Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Check out this Blogger ... Bethany from Our Love on the Run

I have been fortunate to meet so many of the fabulous running bloggers out there. Whether we have met in person, or only by email, it's been a wonderful experience connecting with so many like-minded individuals out there. I am so happy to call many of these bloggers my friends. It's amazing what a simple out-of-the-blue email or comment of encouragement can do. Their blogs provide even more inspiration. This is one of my favorites.

Check out this Blogger ...

First Name: Bethany

State: Massachusetts


How long have you been following Running Diva Mom, and why do you read? I have been following RDM for about a year and a half. I follow her because I love her energy, her festiveness, her love for bright colors and fun things and I think she is an awesome mom!! Reading her blog always brightens my day!!

How many miles do you run on the average month? Anywhere from 140-200+

Favorite distance: I like the half marathon because I can run one on a moment’s notice and the recovery time is minimal. It’s a friendly distance too :)

Running gear/item you can't train without: I’ve been running since I was a kid. I started running in mesh shorts and sneakers that were probably 2 years old. I’m an old-school runner. I can honestly say that the answer to this question is nothing! I don’t have one thing that I must have in order to train. I feel like this is supposed to be a fun answer and that I’m taking it too serious so if I had to pick something that I like, I’d say my bright pink Oakley’s.

What is your favorite running memory? Well, currently I’d say breaking 3:30 in the marathon was pretty memorable for me. I got engaged at the starting line of a marathon but that wasn’t really a running moment per se. Looking over at Ryan’s face as he crossed the finish line of his first marathon was pretty memorable too. I think I will have a new favorite running memory very soon though bc Ryan and I are running an ultramarathon and a marathon on our honeymoon.

What event(s) are you currently training for? Next up for me is the Boston marathon on 4/18, then Pineland Farms 50k on 5/29 and then San Diego RnR marathon on 6/5. I have a few things planned for the fall too including another 50 miler.

Post run indulgence: I used to get a bacon cheeseburger after each marathon I ran but I don’t really like those anymore. Sometimes I get 3 chocolate donut holes from dunkin’ donuts after a long race. The weird thing is I don’t even like chocolate!

Advice for the new runners out there: Slow down!!!! I understand that running is addicting and once you start it’s hard to stop but slow down if you are new. Take things slow. I’m a big fan of the couch to 5k program but I am not a fan of the couch to marathon plan. Sure it’s possible to go from never running, to running a marathon 4 months later, I know, people do it all the time. I think if you want to be a lifelong runner and not be plagued with injury then starting slow is the best thing you can do. I personally don’t believe, for the most part, that injuries are a part of running. Aside from biomechanical/pre-disposed issues, I think most injuries are the result of moving too fast, overtraining and poor planning. Listen to your body, less is more when you are first starting out. Put in the time and then reap the benefits!!


  1. Love the blogger profile! And Bethany, your advice to new runners is spot on! I think people make the mistake of doing too much too fast too soon and burn out or get injured. Slow down and enjoy it! Running is fun!

  2. I've been following Bethany and Ryan for quite a while now and I love their blog. Such great information and race reports and everything else fun in life. This was a great profile and a lot fun to read.

  3. Bethany,
    What great advice. I just did my first SLOW run and was feeling pretty sad. I really needed to hear it. I've been suffering with with knee and ankle injuries for about a year now and was recently told that I need to really slow it down and learn to enjoy running.
    Great post
