Saturday, November 20, 2010

1,400 Mile Goal Reached by ME ... Bondi Band Giveaway for YOU!

At the end of last year, I had set high goals for myself. I had (only) finished one marathon to date (and several halfs) and crossed the 1,200 mile mark by the end of last year. I wanted to set higher goals for myself for 2010. I decided that I was going to run 1,400 miles by December 31.

I had six miles planned for today and twelve for tomorrow. With less than thirteen miles left to reach my goal ... I just decided to hop on the treadmill this afternoon ... and GO. Four miles in, I felt great and knew that I was going to run a half marathon ... on the treadmill. I felt awesome the entire time. I cranked the iTunes, turned on the Style Network on mute, opened the windows and the blinds and watched the sun set over the next 1:59. I downed two bottles of water and Little Diva got me a gel at mile 7. I felt awesome and only stopped once, because my new treadmill apparently is set to turn off at one hundred minutes (Apparently there are few crazy people like US in the world!).

Well, with 41 days left in the year, I just crossed the 1,400 mile mark of my journey. I just physically stepped off of the treadmill. I cannot believe it. How many people actually accomplish their annual goals and New Year’s resolutions?! Well, I did. ME! ME! ME!

This blog has been such an encouraging factor. It has held me accountable. It has kept me motivated. I has given me that extra push. The products that I have been able to try out have kept me interested and intrigued with the sport and all that goes with it. The cool people that I have been able to meet in person and in the world of social media (bloggers and non-bloggers that read Running Diva Mom) have given me so much encouragement and advice.

Thank you for following my journey!

Throughout my journey, so many of you have inquired about those “fabulous headbands” I wear on my runs. I have happily directed so many of you to the Bondi Band website (HERE). I have enjoyed receiving your positive feedback about how much you like the fun, colorful headbands. How cute they are. How they keep the sweat out of your eyes and the hair out of your face while you work out.

Well, Rebecca at Bondi Band has appreciated your feedback (and many, many purchases), too! She is offering FIVE of my public subscribers one of these fabulous Bondi Bands.

All you need to do is be a FOLLOWER OF MY BLOG (and LEAVE A COMMENT). If you’ve been lurking for awhile, now is the perfect time to tell me who you are! I meet so many people at local races now, that read Running Diva Mom, but aren't bloggers. I know you are out there. And, for those of you with blogs, I try to get around to each of your blogs and see what you're up to, but don't always have the time. Please tell me what you're up to and how you're doing with your goals for 2010. Good luck to each and every one of you! YOU CAN ACCOMPLISH ANYTHING!!!

Enter now through Saturday, November 27.
FIVE winners will be announced on Sunday.


  1. I've just started running, using the Couch to 5K program and am proud to say that I'm successfully on week 3 already (I honestly thought it would take me about 10 weeks to get through 3 weeks of the program). Back in January I had NO goals to run and one day I decided I could do it, and then found a few blogs to read to keep me going, and well, here I am!

    Congrats on 1400 miles!!!

    BTW - I have NO desire to ever run that in a year, hah! Go you though!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! 1400 miles is a milestone and to do well in advance of your target date, is AMAZING!!

    I have been a follower of your blog. Now, go celebrate!!!

    How did you decide on the number 1400?

  3. How can you run a 1/2 marathon on a treadmill???!!! That is just crazy!!! Congrats on reaching your goal what is your new goal for the end of the year??

  4. WOW! Amazing accomplishments, both. And always done with style :) Congratulations!

  5. Wow, 1400 miles! Way to go! You are awesome, I love your drive and determination.

    I have to say, I have been one of those crazy treadmill runners that found out her treadmill turns off after 99 minutes as well. ;)

    I LOVE Bondi Bands and could use a new one!

  6. Congrats on 1400 miles. Whew!
    I am a follower and enjoy reading your blog.

  7. I don't know how to run on the treadmill for so long. I did 3 miles the other week and thougth it'd never end :) congrats on the 1400miles you rock!

  8. I think it's awesome that you met your goal for the year with time to spare. Keep inspiring!

  9. I'm following! I found a Bondi Band vendor at a local race Halloween weekend (Va Beach, VA) that my sons (ages 6 and 9) participated in.. :) Was intrigued after seeing them on your blog so much! So far, loving it!
    Congrats on your goal achievement!

  10. Congrats on reaching your goal - wow! That is some serious mileage.
    I'm a follower and one of the few folks who haven't yet tried a bondi. Pick me! Pick me! :)

  11. A half on the treadmill - you rock! :) I haven't decided what my goal is for the new year - I'll have to think about it. Thanks for posing the question!

  12. Great job on your mileage.

    I'm a follower. I'm currently just trying to keep on running despite the cold temps.

