Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sights and Sounds of a Good Run

I had four midweek miles planned last night. I put the kids to bed while hubby ran on the treadmill. I then doused myself in bug spray (I picked up two more bottles yesterday as we have had the WORST season of mosquitoes this year!) I stepped outside shortly after 9 pm. I expected it to be miserably humid and full of bugs. The day was hot (90 degrees), sticky and muggy. I had worked my typical ten hour day at work, after getting up at 5 am, and had been blessed with air conditioning all day. As I closed our front door, I felt a nice breeze and the temperature had thankfully dropped.

I started my stop watch and headed down the street. I zigzagged through my neighborhood in the dark. This was one of THOSE runs! I felt like I could run forever. My mind was wandering … from upcoming races … to the kids … to work … to my to do list … to my long run this weekend … and I forgot that my feet were moving underneath me. The mosquitoes weren’t bothering me (although I ingested a few bugs!), the breeze was cooling me off and my legs felt fresh. At around mile three, I decided to continue my run for an additional three miles. I felt awesome. I did hill repeats and looped throughout the streets. Sometimes it's hard heading out the door after 9 pm, but I always love it once I'm on the road. The roads were quiet. There was little traffic. I smelt bonfires and fabric softener (my favorite!). I then thought about the laundry at home, waiting in the dryer to be folded and put away. I saw people tinkering in their garages. I heard crickets and frogs from the nearby pond. I dodged itty-bitty frogs hopping underneath my feet.

I returned home after 6.2 miles and decided to call it a night, as it was approaching 10:15 pm. I stepped in the house and downed two bottles of ice water. I wiped down with a hand towel. I looked at my training schedule that is posted on the refrigerator, and looked forward to my next good run.

When was your last good run?
What do you see / hear / smell
that makes it enjoyable??


  1. My last good run was a long time ago, really need to start up again. The best part about my run was the views. I live in Chicago and run along the lake front. I really liked being able to have the lake on one side of me and the city skyline on the other. Perfect!

  2. i don't get to run outside to often unless it is a race due to the kiddos. but the last time i did run outside i saw 3 deer. i usually try and listen to my ipod, if i go sans it, i am not sure what i hear. love the smell of fresh cut grass

  3. I loved your description of your run - you definitely used all your senses! Minfullness in action - I love runs like that!

  4. Love good runs! There is a creek that I pass on my usual 5 mile run that has this spring fresh smell when I run by it early in the morning. I love it!

  5. Gosh I love "those runs"! My favorites are early morning runs around the lakes by our apartment. There is never anyone around, and I get to watch the geese and duck families waking up as I loop around on the brand new trails. There's even a heron who occasionally greets me along the way. Very peaceful, and the perfect start to a beautiful day.

  6. My long run (23km) on Sunday was a GOOD run. There was about 10 of us and we just chatted the distance away. It was really hot but they kept me going.
    ...and I didn't bonk/struggle/want to throw in the towel.

  7. Runs that just happen like that are amazing. Great reading.

  8. Good post. I love runs like that. :) My last good run was a month a ago when I was in the mountains (it's just too hot to run enjoyably where i live!). Hope your next one is a good run too!

  9. that sounds amazing!! I'm so happy you had such a great run. I haven't been running for a while, but I do remember how those runs feel. One of the reasons why I run, or keep running! Thanks for sharing this experience with us. You put a smile on my face!

  10. great run! sounds like a good one. My last great run was actually tuesday. i felt like i could go forever, but i did exactly what was on plan. i left feeling good, checked it off my list, and went home walking taller :)

  11. Running can be an absolute joy at times. Lucky you!

  12. It's sights and sounds like those that make me love running on the streets, by the people! Glad you had such an awesome run!

  13. nice! sometimes i run with a bandana loose in my hand and it flaps when i run keeping hte bugs away. we have EEE at my parents house where i go on the weekends, so i can't run in the early mornings or evenings there, but Boston is safe

  14. Love your post. I am happy you had a good run. It has been a while since I had a good run. I usually have better runs outside and in cooler temperatures. My runs haven't been shabby either. Just normal, nothing special. I am looking forward to some good runs in the fall.. :)

  15. I've had a lot of nice runs lately since I decided to stop worrying about times and started just enjoying myself again, but my favorite run was today. I ran at a nearby trail. It was a short run, but it was beautiful (I have some pictures on my blog. It really was awesome)! I even stopped listening to my Ipod so I could Zen out for a while. I think runs like that remind me why I love running. :)

  16. Feels like it's been a long time since a really good run, but I'd say a 10 miler I did a month or so ago. It was just one of those runs where it was good to be outside and the miles didn't feel terrible.

    Can't wait for fall and winter to get outside and stay outside :)!

  17. Love love love the fabric softener!! There's a house I go by some mornings and I always look forward to the laundry smell....

  18. Love your description of your last run, it's like being right there side by side running with you seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling the sounds,sights of all around you. Great post.

  19. oh, sounds amazing. It has been awhile since I've had that great of a run!! Love the smells you encountered. I could picture your perfect run!

  20. I have major mosquito issues - especially when I travel to Southeast Asia and I've tried everything under the sun and nothing worked for me. And then I discovered BugBands while I was in Bangkok, Thailand. Let me tell you, that little bracelet saved my life. I took it to Malaysia and I was able to stroll through a fruit farm without getting a single bug bite. You smell like a walking citronella candle but it's a small price to pay to be itch and bump free.

  21. I realized that last time I left a comment here, I did not leave my public blog profile. I'm so glad I stopped in. My hubby and I are doing our first race in September (10k) and he is so happy with his running/training, but I am in a slump. I have GOT to get on the stick as this race is just three short weeks away and the furthest I have run without a break is 5 miles. I am determined not to walk in, but it's a hilly course and it's hot hot hot here (over 100). Any suggestions on good sites I can visit for training info?

  22. I'm literally as far from a runner as one can be. I really need to start moving again though!! I couldn't walk anywhere close to my house after 9pm though for safety reasons. Which is one of my many excuses for not doing it!

  23. Awesome sounding run! And glad you were prepared against any possible bugs. Ew!

  24. Glad you had such a good run! I had a great run this morning at 5AM. It was cold, -1°C (30F). When I stepped outside it smelt like rain. It was dark, a few dogs were barking, a security guard was sleeping next to a fire and I saw very few other people. It was a good run.

  25. Last week - 4 miles on the treadmill. Longest I've ever run. I was so excited!

  26. my last good run was saturday...i haven't been able to move since then :) I love early morning runs when it is still dark and very quiet..peace.

  27. Glad you had such a great run! Gotta love it when that happens. I am hoping to have a run like this with my brother on Sunday while we are in PA visiting family. Hoping this throat issues is better by Sunday so I can get out there and do a long run with him!!

  28. I give you so much credit for running in the evening. I just can't do that - if I don't get out running first thing in the morning - it just isn't happening.
