Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Smile :)

I've had several of my readers comment on my race photos. You are right, I always seem to have a smile on my face. Overtime, I've developed a habit of always having a smile on my face while I'm out there having fun .... running. Some may think that it means that I'm not exerting myself and probably still have something left-in-the-tank. Probably true. But, I'm enjoying the experience and loving the journey. If I wasn't having an absolute blast, I don't think I would continue to run. I love grinning from ear-to-ear, as I approach the finish line. Or hamming it up for the camera, perched out on the race course. (I do admit it; I get some of the most fun race photos, because of it!)
Running is certainly about setting goals and achieving them. But, I think that you also need to enjoy the journey. Running and smiling seem to work hand-in-hand. If you are having a bad run, try wearing a smile. Your difficult run may just turn into a good one! And, if you're having a bad day, get out there and run. It will surely turn that frown upside down.
This is so much like life .... and conquering the obstacles you encounter along the way. Recently, I've been told so many times to "keep smiling". And, I have. I think that is why I continue to have such a positive outlook on life, my goals and my future with Little Dude and Little Diva. The smile is not forced. It is real.

The shortest distance between
two people is a smile.
~Author Unknown

Smiling @ the 2011 Shamrock Shuffle 10K :)

A smile is a curve that sets
everything straight.
~Phyllis Diller

Life is like a mirror,
we get the best results
when we smile at it.
~Author Unknown

Have YOU smiled at someone today?!


  1. So good to remember!!! You rock!

  2. I've said it before....I love your attitude!

  3. I love that you smile in your race pictures. It makes *me* happy. And I can attest that just because you're smiling doesn't mean you aren't pushing. I just did my first full in January, and I made a point to smile at every camera I saw. I was going to enjoy the process. Because why run all those miles if you don't enjoy it on some level, right?

    Keep smiling!

  4. Smiling means that you are relaxed. I need to smile more when I'm running.
    A student that I coached (who is 15 and now runs a 16 minute 5K) has great race photos; he is pumping every effort into his body but his face is relaxed and smiling. His coach teaches them to smile.

  5. I give you huge credit for smiling your way up that hill. Way to go!

  6. Oh my goodness, I love it! Smiley Runners make me so happy! Keep smiling. Always!

  7. I think it's awesome that you smile - my running pics all look so pained!!!

  8. You have a great smile. You're right smiling can make for a better day. KEEP SMILING.

  9. I agree with the correlation between running and life. Smiling just shows on the outside that you are carrying the right attitude on the inside!

  10. I totally cheese it up for the cameras at 5K races. In fact, I tried it out yesterday while running in the neighborhood to smile at everyone who passed by. I think I was trying to pump myself up and make other people think it was an effortless run.. LOL.

  11. whenever i am out on a run and the cars are passing me i try to smile for all of them ....saying ...i am so happy to be out here doing this

  12. I want to be a runner too! Your blog just makes it look like so much fun!! I used to just run on the treadmill at the gym but after a little while the impact on my knees started causing me issues and I had to stop so no more running for me :-( I have to do all my running and step exercises on a rebounder now because of the impact issue. Rebounding is fun and I do enjoy using it but it would be nice to have the freedom to join marathons and races where you're outdoors with other people having a good time. But I guess every one has their own circumstances and you have to stay positive, make the most of what you've got and as you say - smile!

  13. Smiling on the course is fun and you're right, you should try to enjoy it while you're out there. Unfortunately, I grimace a lot...must work on that in the future :)!

  14. Smiling up that big hill, too... you're awesome! I smile a lot. Even when running. I love to, so I get where you're coming from. :) Have a great day!!! :)

  15. I love it! I always smile during races, too. I'm they because I enjoy it, my smile tells that to the world!

  16. YES! I love smiling!
    I smile at everyone when they walk by at work. I often laugh too. They think I have a problem haha!

    I'm a new follower! I am looking forwarded to catching up on you! :)

  17. Wow, look at the difference in those two faces. I love it!

  18. I love this post! No matter how miserable I am in a race, seems like I can always muster a smile for the camera. Not always the rest of the run, but that's coming. :)