  13. Woohoo!!! Congrats on reaching your goal! I'm a follower of you blog and it's very inspiring.

  14. First, congratulations on reaching your goal of 1,400 miles and double congratulations for running a 1/2 marathon on a treadmill! You rock! I follow your blog and I love Bondi Bands! I need to get more because Kaelynn keeps taking mine over (in fact she is wearing one right now). I accomplished my goal of 1,000 miles for 2010 on Halloween morning! I'm running a 1/2 marathon for fun tomorrow with my friend Jenn that I paced to a very successful 1/2 marathon PR back in September. Love your blog, love that I have had the chance to meet you, and love the possibility of getting together with our kids when you are in Ohio this summer!

  15. Way to go reaching 1400 miles, wow!!! You are a running machine!

  16. Way to go on reaching your goal for the year! Very very impressive!!!!

  17. WOW half mile on a treadmill - that is insane! I can only do about 5 miles on it before Im bored out of my mind! Next week I start marathon training and will be doing my longest runs during the coldest snowiest (is that a word?) month of February... while I hope to be outside as much as possible - I am sure some of those long runs will be on the treadmill :(

    Think you will hit 1500?

  18. Congrats on the 1400 miles - awesome!

  19. Congrats on 1400!! Wow!! I am a follower!

  20. Great job on reaching your goal!!!

  21. WOW! Great job on reaching your goal early!! Congrats!

    And I finally went through all the bondi band choices and I'm going to definitely have to order a couple - so many cute patterns.

  22. I'm a follower!

    Congrats on 1400! Can't believe you did 13 miles on a treadmill. Crazyyyy.

    I'm conditioning to train for my first marathon -- it's on 4/30, and I'm way excited!

  23. I'm a follower.
    I'm currently working on a thesis, which is consuming my life. I do feel good about working toward finishing though.
    Congrats on all those miles!

  24. Im a follower!
    Congrats on your 1400!
    I am currently working towards the Rock N Roll Half & the Disney Princess Half in february. I completed my first triathlon in september and can't wait to do more next year.

  25. Wowza...I can't imagine slugging through 13 miles on the dreadmill. Anywho, congrats on finishing your goal mileage - woo hoo!

  26. Congrats on 1400. I hope to one day be able to run that much in a year. I'm training for my first 1/2 and I will complete it before my 3rd boys turns 5 months. I'm way excited. I love reading your blog.

  27. CONGRATS!! What an accomplishment! So me and my goals: last year I ran 480 miles. Even though I'd been a runner for years, that was the most I'd ever done in a year (hard to believe, I know). I made a goal of running 720 miles this year. I have about 60 miles to go. I think I'm gonna make it!

    And THANK YOU for doing such an AWESOME giveaway. I ran in my one and only Bondi today!

  28. I've been lurking, and I so want a BondiBand! Pick me, pick me!

  29. Congrats! I don't know how you did 13 miles on the treadmill...I can't barely make it through three inside. I think I'd better get used to the treadmill, though...the weather is getting cold!

  30. Love your blog! 5 miles is the most I can do on the treadmill : ) trying to get to where I can stay on for over an hour since winter is coming.

    Hope I win some Bondi Bands!!!

  31. Congrats on knocking out 1,400 miles this year! Who knows what number you'll end at since you've still got a little over a month left in 2010!

    I'll have to use your story as motivation tomorrow morning when I possibly end up doing my 11 miles on the treadmill. The weather's not supposed to be so nice!

    Congrats again!

  32. Wow, 1400 miles!?!? That is awesome!

    As for my goals....well, I didn't hit my major one (33 races this year), but I've run 4 half-marathons and am currently training for my first marathon in I still tihnk I'm doing good, even if I didn't hit my major goal!

  33. Way to go!!
    I follow your blog!

  34. I'm a follower!!
    Way to reach your mileage mark! That is awesome!! Congrats to you! Yay! :)

  35. I'm a follower! Congrats on 1400 miles! That's amazing!!!!!!!!!!

  36. Way to go, Jamie!

    I'm working on a goal of 35 miles this month, five days a week of working out, and I am well on my way -- despite the cold weather across the lake. ;) I keep telling myself I have to, or else I won't be ready for my first half marathon in April...

  37. I am nowhere near my mileage goal, but I am strangely ok with that. This year I have worked on finding balance between my goals and spending more quality time with the kids. So, I consider that part a success.
    LOVE Bondi Bands!

  38. I am a follower! Congrats on surpassing your goal!

  39. 1400 miles - just amazing! Congrats on being an early finisher:)

    And, I follow your blog:)

  40. I love Bondi Bands. I'm a loyal follower!! Congrats on completing your goal.

  41. Wow, 1400 miles is a huge accomplishment. Bit congrats and props to you! :)

    I've been seriously considering getting a bondiband, but have yet to. I hear nothing but great things about them, so I'm sure I'll be asking Santa for one this year.

  42. Congratulations on meeting your goal....and with time to spare!! You seriously rock!

    and I am a follower! :D

  43. Congrats on reaching 1400 miles this year.

    I have been following you since the spring. I am right now in the process of getting my racing schedule done for next year and setting my goals. I have loved following your journey through this past year.

