Saturday, April 24, 2010

2010 Crazylegs Classic Race Report

Today was the 29th Annual Crazylegs Classic in Madison, Wisconsin. I posted my goals for this race earlier this week HERE. I was really hoping to go sub-43 minutes this year.

Here is my history with this race:
2009: 43:55
2008: 47:22
2007: bailed, due to shin splints after pregnancy #2
2006: 48:something?? (results currently unavailable)

The kids and I went to the Kohl Center on Friday to pick up my bib and race t-shirt. There was no chip this year, as it was attached to your bib. How cool is that?! The race is always well organized and the expected over 18,000 runners this year!!

The forecast was 60% chance of rain today with thunderstorms this afternoon. I ended up leaving my dedicated family at home this morning (since they waiting for me in the pouring rain last year). And, I headed to downtown Madison in the Marathon Mommy Minivan.

I parked at the Monona Terrace, just a block or so away from the start of the race. Most people park near the finish and shuttle or walk/run to the start line. So the ramp was pretty empty and there were plenty of warm, clean restrooms for me before I headed to the start line. I snapped a few pre-race photos in the minivan.

Trying to brighten up a gloomy race day. :-)

I headed over to the start. The start is around the Capitol Square and pretty much wraps all the way around. Due to the volume of registrants, they do several (I mean SEVERAL!) waves at the start line. I was in P and I saw people with QQ (double Q) and possibly beyond. The start moved pretty quickly, as I believe they were starting waves ever 30 seconds or so. Before the start line, you pass through University of Wisconsin athletes high fiving you and cheering you on. The UW marching band plays "On Wisconsin!" for each wave that starts. I downed a Vanilla Bean Gu Gel before I started.
I got to the first mile marker in under 7:30 --- whew, Jamie, slow down ... you're going to kill yourself! The race has quite a few large hills during the first two miles, including the dreaded Observatory Drive. I didn't think it was quite as hard this year, but still I was huffing and puffing once I got to the top. The downhill was quite welcome! I realized after 2 miles that I was on the pace to CRUSH my goal of going sub-43 minutes.
We passed fraternity and sorority houses, UW's Memorial Union, UW Campus, Lakeshore Path and then ran past the football stadium, Camp Randall, where the finishing line is inside on the field. One half of the stadium was packed with spectators and athletes that had already finished. Video of the runners crossing the finish line were on the big screen. I sped up the last half mile and really picked it up as we entered the stadium.

Finishing Chip time:
8K (4.97 miles) 40:25 2,951 / approximately 20,450

WOOO HOOO!! Crushed my previous PR for the 8K race!!

I headed over to section "R" where I was supposed to meet up with two local running bloggers. Luckily that half of the stadium was the empty half and they both met up with me within minutes of crossing the finish line!! Yeah for bloggy meet ups!

Linda from Mom Running from Cancer -
walked 2 mile route, due to her foot injury :-(


Chelsea from Early Runner -
38:59 (who was hoping that the chip time would be sub-39!!)

We chatted for quite a bit and took some photos. So incredibly awesome!
We went our separate ways and I ran back to my vehicle at the start line
(approximately 2 miles).

7 miles for the morning ..........
Smiling with pure joy that the rain held off and the weather
actually seemed to be perfect for running (though gloomy).

BTW -- I picked this Fuel Belt Shoe Pocket HERE at packet pickup yesterday. It was only $6 and had to small compartments with a velcro closure. There are loops on the backside to loop through your shoe laces. I wasn't sure how I was going to carry my key and wasn't sure about tying it to my shoe laces and if it rained, wasn't sure how that would work?! So, I decided to invest in this. I wasn't sure if I would like it flopping around on my shoe or if it even would. But, since I didn't get a chance to try it out pre-race, I slid my Road ID through the loops and wore it on my wrist. It worked awesome and I even held a gel packet inside too. It never annoyed me and stayed in place. It was a great, cheap investment for occassions like this.


  1. Great work girl! And can I just say you are cute as a button!

    Love that you were able to meet up with some bloggers, that's so neat!

  2. Sounds awesome! I have been meaning to run that race for a couple years...sounds like a great one!


  3. WAY TO GO!! Love that outfit!!

  4. Congratulations! Awesome time, and awesome outfit! :)

  5. You look great and way to go on the PR!!!

  6. Glad you had a good day! I was placed in V today but went back to JJ to run with friends. We kicked it in and did a lot of dodging to finish in 49 minutes. There sure were a lot of people there today... it was awesome!!! I loved the surprise of all of the mongo athletes there at the start.
    Congrats on your time! That is amazing!!!! Maybe in three or four years I will be there with you. :)

  7. Congrats on the huge PR - awesome job!

  8. Woo Hoo! Awesome job! I hope to run CL next year!

  9. You are one fast mother. And super nice. Looking forward to other meet up's.

  10. Great PR & I Love your bondi band!

  11. Congrats on the PR and I love your pictures- too cute!

  12. Great job on the race! You have some good pics.

  13. awesome, way to go on the new PR!!!! loving the bright bondi band!!!

  14. That is brilliant! Congratulations! Good pace!

  15. Congrats on CRUSHING your goal! When you get a chance to try the pouch on a shoe, please review it. I'm trying to decide what stuff to get from Road ID soon.

  16. Congrats on a great PR!!! You are awesome! How fun to meet up with blogger friends :)

  17. woohoo on your pr! the glowing smile on your face in the "after" pic says it all.

    it must have been awesome having all those people cheering. i know for me it makes a really big difference when you're running and seem like just crickets are chirping compared to those wonderful people who come out the cheer.

    and how cool that you were able to meet up with fellow bloggers afterwards.

  18. Congratulations on crushing that PR!!!! Sounds like you had a great race and even managed to get a couple more miles in.

  19. great job on the run! great time!!! wooohooo!
    and i love ur top, very bright and fun!

  20. Way to crush the old PR! Congratulations! Also, very cute outfit.

  21. Great job at Crazylegs! And love the outfit!

  22. Wow! That is fantastic. What a great pr! I am seriously getting pr fever with all the prs in blogger land this weekend I have have 3 more weeks before I run again. Yikes!

  23. Congrats on crushing your time and getting a new PR.

  24. Congrats on your race. Glad the rain held off for you.
