Monday, October 11, 2010

2010 Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon Reflection (In Photos)

Well, the official race photos are in, and can you tell I had a blast during this race ... or at least the first first 25 miles (or so) ?!?

Mile 7

Hubby and I in our Bondi Bands

Well, if you haven't heard ... I found my "sign maker". The sweet Kerri (spectator report HERE) came out to spectate for Chelsea and I. She is an AWESOME spectator. the girl kind of caught me off guard, but kept my mind entertained and kept me wondering who the heck she saw for about 15 miles! Thank you, Kerri! She's also pretty excited about finishing her first marathon this past weekend ... and I'm so happy for her, too! Please stop by to read her Chicago Marathon race report and give her some kuddos -- thanks!

10 mi shot courtesy of Kerri

Feeling good (somewhere the second half)
Right at mile 26

  • Pre-race fuel: fat free yogurt, Bonkbreaker Bar (in PB&J) and a banana and a Honey Stinger Gel (in Gold flavor) at the startline.
  • No nerves at start line
  • Absolutely no blisters or missing toe nails this time
  • Carried my GoLite Hydroclutch with me. Unscrewed the cap before I approached the water stations, chugged a Gatorade and poured two cups of water in the bottle and kept running. I drank a lot, even though it was cold.
  • Honey Stinger chews and three-four packs of various gels throughout the race.
  • Never had to pour water on my head this race
  • I rocked my hot pink CEP socks (kept my legs warm and fresh) --and, yes ... a review ... and giveaway are coming very soon!!!
  • Never hit a "wall" or low-energy during this race. My legs started acting up and buckling at mile 25, but that's it.

2010 Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon Race Reports:

Me (HERE) - 25 min PR
Hubby (HERE) - over 50 min rockin' PR and crossed the finish line with me
Chelsea (HERE) - sent a new PR and SHE GAVE IT HER ALL!! She rocks! Soooo happy to have had time to spend with her race day morning.
Kerri - aka "the sign maker" (spectator report HERE) - An awesome spectator who finished her first marathon this past weekend in Chicago!


  1. You are too cute! I love how excited you look in each pic. That's how running should be! Congratulations!!!

  2. Great photos! It looks like you were having such a good time! Congrats again!

  3. Thanks for the's nice to know what others do before and during races. Loved all the pics!

  4. Love love love your pictures!!! Unfortunately, for me, my pictures from this weekend will not be as beautiful. It was BRUTAL out in Chicago- 85+ degrees for the last 13 miles.

  5. congratulations. yes, it is clear that you were having fun! and you look cute too!

  6. SO FUN!!! Congratulations on your huge accomplishment and fantastic PR!

  7. Awesome pics! Love the sign your friend had!

  8. congrats hun! u do look happy. if i can cross the finish line half as good as u did....that would be ideal!!!
    yay for the PR!!!

    awesome pix. love the pink socks~

  9. What a great race! I LOVE the pic of you and hubby crossing the finish line together =)

  10. Love it! And yes, your photos are way too nice for a marathon.

  11. Those are great race photos! The one of you guys crossing the finish is especially perfect - I hope you order some!

  12. Great pictures and great race... congrats to you and the hubby!

  13. Love all the pics! Looks like you were having a fabulous time!

  14. Um, ok... I LOVE LOVE LOVE your finishing photo of the two of you holding hands! how cute is that?! :D

  15. That's great you guys were able to finish together! Wow- a race without needing to pour water on's been a while!
    Congratulations on a great race!

  16. Awesome! I love how you finished together, Congratulations on your PR too!

  17. thanks for the props. it was a great time! =) way to go, again on your PR. amazing!!!

  18. You look so happy in the pics, and you should be! Great recap!

  19. You are seriously glowing in those pictures! Did the hubby seriously run all 26.2 miles with gloves on? I don't know if I could do that! Love, love, love the hand-in-hand finish line picture!!

  20. Great pics!! Love the one of the two of you crossing the finish line!!

  21. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of you and hubby holding hands!! What a memory and a gift to your children! :)

  22. Nice to meet you and great pics! You are really making it look like fun!!

  23. Congrats!!! Loving the hot pink socks!

  24. Great pictures. I think one of my official pictures actually turned out, which NEVER happens. I should try to get a copy of it.