  44. Congrats on your goal...and it's not even December yet! I'm a follower!

  45. Congrats on reaching your goal!! Add me to the list of people who can't imagine running a half on a treadmill. That's impressive.

    I'm a follower.

  46. way to go!! I don't know how you did that on the treadmill. I just can't love it the way you do. I did run 8.5 miles today outside in the cold, so I'm feeling good today too :)

  47. Way to go! That's amazing... the real question is... how many MORE miles can you get in the last 41 days??? :)

  48. Your Awesome! 1400 miles is something to be proud of for sure!! My goals this year were to run a couple half's and I just finished my 2nd last month! I feel better than I have in a long time! LOVE your's one of my fav's and definately keeps me motivated! LOVE the bondi bands too...thanks to you, I have a handful now :)

  49. Congrats!!! I lost track of my total miles for the year when I stopped writing it down and switched to online logging with my Garmin. (must add it up though)

    I love Bondi Bands!!! I never would have survived running & yoga with non-ponytail length hair without them.

  50. Way to go!

    I've read your blog for a while and usually enter your giveaways. You are a total inspiration.

  51. I started following you when I started my own running journey earlier this year. I knew that reading blogs likes yours would remind me of my goals and that other runners have struggles and accomplishments just like mine. Since then I completed two half marathons, one full marathon and a couple 5ks. Not bad for running less than a year. Thanks for blogging and encouraging beginning runners like me!

  52. I'm a follower!!!

    My goal this year was a marathon (on Dec. 5) and 1000 miles. I'm, coincidentally, 13 miles shy of my 1000... although my plan was 3 today and 10 tomorrow. And I hate that treads shut off at 100 minutes... I cannot tell you how many times I have to reset toward the end of a run... throws the rhythm off.

  53. Congrats on reaching 1400 miles!! That's awesome! Honestly I cannot imagine how you ever ran a half on the dreaded 'mill!

    Your blog was one of the first I started following when I started running this Spring! I really enjoy it and have appreciated your comments on my blog - they keep me going ;)

  54. I'm a blog follower and love reading about your running and your life! That's so awesome that you did a half on the treadmill. The treadmills at my gym cut off after an hour, which I think is really ridiculous, so if I want to run longer I just plan for a walk break there, haha :).

    Amy Lauren

  55. I am a wannabe runner and really enjoy following your blog. Congrats on the 1400 miles!

  56. What an awesome accomplishment! Are you going to dream bigger for 2011? :)
    I'm a follower!

  57. Congrats on your run

  58. I'm a follower and love the bondi bands!

  59. Congratulations on meeting your goal!! What an accomplishment!!! :D
    I love reading your blog! You have inspired me and directed me to new products/websites!! :D
    (I'm a follower!)

  60. What a great success!! Congrats on meeting your goal.
    I follow you and enjoy reading your blog

  61. Congrats on meeting your goal a head of time. I am a follower and you have motivated me to keep up with my own mileage next year. I just I am going to keep up and set my own goals. Thanks for the inspiration.

  62. Congrats on reaching your goal!

    I follow you!

  63. Congrats on reaching your goal. My goal for the year was 1000 miles. Unfortunately, I am not going to make it. Fortunately, it is because my body is currently incubating another human being. There's always next year!

  64. I follow you!

    Congrats on 1400!

    I just ran my first marathon yesterday and tons of runners were wearing the Bondi Bands! I need to check them out.

  65. I'm a faithful follower and fellow fan of Diet Mt. Dew :) My goals for 2010 is to strengthen my knees so I can finally get my marathon PR next year.

  66. I follow you!
    I am training for my first half marathon that is what I am up to these days!!!

  67. The bondi bands look great! I follow you :) I've been enjoying all your great give-aways (now if only I could win)! Thanks for a great blog :)

  68. Just started following your blog. Great job in reaching your 1400 mile goal!

  69. Great job on the challenge and your goal. Following you on FB and your blog!

  70. Congratulations! I remember it was 1000 miles from Madison to south Mississippi so you've run almost 1.5 times that. So cool. Also, I wear the Bondi Band that you gave out in our Madison Mini meet up all the time.

  71. CONGRATS! :) I'm only at half that mileage so I know its an awesome accomplishment :) I'm a follower!

  72. Give away looks awesome. I love your blog!

  73. congratulations on your achievement, and happy thanksgiving

    Google Friends Connect - following your blog publicly as Louis

    schnitzomage {at} gmail {dot} com

  74. Congrats on hitting your mileage goal for the year - that's quite an accomplishment. I probably won't hit mine, but still feel good about where I am.

    I am totally addicted to Bondi Bands now too....They truly work for me and keep my hair and sweat out of my face!

  75. I have a mileage goal- but what I'm missing is a time frame that I want to reach it in, so I've been really lazy about it... I want to set up a weekly mini-goal system, but not sure how I want it to look... What sort of system did you use to keep your goal in constant perspective?
