Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Goals for Crazylegs Classic 8K

On Saturday, I am running the Crazylegs Classic in Madison. It is an 8K race (4.97 miles) that starts at Wisconsin's State Capitol Square, winds through the University of Wisconsin and ends at Camp Randall on the UW Badgers football field. This is a HUGE race for our college town and almost everyone (runner or non runner!) seems to do it. This is my fourth year running this awesome event.
I would love to go sub-43 minutes this year!! Seems doable, right?! I'm trying not to set my goals too high. This is also a pretty crowded race and I recall constantly dodging people. Please let me see 42:something, people!!!

Here is my history with this race:
2009: 43:55
2008: 47:22
2007: bailed, due to shin splints after pregnancy #2
2006: 48:something?? (results currently unavailable)

Last year it absolutely down-poured, which I think may have encouraged me to run faster. We were soaked. The forecast for this Saturday is 40% chance of rain, high of 67,F low of 46F.

There are so many waves for this race, that it literally takes an hour+ to get everyone started. So, standing and waiting in the rain absolutely wasn't thrilling last year. I hope that it isn't the same deal this year.

I hope to meet up with Chelsea from Early Runner and Linda from Mom Running from Cancer either before or after the race.

On Sunday, I have a 20 miler planned and I have some fun, new products to test out for all of you! ;-)


  1. Hi again! (A fellow Disney princess half runner/follower) I too will be heading out to run Crazylegs. I used to play in the UW Marching Band for this event so it will be fun to participate. If I see a fun gal in a Bondi band I will be sure to dorkily come up and introduce myself. :)
    -Stephanie from the Il/Wis stateline

  2. THat sounds like a fabulous run! Madison is very pretty (although it's been a few years since I've been there)...Heck, Wisconsin itself isn't too shabby!! Good luck with the 8k, I'll be rooting for you accomplishing your goals. And I'll pray for no rain!! Good luck!

  3. I still can't believe I never ran Crazylegs while I was a student at UW. What was I thinking? One of these years I'll get down there. Have a great time and good luck!

  4. You can definitely do sub-43:00. Good luck!

  5. Have fun- sounds like the weather can potentially add some excitement to the race!

  6. Good luck!! I'm going to do a 10K locally but was originally planning on doing CrazyLegs..I've heard it's an amazing race!

  7. big race weekend coming up this weekend. every blog i read someone is running something this weekend....and we are all in the same predicament....the rain!
    the rain will pour down on all of us this weekend.
    but u know what....we will still kick butt! right!!???!! yup!

  8. Best of luck on the sub 43! This is your year and you will rock it mama!!!!

  9. A big weekend for you - good luck!!

  10. Good luck in the race this weekend.

  11. good luck this weekend you can totally do it in 42!

  12. Ahhh you can totally break 43! Good luck :)

  13. Good Luck! You can totally run under 43 minutes!

  14. Good luck on the 8K this weekend! Sounds like a fun race!

  15. Good luck, I know you're going to beat last year's time, can't wait to hear about it.

  16. Sounds like so much fun! My parents are running a race on the 2nd in East Lansing, MI that ends in Spartan Stadium (Michigan State)! What a great way to end a race!

    I mentioned you on my blog this morning about GOTR. Hope you don't mind! I love all the support you give to the organization!

  17. Good luck...it seems that you have a good downward trend.

  18. Can't wait to hear about it!!

    You'll do it [43]!! :)

  19. Good luck Saturday! You'll do great! :)

  20. Good luck - I will be anxiously waiting for your arrival at the Stadium. Have a great run. I will be sending thoughts of something under 43 your way. ENJOY - here's hoping the rain (at least any downpours) holds off until after the race is completed.

  21. Good luck to you. I'm *hoping* with the wave start and the fact that I made my projected time on the fast side, I'll be the one people have to dodge at the start, haha. My C goal is to have fun even if the weather stinks, my B goal is sub 40 min, and my A goal is sub 39 min. We shall see... :). See you at the finish line (and hopefully before the race starts).
