Saturday, August 14, 2010

Introducing My New Blog Marketing Manager .....

Yesterday, Little Diva and I were wandering through Target with my mom. We were double-checking their awesome end-of-the-summer clothing selection (things were marked down even further!). Little Diva came across their running skirts and said, "Oh mom .... I should sooooo get this. Then you could take a picture of me and post it on your blog. I even having a Bondi Band that matches it ....". I couldn't believe my ears ... I've created a monster!
Then, she sees the lady sifting through a rack next to us, snickering and smiling. To which she replied, "Yeah ... what is it again?! ... running-slash-mom-slash-diva! Yeah, you talk about how much fun we have working out together and all of your running and how cool being a mom is ...... right?!".
Yeah, Little Diva ... being your mom is pretty cool!! ...
I need to make her business cards ....

Little Diva
Mom's Blog Marketing Manager


  1. Oh too cute! I unfortunately haven't figured out a way to keep the Bondi Band on my puppy's forehead. LOL!

  2. too too cute - just wait for her to hit her teen years!!!!

  3. You have a one-woman PR machine behind you - awesome!

  4. Funny! She is a great salesman.

  5. I love it! She is too cute!! Kaelynn loves her running skirt!! Go Little Diva!!

  6. That is so stinkin cute!!! :0)

  7. How cute! Little Diva is gonna be awesome just like her momma!

  8. That is too cute!
