Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I had a date with my running shoes!

So, tonight I had made plans with Linda from Mom Running from Cancer. We were rained out last week and the forecast was 80 degrees and beautiful for this Wednesday. I was so excited to finally meet up with my bloggy buddy for a run. But, unfortunately Linda has had problems with her foot and may possibly have a stress fracture. She emailed me after her appointment this afternoon and unfortunately had to head back to work. So a dinner date was out as well. Bummer.

Since I had already arranged for hubby to pick up Little Dude and Little Diva from daycare ... and I had my running bag packed with gear ... and I had a hair appointment scheduled for that evening (and already interrupted our routine) ... no excuses, right?! ... I decided to keep my date with my running shoes.

My office is located on the UW Campus, right next to the phenomenal Lakeshore Path and Picnic Point. I've occassionally (a few times) run on the path over my lunch hour, but the place is always buzzing after work (during the pleasant months!) with runners, walkers, and cyclists. I've always wanted to join in on the fun. So, I changed at work and headed out towards the Memorial Union, to Picnic Point and around the rest of the path. I clocked 55 minutes and figure I at least got a 10K (6.2 miles) under my belt.

I got back to my car and felt "out of the ordinary" since I was out of my usual routine, missed the family, but it felt like a little treat as well.

Speaking of a treat ... I stopped at Subway and got a Veggie Delite (my favorite!) and listened to some tunes in the marathon mommy minivan, before I showed up with sweaty hair for my hairdresser. I've done this before, and she could really care less (I do tip her well!) :-)


  1. Loved the Lakeshore Path and Picnic Point when I was on campus! Sounds like a great evening!

  2. Good for you putting yourself (and your run) first! And then getting your hair done at the salon.

    I'd say you shouldn't feel guilty. You kick ass as Mommy and deserve to treat yourself to some extra you time every once in a while.

    Love this blog of yours - and I'm eagerly awaiting my first order of Bondi Bands as we speak!!

  3. Ooh a nice run and getting your hair done! Sounds like a nice day. :]

  4. I am SOOOOO glad you got to enjoy the weather with a great run. Way to go. I can pretend that I am running through all of you - and last night would have been a great night to run. Soon - very soon. ;-)

  5. Sounds like a very fun day.

    I want to thank you for posting about Girls on the Run. I looked for a local group, and will be volunteering for our 5K in May! Thanks so much for promoting such a great program!

  6. Wow! That lakeshore path looks like an awesome one. And yay for a hair cut and veggie delight afterwards!!

  7. I am not a mom, but from my mom friends, I have learned that putting yourself first sometimes helps you be a better mother. Not only are you setting a great example for your family, but you come back cool, calm, and collected- ready to tackle anything! You are tooo cute, btw. Good for you for taking care of yourself.

  8. Weird question. I have seen your after workout pics where you are all sweaty and your eyeliner isn't ran...what kind of eyeliner do you use?

  9. That lakeshore path looks like a great place to run. Wish there was something like that around here!

  10. Good job keeping your date! :)

  11. That looks like an awesome place to run! Thanks for commenting on my blog! Feel free to become a follower too (I have so few)! Love your bright sunny blog. :-)

  12. awesome.

    Love it & the hair too. ;)

  13. I'll just say this: I'm jealous!!! I miss WI.

  14. That place looks amazing! Sounds like you had a perfect night!

  15. Hasn't it been beautiful out lately? I can't believe the past 3 Thursdays have been 80-snow-80. Crazy weather!

  16. good for you...for taking time for yourself! i love it that you did a run...and then went to get your hair done. yay!

  17. Woohoo for keeping your "date." I think it's awesome! And, can I just say that your pics after you run are so cute! I love your bondibands! :)

  18. Good job breaking routine and getting the run in.
