Thursday, May 6, 2010

Wacky Weekend ... Happy Mother's Day to Me!!


Garage Sale #2: We had a successful garage sale weekend last week. I made about $500 myself; our sale about $1,000 total. My leftovers are going to my mom's sale this weekend. Helping her out on Friday with Little Dude.

Pick up Little Diva from School

Run 6 mi on the TM with Little Dude and Little Diva keeping me company

R-E-L-A-X on the couch with the family .... something I haven't done in weeks (seriously!)


Run 3 mi

Little Diva's Dance Recital #1

Celebrate Mother's Day with my Mothers-in-Law


Mother's Day!

Wake up by 6:00 AM to go out for my last long run ... 22 miles (weather should be perfect on Sunday!)

Get home before 10:00 AM and make cinnamon rolls with Little Diva

Dance Recital #2 (Yes ... on Mother's Day ... my thoughts, exactly)

Celebrate Mother's Day with my mom


To top it off ... Monday is my day off of work and I sadly have to give up my morning with Little Dude, since I have to go in for a meeting. I will make the most of my afternoon!!

Run 3 mi

What are you doing
for Mother's Day??


  1. Looks like a great weekend for you! Nice job on the rummage sale. I really, really need to have one of those with all the "crap" I've managed to collect over the years! So much work though!
    My plans for Mother's Day??? A 12 hour shift at work....hopefully it goes fast!

    Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day!

  2. Happy Mother's Day!

  3. 22 miles on Mother's Day? Rock on!

  4. Going out to eat with my family! Having my son help me with my homework - seriously! A long run with a friend.

  5. Sounds like a great weekend. Happy Mother's Day!

  6. I will be cleaning the basement for Mother's Day weekend. Sigh. I wanna come with you! Canna I pretty please?


  7. Sounds like you are going to be one busy woman this weekend!!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  8. Sounds like a busy, but fun weekend! For Mother's day weekend, I'm doing a 5k race and then we're all going to the nursery to buy lots of flowers and veggies to plant around the house and in our garden. It's our annual tradition! :)

  9. I'm making mum this little number :)
    Happy Mother's Day ♥

  10. I will be hosting my Mother in law and mother for a Mother's Day supper. (joy..I get to clean) and hopefully getting a run in...oh, and my Insanity DVDs. :)

  11. I am doing nothing... besides going to church. I love mother's day.

  12. Happy Mother's Day and congrats on your 5k PR. I'll be calling my mom and grandma on Mother's Day.

  13. busy weekend here! My son's bday, our garage sale, cinqo de mayo party....and I officially start my marathon training on Monday!

    good luck on your 22 miler!

  14. Sounds like you have a pretty good weekend, planned (although a 22 mile run for me would be a horrible punishment.) :) Stinks about having to work on your day off. I hate when that happens!

  15. Wow! 22 miles on mother's day! You go girl! Sounds like you have a jam-packed weekend of fun!

  16. Good luck on your holy long run on Mother's Day!!

    I used to have garage sales all of the time when my oldest two kids were little. It was for sure a wonderful money maker:) Have a great weekend!

  17. A very happy moms day to you! Good Luck on sale numero dos!

  18. Wow! Looks like a full weekend! I hope you enjoy your long run on Sunday and find a little time to relax!

  19. Because my birthday is the week before Mother's Day...I seriously down play it...but we are probably going out for a brunch and then to see Babies.. a new movie that is out...

  20. You have a very busy weekend ahead. I hope it's lots of fun.

    Thank you for stopping by my blog today. The encouragement is very much appreciated.

    Your running is very inspiring. That is what I am striving to be, a solid runner!

    Happy Mother's Day!

  21. Wow - busy weekend for sure!

    My kids are furry and feathered :). I spent today playing with the dogs and giving my little dog a haircut - he hates the hot weather when he's furry.

    Hope you had a great Mom's Day!

  22. Got my darn tough socks (great name BTW) today! thanks so much for sending them!!!
