Saturday, August 7, 2010

Which one is Little Dude and which is Little Diva??

So, I figure at 2 1/2 and 6 1/2 they can BOTH be a little self-sufficient and independent. Since I'm somewhate a control freak, I lay their clothes out every single day. Yesterday was no different. I left their outfits in the living room while they were watching Saturday morning cartoons and walked away.

Five minutes later, I heard Little Dude walking down the stairs to the kitchen. In his deep, rhaspy voice, Little Dude comes up to me and says, "Look at me, I'm Paige-y". Followed by a "ha ha ha!". I have a little, pink comedian on my hands. He even put the corkscrew bows in his hair.

Little Diva thought that was hilarious and decided to try on his surfer dude outfit. Surprisingly, it fit. They are exactly four years apart (They had the same due date four years apart; but neither was born on that day.). But, his stocky build allows them both to squeeze into eachother's clothing apparently.

Which one is Little Dude and which is Little Diva??

As I've mentioned before, I truly love having one of each. It is truly awesome. When I was preggers with #2, I kind of wanted another girl because I wanted her to have a playmate and I couldn't imagine their being an end to pigtails and dress-up. But, little boys are just as fun. I love being able to fill up Easter baskets and Christmas stockings with pink and blue versions of the same item. I love having shake-and-go cars in the same pile as Polly Pockets.

But, I'm beginning to wonder about the little guy. He's "all boy" in appearance and stature, but he idolizes his big sister tremendously. He follows her every move and takes interest in everything she's doing. He has a toyroom and bedroom full of cars, trucks and trains ... but he makes constant requests for Barbies, My Little Ponies and Polly Pockets from the toyroom shelves. They play dress up together ... and although we have Superman costumes on hand, he often ends up in her high heels and tutus.

I'm just happy that they love each other to pieces and are buddies now. I hope that continues forever.


  1. So cute! I hae 2 around the same ages at you and I feel the same way! He is "all boy", but that does not stop him frm play dress up and Barbie's with his big sis!
    Great post!

  2. That's really funny - love the picture! I have three boys, love them to death, but would have also loved to have a daughter! I really missed out on the pink bows and everything girly...

  3. So cute!! My kids do the same thing! Amazingly enough they fit in each others clothes as well. Yes, they have switched clothes on me before! I wasn't as quick thinking as you though and didn't grab the camera! My son idolizes his big sister too and can often be found in her dresses and high heels. LOL

  4. They have such a great sense of humor - so cute!

  5. I love it! My son, when he was two, used to love to paint his toenails pink. Some people would question if it bothered us, but I always thought it was funny. And I can assure, he is ALL boy these days at age 9!

  6. That is so great! I love it. Trust me, you should just enjoy their appreciation of each other now while you can. At some point things will change and they'll argue and get tired of each other, but deep down they'll always love each other :)!

  7. Adorable! My middle son was just 24 months younger than my daughter, and he idolized her! One of my favorite pictures of him is when he was wearing one of her pink tutus, and trying to dance like her. Too funny!

  8. I think it is natural for him to want to dress up and play with
    barbie's. He looks up to his sister and he loves his mom and wants to be just like them. At least for now.
    I remember when my boys were young and in pre-school - most of the boys dressed up with dresses - instead of the fireman outfits.
    This to will pass ;-)

  9. They look so cute!
    My son has been known to want to wear my daughter's hats (and he looks really cute in them!) and play with some of her girly toys. I think he just wants to play with her and have something in common with her because he does look up to his big sis. It's great that they care about each other!

  10. Ha! Sounds like your kids have a good sense of humor.

  11. love this and again think: HMMMM DO I WANT MINE TO BE AN ONLY?!

    Id best git to doing more than thinking :)

  12. That's too funny! My two are the swapped version of yours~ my son is older than my daughter and they do the opposite~ she's really into his stuff (down to wanting to wear his underwear!) I think it's just an age thing, and not anything to be too concerned with (and plus, the pictures you capture now will be great to show his girlfriends when he's a teenager!)

  13. Hahaha! That is a GREAT pic. I have one of each, too, but my son is the older one. I'm not very girly myself, but my daughter really loves pink and dressing up and playing tea party. But she also loves wrestling, playing with cars and Lego, and watching Sponge Bob, of all things, just like her brother. My son has hit the "that's for girls stage" but used to LOVE Dora and is still a really cuddly little guy.
