Thursday, April 15, 2010

Advice from Running Moms and WINNER of Run Like a Mother Book

I posted my review about Run Like a Mother here. I absolutely loved it and know that you (mother or not) will love it too! Dimity and Sarah are offering one of YOU a copy as well!

I had 55 entries in my RLAM Book giveaway. Random Number Generator chose #17, who is Suzy from Running on My Time. Congratulations, Suzy!!!! You are going to love this book! Email me your mailing address and I will get you hooked up with your copy (jamie dot edge at charter dot net).

People often ask me (especially non-runners) how I fit my workouts in, while having two kiddos, a part-time job (working three ten-hour days), commute to work, and take care of the house. I don't have a magic answer, except that I make time for my running and my family. (The house can wait! It's usually have it picked up and pretty tidy, but you cannot eat off of my floors.) We have become pretty scheduled; partially because we feel like we have to and partially because our kids thrive off of routine. I do believe that consistency has played a big factor in things. When I take more than one day off of running, I start to get lazy and have trouble getting back on the road. This is why I rarely take a break from running. I took almost a month off after my first (and only) marathon in 2008 and went through some post-race depression because of it. My big milestone was over and what did I have to look forward to now??!! I guess it's kind of like going through post-partum depression ... you're really looking forward to a big event in your life and now the date has come and gone ... now what?! Well, just like with that baby in your arms or the feeling and accomplishment of finishing a marathon ... enjoy it and move forward ... to create new memories (and accomplishments). Consistency had played a big role.

Even though am a very impulsive person, I am also a huge planner. I love to plan everything. I often drive my husband crazy with the details and if my schedule gets thrown off a bit or someone throws me a curve ball and switches things up, it drives me nuts. But, planning has been HUGE for me with my running. Since my husband is a triathlete and often works out even more than myself, we really have to plan our workouts -- when; how long; how far. When I start training for a half marathon or full marathon, I look at the training plan and put each run in my calendar. I adjust the mileage to specific days of the week that will work with "life" and my work schedule. I also look at where other family events are on the calendar and physically PLAN my workouts around them. I typically do long runs on Sundays, but if we're having a family gathering, I will generally move it to Saturday, or write it down for an early run on Sunday. I've also mentioned this before, but I also like to enter a weeks worth of workout in my online training log (where I track my miles). This helps me plan and holds me accountable. I don't want to go back in and omit a few miles, just because I was tired or lazy or didn't plan well.

Here are a few ways I manage to "fit it all in":
- Throw in a load of laundry or start the dishwasher before you head on a run. When you get back it will be ready for you to unload or put in the dryer while you shower.
- Lay your workout clothes and nutrition out the night before. Even if you hit the snooze button in the morning, you're outfit will still be ready for you to glare at later and you won't be able to resist a run!
- Visit the local library with your kids once a week and help them pick out FREE books and DVDs to borrow. This will keep everything new and they won't get bored with the stuff that entertains them while you run on the treadmill.
- Use your lunch hour to go for a run, then you'll have your evenings free. Or, if you are like me and can't be all sweaty and stinky in the afternoon, use your lunch hour to pay bills, balance your checkbook, meal plan, run errands or enter your blog entries. This will free up 30-60 minutes of your evening to spend time with your family or fit in a run.
- Use your child's extracurricular activities as a break to fit in a run. If you have younger siblings along, bring the jogging stroller and head around the area. It's the ultimate way to be a multi-tasking mama and you may discover some new routes that you enjoy.

One of the optional entries for the RLAM book giveaway was: Share one piece of advice on how you fit it all in (balancing family, work, running, life) ... this is what you said ...

Christine - Hmmm, how I fit it all in...I am not sure I do that incredibly well. I usually run in the evenings when hubby is home! Sometimes it doesn't work out, so I don't get to run, but I try to make the time atleast 3 days a week.

LDub - well, Im not a mom yet. Except to my dog. But, I love hearing from mothers advice.My advice on how to balance family, dog, husband, job, friends......Make priorities and don't regret making the sacrifices for those priorities.

Syl - running for me is a passion, the one thing that I would share would be that I do my running at night after the kids go to bed. Being home with them all day I need some time for myself, and what better way to end the day than to run and clear my head :-)

Barefoot Angie B - I have just recently learned that I can fit running in to my daily life if I just plan ahead a bit. Today I ran 3 miles on the treadmill while they ate lunch. I had my running bra and shorts on before I even started making lunch! I was ready to roll.I couldn't do it most days without my wonderful dear one to help watch the 4 boys for me but even when he is not here, if I prioritize right I can still get in some miles!

Running for Me - I find with my job, daughter, dog and husband that I really have to plan my runs.

Suzy - Plan the things that are important every day and make sure they happen. This means I'm up early to get a run in so I can focus on the kids when they get up.

Darlene - Advice - finding time to do it and commit to it - this may mean getting up early but it's worth it.

Feetinmotion - I try to wake up early so I have more time in the day to get things done!!

Robyn - I fit running in because I make it a priority. I try to go during lunch at work and although I may take a longer break because of it, I come back feeling better and ready to work harder. Sometimes it's about putting yourself first and knowing that it will pay off on how you perceive yourself and act towards others.

Trish - I fit it all in by running right when I get home from work or when Mike is helping the girls with their homework or I get up at 4 am. I wish I had the magic answer. Consistency has been an issue for me. So now I fit it in where I can! ( I have to admit that I don't run everyday).

Beth - My advice is to figure out when you run the best and to not make excuses

MomRunningfromCancer - My advice - Keep at it - your whole life. Just because you miss a run or eat a cookie don't let that stop you. Being fit is something that has to be part of your life . . . your whole life. Making the right choices, exercising, eating well are life-long choices. And remember - your children don't care if there is dust on the window sills. ;-)

Stephanie - I plan, plan, plan! I feel that as long as I can anticipate what might come up, or what we have going for the week, that I can balance everything alot better. I also communicate with my husband on when I would like to run/work out etc, so he is aware and I don't have to feel guilty about it!

Velma - Like everyone else, I plan and make some me time a priority!

Jill - I have very limited time to run so I have to fit it into the few hours I have. Being prepared and having all of my gear ready to go the night before is KEY!


  1. Great post and I totally feel ya on the post-race depression! Im starting to run again today! I've been resting on dr's orders and this post got me really excited to get back out there. You are one multi-taskin mama!

  2. Yay for Suzy!

    Jamie, I'm impressed at how well you are managing your!! :) Sounds like you guys have got your priorities straight.

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I appreciate that you take a few minutes out of your busy day to stop by and visit. Thanks!

    As far as how you fit it all in? It's just a matter of prioritization right? All those people who say they don't have enough time certainly find the time to watch Glee or Biggest Loser or Project Runway or.....

  4. Yay!! I e-mailed you earlier. Great ideas from everyone - thanks for posting what everyone wrote.

  5. This is a great book; she'll enjoy it {I know I am}!

    Fitting it all in - you do the best you can. I'm lucky I'm a SAHM so when my kids nap I can get on the 'mill if I want to {which I'd rather go outside so I usually wait} & my son loves to do Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga with me so that's great {as long as the baby is entertained}.

  6. Great advice!

  7. This is such a good post. It really is tough getting it all done. My soln is to get up super early to fit in a run.

  8. Great advice from everyone and Jamie, it sounds like you are one organized women. Way to go. ;-)
