Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Some habits just aren't meant to be broken

Good or bad, we all have habits. Little Diva bites her fingernails. Little Dude reads the same books every night. I do my morning routine in the exact same order every day.

A year and a half ago, Little Diva and I ran a one mile race together. We had a blast. Leading up to her July “A” race, she developed her own “training program”. She and Little Dude’s daycare are about a block apart. Upon pick up, she would sprint down to his building, as I followed her with the marathon mommy minivan. She would happily announce to everyone at the other building that she was training for a one mile race. And, she always beat me to our destination with a smile on her face.

Little Diva's one mile race
(July 2009)

Well, that race was sixteen months ago. And, she still races me down to Little Dude’s building, even in the snow. This exercise is no longer a “training program”. It has become ROUTINE for her. It’s a habit. A good habit.

That got me thinking. I never use to exercise regularly. The first few times I laced up my running shoes, I had to make myself do it. It was new. It was not routine.

Now I don’t even think about it. For five years, it has been an integrated part of my daily routine. It is truly a HABIT to get on that treadmill after I have the kids in bed. It's as routine as getting up in the morning.

This is one habit that I won’t break. I hope that Little Diva doesn't either. Some habits just aren't meant to be broken.


  1. Wow! hope that when I become a mom of a beautiful girl like yours I can set with her this type of routine with her : )

  2. Well said! Yes, some habits just aren't meant to be broken!

  3. That is an AMAZING habit. What would our country be like if everyone had habits like that.... a heck of a lot healthier:) That picture of you and little diva is GORGEOUS!! Wow, it makes me want to have kids:)

  4. thats super cute! good for little diva! she will be a marathoner in no time! lol

  5. What a cutie! It's great that she's developing good habits already!

  6. Jamie, that is awesome. I think our kids are going to be better off than we were because we are active moms. :) Thanks for sharing! I hope I can encourage my 3-year-old gets into some good habits like like your little one.

  7. If it's a good habit, it really doesn't ned to be broken. I wish I was able to make kid love running. Unfortunately, she doesn't like it =(

  8. I too wish I could get mine to join the hubs and I, maybe one day! With such an awesome "coach"/mom like yourself I am positive Little Diva will keep up the great habit:)

  9. so true! i hope my kids keep the habit too! then 20 years from now, they can have their own bloggy meetups!

  10. Very good tip. I'm in the same position- I need to force myself to get up and go. I will take that tip and try to make a routine. Thank you.

  11. ^rather, same position you *used to be in.

  12. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
    That's great that your daughter wants to run! And yes, running is a habit that I will never, ever stop - if only I could make strength training more of a habit :)
    I love when our kids want to run/bike/swim/exercise because they see us moms doing it. It lets us know that we are really setting an example for our kids. All the time we spend running is not just for ourselves, but for our whole family.

  13. That's awesome!!! Now sign Little Diva up for another race ASAP!

  14. So great to hear Little Diva is starting early with great habits! I'm sure it helps that her mom is a good role model.

  15. I hope my little guy runs!

    You are not the only one hitting the treadmill late at night. I run after Parker goes to bed. Not the ideal time of day but you have to get it when you can get it.

  16. wow...I didn't realize you did your running at night. I am toast by that time! you are awesome!

  17. My girls always want to run with me -- I need to do better at making that happen! :)

  18. Awww! Yes- I agree with the title of your post here!

  19. Awesome! It's good that she's developing healthy habits early on! :0)

  20. It is so important to teach kids that exercise is good for you AND fun. That is why I started the kids marathon that I have. I am even opening it up to all kids to join next year even if their school does not join. It is so cool seeing the kids earn their own marathon medals!

  21. Oh my gosh, that's too funny about Paige! I love it!

  22. That's awesome. I played softball and danced in elementary school but I didn't do ANY exercise between middle school and about two years into college. It's great that she's internalizing exercise (and that she has such great role models :) ).

  23. Hi Running Diva Mom- I'm surprised you still read my blog considering I mentioned Wisconsin is my least favorite state (of the states I visited) Please don't take it personally... Anyway - I think the indoor 1/2 marathon is an awesome idea and it's *fantastic* that you are helping your daughter build healthy habits at this age. I only wish I had that kind of exposure when I was young, instead of building the very unhealthy habits I'll have to battle the rest of my life. I hope other parents are inspired by your example and do the same. Oh and you have some crazy impressive run times! Congratulations!

  24. That's such an awesome habit!
