Monday, June 14, 2010

School's Out for Summer ... Treadmill Time

Well, the last day of kindergarten was last Friday and today was my first day off of work with both kids in quite awhile. School is out for Summer and they both have been pushing every single button I own today.

Last month I mentioned that hubby lost his job and four weeks later, he started in a new position today! I am relieved. He’s excited. But, I’m also still anxious how the paycut is going to work out. Now he will have a commute similar to mine, versus working just five minutes from home and daycare. I can no longer call him in a pinch, when I'm stuck in downtown traffic and have him pick up the kids from daycare. I’m not sure how it’s going to work out. But it’s something that makes him happy. So, that should make me happy, too. Change (especially in our routine) is very difficult to me. But this is a good change … and I should embrace it.

So, it was just me, Little Diva and Little Dude cooped up in the house today. Everyone wanted to play outside, but it is yucky, drizzly and blah out there today. It was treadmill time.

They built forts in the basement while I ran four miles on the treadmill. I ran a steady pace at 6.6 MPH. We all watched Cartoon Network, which is the least of my favorite kids’ channels. But, it made them both happy.

After I ran my four miles, I noticed that the kids thought the gym flooring is a “puzzle” and started disassembling it. Oh well.

I drank some water and decided to run one fast mile and see what I could do. I started out at 8.0 MPH and cranked it up after the first half mile. I finished my fifth mile at 7:23. I really hope to do this more this summer, as I run on the treadmill and see how I can better my time.

Today's after workout glow
(four steady miles + one speedy mile)


  1. congrats to your hubs and great job on the treadmill!

  2. what a great workout!
    also so happy to hear your hubby found work so quickly i'm sure the first few weeks will be tough with change in routine but once it gets going it should be fine. Hopefully it goes smoothly for you!

  3. My boys are out of preschool too and I know all too well about how they can push buttons! :)

    Good job with your run and your speedy mile!

  4. Yes, it's hard to adjust to the summer schedule...mine starts next week. Good luck with all the big changes. I hope it all works out!

  5. Congrats to your husband on his new job. It's pretty amazing that he was able to find one so quickly. Way to go cranking out that awesome last mile!

  6. Wow, my kids will not leave the treadmill alone when I am on it. And funny, my foam floor also ended up separated...they thought it was a puzzle too.

  7. Lookin' good! Way to make the most of a dreary day.

  8. oooh those look like a good find! Do you ever find that you swell when running too? Sometime when I don't have enough salt and CANT sweat I start swelling really bad on my hands and throat.

  9. Awesome.... maybe if I keep reading your blog, I will learn to like the mill.

  10. Great job on the treadmill. I have a hard time hoping on one of those. Congrats to your hubby on the new job.

  11. Yay that your husband found another job. Changes are difficult - I don't deal with them very well. But, it is a good change. :)
    You are such a wonderful person - always giving and making people happy. Good things will happen to good people - that's what my mom would say.

  12. I can run at 8.0 for about 30 seconds LOL That is SO fast! 6.6 is fast for me, too. :) We have an ABC mat that is a puzzle a lot like your gym floor. Cute.

  13. So glad to hear your husband is back in the workforce. I hope the changes work out for all of you.

    Great job on your treadmill run - and an impressive one mile finish!

    Love that the kids took apart the gym floor - it looks like a big puzzle to me too :)!

  14. Love your workout top. Nike? Can it be found online?

  15. Everything is going to workout and that 1 mile time is awesome!
