Wednesday, June 30, 2010

My New Running Buddy

As I mentioned in my recent posts, Little Diva just learned to ride her bike. I could not be more thrilled. This child of mine would not even get on her bike a week ago (training wheels, or not). She had absolutely NO interest in getting in the saddle and giving it a try. She’s barely even rode her bike on the sidewalk with the training wheels over the past year.

I was more than excited last Thursday, when she decided to dust-off her two-wheeler and give it a try. The four of us headed to the dead-end in our neighborhood, because there is no traffic, the surface is flat, and she would have more room to weave. She had some trouble at first and the frustration set it. Finally, as I falsely boosted her self-confidence (making her think she was doing more than she actually was), she started smiling, became motivated and self-confident. It was amazing how that encouragement propelled her forward … literally.

Suddenly, she had momentum ... and balance ... and KNEW she could do it.

As each evening approached over the weekend, she would ask to try out her bike. We happily headed down to the dead-end to see how much she’d improved each and every day. But night #4, she no longer needed me to stand along side her.
I ran along side her for approximately two miles! We both thought this totally rocked.

Heading out again tonight
for another two miles together

On night #5 we did the same thing and only the mosquitoes sent us home! She’s actually helping me with my speed work, because the little stinker is overly-confident and I have to sprint just to keep up with her.

It’s amazing what a few small words of encouragement can do.

Who / What encourages you to keep going?
What makes you think you can
accomplish new goals you’ve set for yourself?


  1. I read so many articles about runners who battel injuries and run for causes and run through injuries.. I know my tiny struggles are nothin' to freght over, so I dust it off and run right through the struggle :)

    Very cute running buddy :)

  2. Congrats Little Diva!
    My kids and hubby support my running- its just awesome.

  3. That's awesome! She's cute. :)

  4. What a great story! It's amazing the power some encouraging words can have. My family and friends have been really encouraging as I try to learn to love running and shed pounds.

    I posted one of the most inspirational videos I have seen in a while over at my blog - stop by and it will make you feel ten feet tall!

  5. Yay Wisconsin! Found your blog through RLAM. When I was in school, I did an internship in Columbus for a summer, and for excitement on the weekends, I would go Wal-Mart in Sun Prarie!

    I want to be healthy and strong for my kids. I just started running in December and am thinking about the Disney Princess Half in 2011. Thanks for the posts on that!

    I am checking out the Bondi Bands, and maybe I will see you at the Lakefront Marathon. I am running a 3 person relay for Team in Training.

    Congrats to your daughter. My 6 year old son is not quite ready yet...

  6. Great running partner. My kids come along with me too. It's great!

    And really, we all propel forward with inspirational words/etc. from people we care about. We just forget it sometimes until we see it again in our children! I love being able to see the world through out children's eyes!

  7. Way to go, Little Diva! I really enjoy it when my mom bikes with me while I run when I visit them. Just having someone out there with you is motivational.

  8. That's awesome! I wish it were safer around here and I could have my kids ride with me.

  9. That's awesome that your daughter has that self confidence and that she can now share in your runs!

    Reading all the amazing blogs helps motivate me and keep me thinking I can do anything!
