Tuesday, January 11, 2011

My Ten Mile Journey in Place

Well, I feel like "ME" again ...................
I got my first double-digit miler of 2011 in this past weekend. And, I definitely feel like I've got my groove back. I felt phenomenal during the run and after. That sense of accomplishment ... of pushing myself through strong emotions and exhaustion are amazing. I completed my ten mile journey in place, on the treadmill. I figure if I can run ten miles in place, I can certainly run thirteen point one on the track!

I also love seeing that calorie-counter roll-over!

I'm preparing for the InStep Icebreaker Indoor Half Marathon in two short weeks. I have been moved to the later race at 9:30 am and hope to place VERY well, since this is the slower of the two half marathon races.

I also hope to meet up with some cool runners (especially my insane bloggy-friend, Bill from Love to Run HERE. Visit Bill's blog for some inspiration ... He finished two marathons this past weekend and is doing the full indoor marathon in two weeks!) between the two races, before I start my 47 laps around the Pettit Center track! I'm told that several bloggers and readers of RDM will be there. I can't wait to meet a few of you!

If you want to meet up at the Pettit Center,
please reach out and let me know!
( running diva mom at charter dot net )


  1. Wow! Way to hack out 10 on the treadmill! Good luck in your 47 laps around the track! You can do it!

  2. Way to go Jamie! I have missed seeing those after-workout-glo pictures!!!! Glad to have you back hun :)

  3. Great job!!! You look great.

  4. Great job Jamie! You look so happy post run! That's awesome!!

  5. That sounds great! I'm not sure I could run 47 laps around a track. I know you will do great! Good luck!

  6. Welcome back to the double digist! Glad you found your groove.

  7. Love your post-workout glow.
    Good job and good luck for your race(not that you'll need it).

  8. Woo-hoo! I know you'll do this with ease. Have fun!

  9. You will do great! You'll have to be careful not to get dizzy . . . you will be going around the track so fast!!!!

  10. Way to go! We missed you last night at the movie but hope everything went well with the kiddos.

  11. Congrats on the 10 miles in one place! You are back!!

  12. Thanks for ALL the updates. Sounds like life will continue to be a challenge for you, but at least running is becoming a normal part of your life again. I wish you well and look forward to continued updates. :)

  13. Great job on the treadmill! You are looking amazing! I love your smile!

  14. Thanks for the "Shout Out' Jamie. I can't wait for the Icebreaker as well. You will have an absolute blast running it and having friends cheer you on EVERY lap. Perhaps next year I can get you to try to full? Gold Medal Challenge in 2 years? Hmmmm...

  15. You are so phony I don't see how so many naive people can be into your bullshit. You are clearly dealing with some serious esteme issues, and I don't know exactly what's going on with your life but I can only imagine. My guess is that you neglected certain, primary things in your life, now you're paying the price and you want sympathy for it. That's really sad. Grow up and stop begging for so much attention. Take some responsibility for your fuck ups and stop implying that someone else is to blame. What else is this blog even for?

    I'm just disgusted. Good luck with your petty, little existence. Oh, and give me your husbands phone number. That boy is fine.

  16. Good luck with the indoor track race - I'm sure you'll be just fine!

  17. Kudos! Have a GREAT race!

    Winks & Smiles,

  18. Congrats!
    You look beautiful in that picture.

  19. You are AWESOME Keep up the good work I follow you every day and look up to you as an inspiration. Will meet up with you this weekend can't wait.

  20. My dear friend Jamie... keep your chin up hon, despite what some "anonymous" person said, who also cannot spell, by the way... you are a good friend and amazing person... "anonymous" doesn't know you, but thinks so... the other people who post on your blog do as well...its just too bad that your personal blog had be disgraced by someone who really have all the facts and hides behind "anonymous" with the cruel words.

    We all know what kind of a person you are and are happy to call you a friend. I'm sorry for all that you guys have to go through and hope it will be over soon. I love ya babe! Keep up your training, you're doing awesome! I could never do what you do.


    Sorry to pick Anonymous, I didn't know what else to choose, but I wanted you to know its me! Hugs!!

  21. I tagged you in a post today. See you at lunch!

  22. Anonymous sounds like he has some issues. I think that person has some internal issues. It's pretty childish to sign off as anonymous.


  23. Hey, chicken-sh!t anonymous! Go blow yourself! Jamie already got the ONLY 2 good things that'll EVER come from YOU! Go take your crap to the dump (you know - the place where you found someone to cheat on Jamie with) and get on with your jack@ss self (or are you actually the slut Captain Jackoff picked to bang behind his family's back?!). So many of us had "The Captain" pegged YEARS ago. It's a crime it took this long to kick you to the curb. ~deb

  24. jamie,
    it was so good to see you today! i hope that you know you are awesome and that you're going to come out all of this a stronger woman (although... come on.... you're already pretty friggin strong).
    anyways, sending good thoughts your way. thanks for being an inspiration to so many!

  25. Kudos to whomever Deb is! You said exactly what everyone else has been thinking for years!!!! Including family, friends, neighbors, etc. Glad she got the courage to move forward!!!

  26. I’m very proud of all of your accomplishments. It takes a strong woman to endure everything that you’ve been going through and come out on top. The fact that you have a strong successful career, are raising two incredible kids, and are the most genuine, caring person that I know – all that on top of finding time to stay disciplined with your running. I find that to be incredible. I agree with the others that commented on the first “anonymous” post – whoever that is clearly does not know you and should just “grow up” and move on with their own life. If they think you’re so phony, why are they reading your blogs??? Usually those that rant the loudest are the real ones with issues to address. I’m quite sure the person that posted that comment may have self-esteem and security issues of their own.

    Best of luck Jamie!
    -- Dawn

  27. Screw the annonymous commenter!!! I think you and your blog are fantastic!!! I enjoy reading it and am glad that you found your strong inner diva. Screw the haters!!!!

  28. I agree...anonymous needs to just leave you alone....you're awesome and I'm certain your children and family are fortunate to have you!!

  29. oh man! I wish I had read these comments earlier. First off...people who write "anonymous comments" without signing them in any way are cowards! Well the negative anonymous commenters I mean. Seriously...you write something acting like you know it all yet you are too afraid to let anyone know who you are? And I'm confused what attention they are referring to? I have been reading your blog for a while and I never thought once that you were ever looking for attention or sympathy? It always revolved around your training and your family! oh man some people disgust me. Rock on Jamie! we love you!
