Thursday, March 18, 2010

Races 2 Remember Pace Band Product Review

I was given the wonderful opportunity to review a Pace Band by Races 2 Remember at the Walt Disney World Princess Half Marathon. Molly has been a gem to work with and their product is really great ... and a true motivator!

I had set my goal at 1:55, to set a new PR. Although I didn't meet my goal (missed it by a few minutes), I referred to my pace band throughout the entire 13.1 mile journey. At every mile marker I would check out where I should be. I was usually pretty much on target actually. If I was a few seconds behind, I would kick it up a notch. It really did help me out. The last two miles were tough on my feet, so I didn't get a PR, but I was close. The Pace Band really did help keep me focused on a goal.
Bands are printed on waterproof paper and mine held up my entire journey through sweat, water and Powerade stops. The sticker closure held up fine and I didn't feel it the entire race.

They even went so far to offer me a custom pink leopard print background. How divalicious is that?? I also customized my pace band so that my "encouraging words" said RUNNING DIVA MOM.

Pace Bands - $7.00

Each set of Pace Bands includes three bands, based on different goals or circumstances for the race. You can also give them to friends/family so that they can locate you along the course. I love this idea!

You provide them with the distance, specify the race, goals and encouraging words. They look over the course/elevation and customize your expected time for each mile marker. You can also upload a photo of a loved one for only $1.00.

Grace Bands come in a set of two ... one for you/one for a friend. You are able to identify a motivational item/personal/quote for each mile marker. Anything to get you through that journey during the toughest points, right?

Check them out here to order your Pace Band or Grace Band .... or check out their other really cool, personalizable products!!! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE PERSONALIZATION!!

You'll have a chance to win one of the Pace Bands or Grace Bands in my upcoming HUGE giveaway. Remember, you will need to be a FOLLOWER to be eligible.


  1. I have used Pace Tats before. I am going to check these out.

  2. Very neat! I have been trying to figure out what to do for pacing for my far I have considered a sharpie marker. Those are way cooler!

  3. like ajh said, i've seen the pace tats, and I don't think they're around anymore. cool bands!

  4. That is such a clever idea! I love it, and thanks for sharing!

  5. Thanks for the review of the pace bands. I always wondered if they were big enough to actually read the numbers on them as you were running. Sounds like they really work, though.

  6. Definitely need to check these out. I printed out a free one for January, but didn't use it. Good thing because with the rain it would have disappeared - these look more durable.

  7. That is so cool! I'm totally using this for my next big race.

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