Monday, November 15, 2010

Double the Fun

Yesterday, I wanted to get in a decent run ... for the first time in a very long time. I wanted to get 9-10 miles in as my "long run". I'm a whimp in the cold. The weather here was icky again and in the upper-30's. No sun, breeze, drizzle. Ick.

I ended up doing a double yesterday and am realizing just how much I love doing two runs in one day. It breaks up the boredom-factor and allows you to fit the miles in when you can. You have the chance to log tons of miles and don't need to carve out tons of time in the morning or the afternoon. I'm loving it.

There is no dreadmill here. I was actually excited to hop on the treadmill yesterday morning for my first run of the day. Hubby ran nine in the morning and I followed with a quick four miler. I had a great afternoon with Little Diva and then came home for another six miles on the treadmill, while Little Dude napped on the couch (I sure love it when they fall asleep in the car and you can actually transport them over to the couch/bed for a much-needed nap. He was a cranky-pants yesterday.).

I use to think that I was "whimping-out" to split up the miles like that. That I needed to run everything all at once; without stopping; without interruptions (more so for mental preparation than physical). But now, I figure if this mama can fit in two runs in one day, I'm pretty much a rock star. What's your take on doubles?!

I love cranking my iTunes on the computer and catching up on some reality tv at the same time. Somehow, I'm able to concentrate on both (my feet focus on the tunes; my mind focuses on the tv). Is it terrible that I'm addicted to watching Teen Mom and 16 & Pregnant on MTV?

Have you given a double a try?
Do you feel like you've given
it more, or less effort, because
you've split up the miles?!


  1. I hadn't run any doubles until recently. As a new runner, I was just trying to run once. lol. During Ragnar training, I completed several. It was fun to see how my body reacted to more runs in a 24 period. The second run was usually better for me (especially if it was in the dark). It's the third run the next morning that is the doozie! :) The only caveat I've been warned against is splitting up long runs when you're training for distance runs, but the experienced mama runner you are- you know that. :)

  2. I don't do it often, but I have occasionally tried splitting a run into two pieces. I mostly just find it to be more inconvenient that way...

  3. i like doing dohbles. havent done them in sooo long, but when i do get them in, its great! :)

  4. I never thought about double runs, but then again I am a new runner so what do i know :) I did my first 10k race yesterday, and it's nice to know about double runs, now that i have a treadmill at home :)

  5. I think you get extra credit for the double! In all seriousness, doubles can serve a lot of purposes--one, they can teach you to run when fatigued. Another, if you are training for a marathon and it takes you well over 3:30 to run your 20, breaking it in two can sometimes be kinder to your body than doing it all in one LONG stretch. Finally, if running twice on one day keeps the number of days you run down, it can also help keep injury away. So pat yourself on the back.

  6. I hate doing doubles! The only reason being that when i stop, my legs are like lead. So heavy! Officially following your blog over at

  7. Am actually going to be going back to doing doubles this week, just for one of the reason Miss Zippy said, my body have no problem with doubles but absolutely hate to run more than 4 days a week, so to get the mileage in and avoid injury the doubles seem to work better for me.

  8. The one thing I don't like about doubles is extra laundry! Yuck!

  9. I haven't done a double yet. I have given it thought after having read how it breaks up the boredom. It certainly would help me reach the mileage goals I have.

  10. I love doubles. I don't manage them often, but I love it when I do.

  11. You are a rock star!

    I've never done a double before. Maybe someday.

  12. I've done lots of doubles, but not usually for my long run while I'm training for something. But during marathon training, I've had several weekdays where I was supposed to run 9-11 mile runs during the week and would meet a set of friends who only ran 4, and then finish the rest off later that morning at the gym. I do always feel more sluggish for the second run, though, cause you don't pace yourself during the first run like you would if you were doing it all at once.

  13. Ever since two-a-days in highschool and college soccer, the thought of running doubles makes me want to throw up a little! :) Buuuuut, sometimes it's the best thing to get the miles in!

  14. Good fo your for attempting doubles! I will be looking forward to reading about your experience. Do you try to split your time on the "dread"mill and road? What incline/grade do you set your treadmill on for a run?

  15. I have never tried doing doubles before but have definitely thought about doing them! :)

  16. I haven't tried running doubles yet, but I need to tell you (in a whisper)...I secretly watch 16 & pregnant and Teen Mom too!!!!

  17. I haven't ever run a double...sounds like a good way to get the miles in, though! :0)

  18. Since it has gotten dark and cold recently, I have been considering some doubles. I really need to get a tv by the treadmill so I can watch all the reality tv my husband laughs at!
    Good for you!

  19. I am a fan of the double run when it lets you get in more miles for the week and for getting fatigued legs for an afternoon hard workout. I am not a fan though of splitting a long run into 2 shorter runs. Kind of defeats the purpose of a long run if you ask me. You can't split a marathon into 2 half marathon runs. If you could, I would be running in Boston this April. But then again, what do I know?

  20. i love doubles and used to do them all the time when I needed to get in more miles.

    i agree the treadmill really isn't so bad!

  21. I'm not much for running doubles (although I will do yoga or talk a walk in the afternoon if it's nice out). After work is a low energy time for me, and it's hard for me to get pumped up to do it.

  22. A post about doubles and I miss it!?!?!

    I love doubles! I don't deny the need for long runs but I know that my ability to run long term injury free is due to daily doubles (ok, not completely daily but quite's my perferred choice each day).

    I think I am better able to focus on the run when I don't have the pressure of a huge number of miles or the pressure of limited time to squeeze them in. They are not for everyone but I think if more runners tried incorporating them, injuries would be reduced.

  23. I haven't really done any doubles, but I don't see any problem with doing them! Good for you getting the miles in when you can!
