Monday, September 13, 2010

An Unplanned 20 Miler

I had my last long run planned (20-24 miles) for this past weekend. Yeah, that didn't happen. Hubby has season tickets to the UW Badgers Football games. Then we had a wedding and reception in the afternoon and evening. We were both able to get about three miles in (separately) after wedding reception. On Sunday, hubby left at 6:30 am to spectate Ironman Wisconsin. I joined him later, after dropping off the kids with my mom. We didn't get home until 9:00 pm. Hubby encouraged me to get out for a quick run. He put the kids to bed and I headed out for three miles. My 5K loop turned into a 10K loop. That made me happy.

Monday, hubby decided to take the day off of work, to fit in his long run. I was going to try to get in 12 miles after that and then pick up Little Diva up from school We're training for the same marathon. On a whim, he decided to go sign up for his second Ironman. Since he didn't volunteer at the event, he spent the entire morning standing in line to register. He did get in. But, didn't get the run in.

He returned home a little upset about the long line he waited in and told me to head out for my long run. He would do his long run after dinner. I wouldn't make it back in time to get Little Diva from school and told him that he'd need to go get her. I headed out in beautiful, sunny 75 degree weater with a nice breeze. Me, my running shoes and my water bottle full of ice water. Twelve miles and two hours ahead of me.

I headed out on a new route that hubby uses. I only used this route two weeks ago on my twelve miler. It is a nice break from my normal routine. My water was already gone at mile four. I should've hydrated more this morning. I stopped at the gas station. No drinking foutain. The Subway inside let me use their water and ice out of the soda fountain. Nice. I was off. Eight miles to go.

I looped down a path and through a nice neighborhood that has some short paths, too. I was felling good and enjoying the scenery. Hubby told me that this area also lead to more paths. And, I wanted to see them. So, then I decided that my twelve miler was going to be an eighteen miler.

I looped through the neighborhood that is home to the newest elementary school in town. Along the way I discovered some cute parks that the kids and I will go visit later. Some great picnic spots. I filled up my water bottle three more times at these parks. man, was I thirsty today. Downed three Gu's, too. I found some nice paths and ways to connect from one side of our town to the next. I saw a garden snake slither across the sidewalk in front of me. I passed through to the other side of town and connected with even more paths and parks. It was awesome. I headed back and there was a nice breeze coming at me. School was getting out and there were lots of little kids waving to me outside of the school bus windows.

I headed towards home and had about three miles to go. I was near Target and decided to run in and fill up. Their cold drinking fountain was awesome and refreshing, compared to the warm water at the parks. I filled up and headed back out the automatic doors. Three miles to go. I wasn't sure how the last stop for water would effect my legs. But, I felt great. I decided to just tack on another two miles and call it twenty! I kept chugging along ... slowly. I headed back towards my neighborhood and up my street. Ended at my usual "finish line" .... the mailbox.

An Unplanned 20 Miler
... Let me tell you ...
It feels soooooooo good!!
Happy to be logging THAT baby
into my training log tonight!!

And, that Diet Mountain Dew
tasted even better today
than usual, post-run.

What did you do this weekend?
Planned or Unplanned?!


  1. I ran on both Saturday and Sunday for a total of almost 17 miles. They were both great runs - I felt wonderful and the weather was beautiful.

    congrat's to hubby for signing up for Ironman.

  2. It must feel great to get that run done! Especially when unplanned!

  3. 14 hilly miles planned and done. I even dropped my times from high 10's low 11's for the first 10 miles to the low 9's for the last 4. I rocked that run!

  4. Awesome!!! Ooops, I accidentally ran 20 miles. You don't hear that every day! =) Actually, in our circle you hear it more than you would think!! Great job getting it done!!

  5. Wow I am so impressed with you- I hardly ever just decide to tack on extra mileage- you're my hero! But maybe I'll have to start. :) Thanks for the inspiration!!! Good luck with your marathon-



  6. wow thats awesome! congrats!!!

  7. Great job! I have a PLANNED 20 miler this first long, long run by myself. I will think of you when I run it...hope you can provide some inspiration!!!

  8. amazing! those are the best runs! how cool to say "unplanned 20 miles"

  9. i did my planned (new personal distance record 18.2 miles, then headed to milwaukee to see the brewers vs cubs.
    on sunday came back, and went to see the ironman at 3 and then volunteer from 5-8, as planned.
    what i didn't plan on doing was enjoying being there and witnessing this amazing feat until 11 pm! whoa! late night for a sunday!
    it was amazing.
    good luck to your hubby on the next go around.

  10. Wow! That is impressive. I often have to talk myself out of cutting a run short. I can't imagine heading out for 12 and then tacking on an extra 8. That's great. Thanks for the motivation!

  11. Thats just great I duno if I could have just did that unplanned without the right GEAR.

    But your a Rockstar woman :-)

    Plus thanks for telling me about the headbands I mentioned them in an upcoming article here is my link

    Thanks for all your tips!

  12. Sounds like a busy weekend for you guys! Great job on getting in thet unplanned 20-miler!

    I had company and we attended a friends house warming party! And took in a 75 minute yoga class and loved every minute of it!

  13. That is so awesome! I can't even imagine "just deciding" to do a 20-miler. It's taper time!!!

  14. Love that bondi band!

    Awesomerun! I love the "oh I'll just run 20 miles" attitude. Isn't it great to just be able to do it.

    Finish line mailboxes are the best!

    My weekend was full of praying and running. A little emotionally draining but a gift none the less.

  15. Nice. I'm glad you had a good long run. I haven't had one of those in a few weeks.

  16. I can't even fathom doing an unplanned anything, let alone 8 extra miles! DANG!!! I'm way impressed! Your weather makes me jealous! I'm hoping some cooler temps around these parts will make running easier on me! Great job! What a fantastic inspiration you are! =D

  17. Really??? WOW...where does your mind go during that 20. I am struggling the most mentally. Hoping I can nail my 22 this weekend. YIKES!

  18. Gotta love when someone's fit enough to go out for 12 miles and come back after 20! I love it! And you look so happy! :)

  19. I did an 18 miler and a 5K! Totally took the day off yesterday. Back to training now!

  20. Wow! Awesome... sometimes I wonder what I could do if I had the extra time. I usually plan my time slots so specifically with my husband so he can either work or play tennis, that I'm forced to cut it at a certain time. That unplanned 20 must have felt liberating.

  21. Twenty unplanned is fantastic, well done! That’s a long run on your own. It does feel so good when its done. My weekend was a race I’ve been planning for a long time.

  22. This weekend my husband and I did a sprint triathlon on Sunday. It was so fun and a nice one at that. My running was not so good. I have put my running on hold and had concentrated on the biking and swimming. But I am now training for a half with some friends and hope my running gets back to were it was.

  23. Sounds like an awesome run! And I love those letters!

  24. That's so awesome that you felt good enough to tack on an extra 8 miles - amazing.

    I'll be shooting for 9 miles tomorrow after I take the dogs for 3-4 mile walk ;)!
