one of them!
    But, you looked very cool in yours!

  19. How did your race go? I honestly like your outfit though you should have really worn that on the previous day. Did your new friend eased up your feeling while running?

  20. I live in Florida, so I don't want to make you jealous! I ran 4 miles yesterday and should've gone longer. It was sunny out and I felt great. :)

    Let us know how the 10K went!

  21. I get cold just looking at you in those shorts!! Good luck on your 10K!

  22. Brrr! I did 1.5 miles in capris today. Was comfortable.

  23. I live in Nor California so spring comes a litter earlier here. It has been raining this week but not cold. I coach a GOTR program at a local elementary school, yesterday I had set up our music and I was ready to start the girls run when it started to rain. Normally we move inside when it rains but I decided to have them run in the barley cool rain. So much fun- not to rub it in but there are perks to the climate here.

    Happy Running,

  24. There's snow on the ground and you are in shorts! You brave lady!

    It's getting slowly warmer... today it's about 45 and raining. 67 and sunny by Thursday. Let's just hope it stays that way!
