Monday, April 12, 2010

Getting Involved with Girls on the Run

Thanks again for helping support me on my journey as a Sole Mate for the Madison Marathon next month. You have helped me raise over $500 in just over 2 weeks!!!!! You can continue to visit my donation page here.

Luckily, my local chapter (Dane County, Wisconsin) is pretty active and has a great program established.

So many of you have asked how YOU can get involved with Girls on the Run. Many of you contacting your local chapters or that national headquarters to see how you can become a part of this awesome organization. You can check out the GOTR International website here. There is a ton of information about how to get involved as a sole mate, as a coach, as a volunteer, and how to get your little girl involved.

You can also visit Molly Barker's blog here. She is the founder of GOTR.

Check out this awesome GOTR video (seven minutes in length). I can guarantee that you will love it!!!!


  1. Thanks for the info. I can't wait until my girls are big enough to participate.

  2. That is a great organization! I would love to do that. Maybe if the move happens and I join the ranks as a SAHM I will be able to do so many more things with my littles!!

  3. Nearly every elementary school girl here in our city in Western Colorado participates (including my two oldest daughters). we had over 1000 girls at our spring season-ending race last year, which is a LOT for a city of 50,000. Great organization, and you can see what I call the "Girls on the Run effect" when the girls get a bit older-they all seem to either go on to really enjoy and often excel in other sports, and quite a few continue with running. HUGE girls track/cross country rosters at the schools around here, and they've all got the confidence to know they can do it.

  4. I'm getting involved with the NYC Chapter - joining the communications committee! We have our first meeting for the season this week and I can't wait!

    I admire you for all you're doing for the organization and the girls who are learning to run and are gaining self esteem and other important characteristics through the program!

  5. I love GOTR. I've gotten to run as a buddy runner for a girl at my son's school before. It was so awesome!

  6. Jamie! Thank you so much for sharing GOTR with your fans! Thanks to all of the fabulous women and men who serve as volunteers for our program. This program's success and reach is due to YOUR passion, love of the girls and your authentic spirits! And all of you running as GOTR Solemates...Thanks to you we can reach more girls with our powerful message. Gratitude abounds!!!!

    Molly Barker, "Foundress" (lol) of Girls on the Run International
