Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Today is Mommy Day .....

Usually "mommy day" is what Little Dude yells out in the morning when he realizes it's my day off of work and he can come in bed and snuggle with me and we can spend a fun day with his sister .... but not today ....
Once or twice a year I will take an entire week off of work. Since I only work three days a week, I get about a week and a half of freedom, along with the kiddos. It's pure fun. Since we have to pay for daycare, whether they are there or not, I tend to leave them in daycare for one day and spend the day by myself, doing whatever I want. I feel a bit guilty when they head out the door (they both have field trips/water day today anyhow), but it is a great way to recharge and occupy my time with some things that I love and enjoy ...
Nine hours of freedom. It is really strange to think that I only have one or two days a year ... alone in my own home. I am such a multi-tasker that my mind is still thinking of what I can do next. It kind of eerie here ... and soooo quiet.
I've already logged nine miles on this beautiful morning.
Here are other ways I will indulge myself today (that are also friendly with our budget!):
  • Use a Starbuck's gift card at the Target Starbuck's (Tall Skinny Caramel Latte, please!) and pick up some things we need at Target ... without anyone asking for anything from the Dollar Bin or an Icee upon check-out
  • Use some gift cards at the mall with no stroller and no interruptions.
  • Get a lunch at the foodcourt that doesn't consist of sharing someone's Happy Meal.
  • Run errands without worrying about if anyone is buckled up or has left the door ajar.
  • Listen to my own music in the mini van ... no Sponge Bob Square Pants playing in the background on the DVD player.
  • A much needed haircut. Enough said.

I will pick them up early, refreshed and eager to see their cute, smiling faces. Hopefully they are just as eager to see me!! :-)

I better get going ... only seven hours to go ...

Today's after workout glow ...
Nine Miles d-o-n-e ...
Nine Hours to Do Whatever I want!

What would you do with
a whole day to yourself??


  1. Oh wow, enjoy your day!!!

    When I would take a day off and my kids were in daycare I would send them. I felt guilty for all of a few seconds while dropping them off. lol Then I would go to the gym, run errands, have lunch with a friend and if time permitted I would scrapbook or go home to clean.

  2. YAY for 9!!
    My list would look a lot like yours. I'd add reading a few mindless magazines & a trip to Costco. I love that place. It's calming to me - weird huh?

  3. I do the same thing about once or twice a year. I went to an adult movie by myself one day. I do similar things to you though. Enjoy...mommy guilt is just part of the job!

  4. Awesome that you get all those hours of "ME" time! I am so with you when you mentioned the following:
    Target ... without anyone asking for anything from the Dollar Bin or an Icee upon check-out!
    Use some gift cards at the mall with no stroller and no interruptions.
    Get a lunch at the foodcourt that doesn't consist of sharing someone's Happy Meal.
    SO TRUE! ;) Have a GREAT day!

  5. I've had furlough days this year at work, and have done exactly what you're doing! Run/work out, clean, shop, meet my husband for lunch, and then just chill until picking the kids up early. Enjoy your day!

  6. Enjoy your day off! I don't know what I'd do with a day just for me. Probably the same as you. Do some shopping, maybe read a little, workout, who knows!

  7. Goodness--don't feel guilty! Sounds like a great day.

  8. your day sounds heavenly! I would do some of the same things, but I'd get my Starbucks at Barnes and Noble, and get a mani/pedi after a run!

  9. I can not even imagine what I'd do without someone hanging on me or yelling for me when I was out of their eye sight for more than 5 minutes. But a long run on the technical trails would be a great start!

  10. I agree, your day sounds absolutely delicious!!! No kids hollering that they don't like the music, or "he's touching me!" or "can we pleeeeeaaaase stop and get McDonald's ice cream? I promise I won't ask again if you get me some...." No kids yelling at the top of their lungs that they!! when we're on the opposite end of Target. Sounds like a perfect time lol.

  11. Your day sounds absolutely wonderful. Enjoy every minute of YOUR time on your OWN terms.

  12. ENJOY! Don't feel guilty, maybe I am a bad Mom, but I wouldn't. Ok maybe I would for a sec, then it would be gone! Girls weekends and outings always leave me feeling recharged and a better Mom in the end.

  13. oh and I haven't had a haircut in over a year. Could definitely use one of those!

  14. Sounds like it should be a great day! Enjoy it!!!

  15. I love it! I hope you enjoy every minute of your day! You totally deserve it!

  16. Every mom needs a 'mom's day' all to herself. Gives us a bit of sanity! :) I totally agree with Shellyrm - I would hit the trails. We have some lovely (and kick butt) hills here in Oregon. That is my favorite place to run - but definitely not stroller friendly. There is no way I would even try pushing my two girls up these 'mountains'. And yes, a haircut would be next on my list. Nothing like a little pampering after a long run!

    Enjoy your day!

  17. good for you. i am a sahm and sometimes i will get a sitter to do one of those days. for some reason i get panicky 4 hours into it. i need to figure out how to NOT worry bout it all and take the time for myself

  18. Sounds like great day. I would have a hard time knowing what to do at home all alone. :)

  19. OH, enjoy your day!! that sounds fantastic. i could probably spend about half of the 9 hours in Target alone! I would probably get a pedicure too, run, and call it a day! :)

  20. Hope you enjoyed it! I have all my days to myself. I got to take my son to lunch on Monday and that was a big treat!

  21. My days alone include a date with my Cervelo. I love to ride and would ride all day long if I had the time...


  22. I hope you had a lovely day to yourself!! I always get my hair and eyebrows done on my free days... :)

  23. What a great way to spend the day. Enjoy!!

  24. Enjoy your day!!
    I have to brag because my children are up north with my parents for a whole week! I am enjoying some time just SITTING!

  25. I have everyday to myself so I guess it wouldn't be any different for me.

    It sounds like you had a great day planned and I hope that it was a good as you expected it to be :)!

  26. Ohhhh I am jealous this sounds soooo nice!! I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your day!

  27. hope you enjoyed your mommy day thoroughly!

  28. Sounds like a great day - I hope you enjoyed every moment of it! (And no guilt!!)

  29. I have get those days a bit more often since my kids are in school. I try to split them evenly between running, cleaning/errands, and fun for me. Fun usually means coffee with mommy friends or hitting a store or two by myself. Bliss!

    BTW, got the email about the meet up. I'll talk to my parents this weekend and let you know if I can be in town that night.

  30. Have a great day to yourself! It's those little things that make a big difference. For instance, being able to try on clothes to buy them without someone saying, 'can we go yet?'

  31. I think it's great you took yesterday for yourself. Sounds like you got a lot accomplished and had a great day.

    I am not even sure what I'd do with 9 hours to myself. I don't think it's ever happened!
