Friday, July 16, 2010

Dear Old Lady in my Neighborhood ...

Dear Old Lady in my Neighborhood:

I always end my runs heading up the biggest hill in our neighborhood. Your duplex (and your German Shephard) happen to be at the top of that hill. For the past five years, your dog has always greeted me as I've reached the top of that huge incline. I run against traffic (which is on your side of the street) and your pup always greets me with his teeth and his bark at the top, b-lining it for the curb, until he reaches the electrical fence. I never see you or Old Man in sight.

Last night, I headed out around 9pm for a six miler. I had 3/4 of a mile left, just before 10pm. You may think I'm crazy for being out in the neighborhood that late, but I have priorities, and my kids were in bed. I, however, think you may be crazy. As I approached the hill, I saw you and your dog on the opposite side of the street. You were allowing the pooch to go #2 in a neighbor's lawn. I was already half-way up the hill and decided that I shouldn't turn back ... not sure what the dog was going to do when he saw me.

Your dog decided he could take a break from his duty and charged back across the street at me. Apparently, it's a good thing you have that electrical fence on your side of the street (keep him in your yard!). I appreciated you shuffling your feet back over to your lawn, as I felt the dog breathing on my leg in the middle of the street and I didn't want to move. You called your dog's name three times, but never acknowledged I was there. This didn't happen once, but two more times. Every time I moved, your dog would charge back at me. Freaked out in the dark and being the passive person I am ... I just stood there. (I know, dumb ...) I watched two minutes click by on my stop watch as I waited for you to take your dog and apologize. Still, you said absolutely nothing to me as I ran away.

I hope that I don't encounter you or your dumb dog again, or I may not be so passive next time. I may have back-up, as both of my neighbors are city police. And, they may not be so nice to you either.


Running Diva Mom


  1. That is soooooo terrible and so scary!
    I hate when big, mean, dogs are not behind fences...electrical fences do not work if the dog really wants out....I think I would be doing something about it!! Don't be passive!!

  2. Make sure you leave this letter on her door step, NOT EVENING SAYING SORRY, you have a cooler head then I do, I would have went off on her about her unapologic ways

  3. SCARRRYYYY!! You are brave to still charge the hill -- I would have turned around the same second I saw the dog at the top! Here's to hoping dog chills out & old lady comes to her senses soon! (Possible?!)

    Happy Friday!

  4. thats horrible.
    i have never been chased by a dog or have come that close to a barking, angry dog before. must have been scary.
    and the lady.....what a mean person. ugh. some people, eh?

  5. I HATE when people are not responsible with their dogs! For that reason, I carry pepper spray with me when I am running. I have only had to use it once. Most of the time, I don't even think about it, but knowing it is there when I need it gives me a strong sense of security!

  6. You definitely should have said something. That is inapporpriate and unsafe!

  7. Scary! I always get scared when I see dogs. I never know if they are going to chase after me or not. I definitely think you should say something if it happens again...and what's with her taking her dog to poo in the neighbors yard???

  8. People are soo rude to runners.. Its ridiculous! I'm glad the dog didn't bite you!

  9. Wow she sounds incredibly rude! How awful! I love dogs but I would have been freaked out!

  10. Happy to hear that your run ended well with no dog bites !! Like you, I would have stood there and waited for her to get control of the dog, but after that I would have made a comment about keeping him on a leash or something.

  11. Man that really ticks me off! I cannot stand when people cannot control their dogs! I own a GSD and know how scary they can be to others and have worked hard to train him so he's in control at all times. What she did was unacceptable and unsafe! I'd leave her a copy of this letter as a warning to get her dog under control.

    So glad you weren't hurt!

  12. That is horrible on so many levels!

  13. crazy story.
    happy you are ok. WOW!

  14. OMG! I can't believe she didn't say anything to you! That must have been so scary! I'm so glad you're alright and didn't get bitten!

  15. Holy Moly! That is not only scary, but really....the dog owner didn't even want to take any responsibility for what happened. So glad you're okay!

