Friday, April 2, 2010

We Have a Winner ..... HUGE Giveaway for GOTR

You wonderful runners, along with family and friends, have already helped me raise $300 for the Girls on the Run Program (in just a little over one week!)!!!! AMAZING!!! THANK YOU!!!

I had 381 entries for the giveaway here. Plus, the following followers received 125 additional entries for their very generous donations (entered in this order at the end of the posted entries). That is 506 entries. I can't thank you enough!

Victoria - 5 entries
Jen - 25 entries
Stephanie - 10 entries
Darlene - 5 entries
Linda - 50 entries
Bethany - 5 entries
Erica M - 20 entries
Nicole - 5 entries

I used an online random number generator. Of the 506 entries, the winner is ........ #422 .......... Darlene .... check out her blog here. Be sure to email me with your mailing address so that I can get all of your goodies in the mail, Darlene, as well as hook you up with the information to choose the additional items from some of the websites. CONGRATS!
I have another huge, huge give away, benefiting the Girls on the Run .... stay tuned ....


  1. Great job on the money raised! You help so many people, its inspiring.

    Too bad I did not win looks like GREAT stuff too.
    Have a wonderful holiday week :-)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just took some time to read a little about Girls on the Run - what a great program. I'd love to get my girls involved. I am currently helping them train for a 5K in May. We are on week 5! It is a lot of fun. I want my girls to feel the joy of running too! Too bad I didn't know about your giveaway until today! :)

    I will need to check it out in my area. Thanks for the info.

  4. Sorry for the duplicate posts! Blogger was doing something funny and I didn't think it went through! :)

  5. Very cool! I'm a GOTR mom and have run with SoleMates (formerly Team Tiara), the charity fund-raising leg of Girls on the Run for the past three years, and it's been a fantastic experience. It's also been amazing to see the season-ending 5K race each fall and spring around here, and look at all those little girls finishing with smiles on their faces.

    If any other adults out there (men can participate too!) are interested in running to help GOTR, check out the SoleMates page here:

  6. Congrats to Darlene...this was an awesome giveaway!

  7. Lucky Darlene - congratulations - you won a boat load of great stuff!!! Just thinking about getting that surprise in the mail - love it.
