Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Rockin' the Jogging Stroller -- Yeah!

Since we returned home from Florida, the snow is GONE!! The weathers have been in the 50's and lower-60's! I ran 9 outside on Sunday and then took Little Dude out for a stroll in the jogging stroller on Monday morning. Man, do I hate that thing. It's so hard on my upper body and I hate turning corners with it. But, I can't complain. We got it for $40 or something on Craig's List when Little Diva was 2 yrs old. She never would stay put in it and would rock back and forth (front to back) to drive me crazy. Little Dude loves it. Just look at the grin on his face before we embarked!

We did a s-l-o-w 3.1 mile loop around our neighborhood. We have some nice park areas and pedestrian paths that aren't maintained in the wintertime. It technically still is winter, but the snow is gone -- yeah! I haven't ran on these since early-November.

We returned back home after a half an hour -- both with grins our faces. He didn't say a peep the entire run and occassionally looked up at me with a smirk on his cute, chubby face.

I got showered and washed and my mom came over. We walked down to one of our new pedestrian paths a mile away and down to Subway -- I love walking to things now (our subdivision is sort of out in the country)!! We ate our subs and then walked for the next 3 1/2 hours and ended up at Little Diva's elementary school to pick her up. Then we walked the mile home. It was a great afternoon and enjoyable weather .... and I burned a lot of calories!! Yeah for warmer weather ... although I hear it is supposed to be in the 40's again by the weekend ... boo!

On our walk, I rocked this cute new long-sleeve t-shirt that I purchased at the Disney Princess Half Marathon Expo .... I know I run like a girl; try to keep up.


  1. Sounds like a great day!

    You gotta love a jogging stroller how else do moms get to run outside?!

  2. little dude seems so happy! hahhaha. thats awesome. great job on getting out there and getting it done!

  3. sounds likes a wonderful day!! :)

    PS I read your race recap...you did AWESOME!!! and I love all the pics...makes me want to run this race someday!! but that wake up call is pretty early!

  4. Yup . . . The weather is wonderful. I was up at the Square at lunch and soooo many people were out and about with no jackets. It is great. Looking forward to my morning run tomorrow. Sounds like lower 60's again for tomorrow. They are talking about snow accumulations possible on Sunday. Oh well - it won't stick around very long.

  5. That boy's getting a taste for speed. He'll make a great coach in the future - just get him to yell out 'Faster Mommy!'

  6. Cute picture in the stroller. Sounds like a fun afternoon.

  7. Great attitude about the stroller... I dread it sometimes. Love the after shower pic.

  8. My daughter loves the stroller too. Glad you and little dude got out for a great run. Lets hope this warm weather means Spring is here...keeping fingers crossed!

  9. We've been enjoying our nice spring weather here too.

  10. Love your Disney race re-cap! Little dude is adorable and looks like he really enjoyed being out and about. I hope the warm weather comes back to you all after the weekend. We'er enjoying the 60's here all week. :)

  11. Love the shirt! Cute pics of your little guy.

  12. What a great welcome home present, no snow! Super cute shirt. Glad you both enjoyed teh run.

  13. LOVE the shirt!

    We've had the nice weather here too, although I hear snow for the weekend. :( Have to enjoy it while it lasts!

  14. Nice job on the run! Glad you were able to enjoy the outdoors!

  15. Wow - that's a lot of miles. Great job.

    Little dude sure does look happy in the stroller.

    Love the shirt too. I saw that in January and thought is was great.

  16. Wow, seems like a wonderful day. Little fellow is enjoying on those jogging stroller. Nice job. It's a nice way to enjoy the spring and the warm whether. Keep it up.