  16. Jamie - Just because they have an invisible fence - doesn't mean that the dog always has his collar on. We have Invis.Fence in our yard and our dog hardly ever wears her collar. She is a golden retriever - now at all feirce -
    I would probably call the city and at least file a complaint. Next person - might be a child.
    I had a rottweiler type dog come after me a few years ago. I stood my ground and YELLED at the dog to get back. Eventually he went back to his yard - but he did lung at my knee - bruised it - but didn't break the skin. I was simply going to keep on running - but noticed that the houses back door was open - so I yelled at the women that her dog had gotten out - she said there was "no way" that could happen - because he was in the fence - well I pointed out that the back corner of the fence had an opening that he snuck out. Eventually I left - I wasn't going to convince her. When I got home I called animal control - they came out and talked to me and mentioned that they had previous complaints about the dog and owner - so they either got a ticket or had to ?? get rid of the dog?? This occured in a "not so nice" neighborhood - I did change my route after that.

  17. Yikes! Glad you got away okay!!!

  18. Scary! I would probably just stand there as well! That old lady needs to hear some words! LOL

  19. Yikes! And German Shepherds are such intimidating looking dogs with a big bark as well.

    If it happens again you can run into the dog's yard (if he has his collar on, he'll get shocked on the way in), and once he's in, you run out. Hopefully he'll stay in his yard by that time. If not, he'll just keep getting shocked in and out.

    So glad to hear you're ok!

  20. Oh man, that IS scary. I hate when dogs try to charge me when I'm out running. Today I was trying a different loop and there was a HUGE german shepard that tried to charge. I was freaked. Glad to hear you made it out okay!

  21. When I bought my pepper spray to attach to my waist pack, the guy made a point of telling me it works on dogs too. I probably would have given the dog a good shot of pepper spray (and maybe the owner too, LOL).

  22. You should definitely call the cops on that dog! How awful. I get so sick and tired of dogs. I was out walking (just walking!) with my boys today and this little terrier JUMPED their gate and came after me. I yelled at that dog so much and so loudly, it made Isaac start crying. I was so angry.
    I've had a chow come after me twice, a great dane and pit bull once, and a multitude of other dogs. Luckily, Big A is almost always there to help me out but it just freaks me out. Seriously, my throat starts to close I get so scared.
    sorry about the rant LOL

  23. Wow, that's awful. I can't believe she didn't apologize to you at all.

  24. One of the things that really irks me is irresponsible dog owners. How scary for you.

  25. When I took running classes our coach told us we should get pepper spray or mace in case of a dog attack. I've encountered people on my trails with large dogs not on a leash. What;s with these people. Just glad that you didn't get hurt.

  26. Boo! Let me guess, she didn't stop to pick up her dog's "treat" in the neighbor's lawn either. Glad you're safe though!

  27. Oh my goodness! That is SCARY! I'm happy to read you are okay, but I'm thinking that lady needs a little bit of talking to. ;)

  28. I hate irresponsible dog owners!!! Blood... Boiling... HULK SMASH!!!

  29. Being a runner and a dog owner and a runner who runs with her dog I have alot of feelings about this subject!

    Since I run with my dog, we seem to be barked at, charged alot by dogs! We were charged by a GSD and a Pit Bull. Let me tell you, I am an BIG ANIMAL person-and it still scares the piss out of me when you see a big dog racing towards you! What I have found is that for some dogs(so far it's worked for me) when I raise my voice in a stern tone and an "alpha" tone they have stopped. I had to do that mant times with the Pit Bull-until the owners finally fixed the fence the dog was escaping from.

    My dog is usually on a buddy system leash when we are running on the streets. When I'm on a trail, I usually let her off leash. But-when I see people approaching me, we always stop and I make her sit. I know what it's like to have a dog approach you that you dont know. I dont ever want my dog to do that to anyone.

    Luckily, I have a very smart dog-which helps-but no matter what kind of dog someone has, they have to be responsible for the dogs actions! The owner is liable!!!

    I am really sorry that happened!! I love my dog and I love running with my dog and it infuriates me to hear or come across dog owners who dont take their "dog owning responsibility" seriously!!

  30. It never ceases to amaze me how clueless some people can be when it comes to dog etiquette. Stay safe!

  31. I am a dog owner. I run with my two big dogs. I would never tolerate my animals doing that and if it ever did I would certainly be apologizing to said runner. It amazes me how some people are so clueless.

  32. Happy Belated Birthday. How frustrating about the dog. I will never understand why there are people out there who don't take proper care/control of their pets.
